My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 12: Fairy queen first!

It is said that the spoiled body of the big goblin could not help but slightly stiff.

The angry feeling filled the girl's mind at once, and she didn't know that her name was a little weird. Instead of a name, it was a nickname or a title.

However, she was not willing to take such a strange name.

All this is to blame the queen who created him.

The grown-up gave her such a name at random when she was born, it was too capricious!

Since consciousness, the goblin has protested his name more than once, but that is meaningless, because the name created by the creator is almost the same as the real name and cannot be changed at all.

"Master Queen, really"

After complaining, the girl suddenly remembered the situation of the queen, and the original angry fire in her heart seemed to be poured into a pot of cold water, which was completely cooled down, even called cold!

After a slight silence, the green-haired girl sighed softly, and then showed a serious expression.


I saw that the big goblin was very solemn and said to the long door, "The name below is the big goblin, the only goblin except the goblin queen!"

"Oh, fun!"

Seeing the girl ’s reaction, a slight smile appeared on the face of Nagato, "Then lead the way ahead, I would also like to know that it can stop the industry fire for so long."

"By the way, because I'm new here too, so let me introduce the situation of this world along the way."

"Extremely happy!"

What to say, the big goblin's guard against outsiders is even lower than Nagato's imagination.

However, in four or five minutes, the girl told everything she knew about the gate, which made the red-haired boy who was still thinking about whether to search the girl's soul directly speechless.

In addition to being speechless, the red-haired youngster also sorted out all the information in his heart and understood the beginning and end of this alien world.

All this must start from the end of the previous era. At that time, Shen Qi opened up the devil world and set an example for the gods. .

Just realized the solution, but even the gods who pretend to be supernatural are also very difficult to do.

After all, to open up a whole new world, the requirements for power are too great.

However, this world is never short of existence without self-knowledge.

The **** who opened up this world is one of them. Although his strength is indeed very strong, he even opened up the world, but it fell to the same end as the legendary Pangu.

It's just that the guy lacks Pan Gu's general demeanor, does not say everything, and even ignites the karma of resentment.

It stands to reason that the new world should not be able to stop the burning of karma.

However, everything is always in case!

At the beginning of the world's development, some god-like existences were born.

Among them, the existence of the first birth consciousness was determined at once, swallowed up most of the creation at the beginning of the development, and deprived the rest of the companions from being born. The existence is no one else, it is the fairy queen who Nagato is about to see!

After completing all this, the fairy queen became the strongest person in the world, closing the karma with her own supreme power.

It's just that the karma is not an idle thing after all, even if it is sealed, it continues to burn and spread. For thousands of years, in order to prevent the karma from spreading, the fairy queen has been consuming each other.

"It's just chronic suicide!"

The red-haired boy quietly followed behind the girl and advanced through the cracks of the ice barrier. Hearing the big goblin's words in his ear, he could not help but sigh:

"Is the queen of your family atonement for what she did?"


Hearing the words of Nagato, the elf could not help but stunned slightly.

The girl really didn't expect that the adult didn't even see the face of her own queen, but she knew each other so well. This situation was really surprising.

The act of the queen of her family saved a world, in a sense it is a matter of great merit.

But in her own eyes, although her actions were meritorious, they were accomplished only by sacrifice of the lives of her fellow citizens, and they were filled with endless sins.

Therefore, she will continue to fight with Yehuo without complaint and regret, and she does not need the world to know at all.

"In this case, it will be interesting!"

Hearing the girl's affirmative answer, Nagato seemed to think of something, squinting purple eyes, and carefully looking at the back of the big goblin, but the smile on the corner of his mouth was more obvious.

I don't know that the girl that Nagato was acting at this time still leads the way ahead.

The two were speechless, and soon passed through the cracks in the barriers, and then appeared in front of the two is an iceberg up to several thousand meters, at the top of the iceberg, stood an ice palace.

A glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, and the long door could clearly feel that the palace was filled with the ultimate ice.

However, in the depths of the ultimate ice, there was a hint of decay and ruin.

"Sir Queen is in the palace on the mountain!"

At this moment, the big goblin suddenly stopped, turned to look at the long door, bowed to the salute, "For some reason, the queen ca n’t get out of the palace, so"

"I know, let's go!"

Without letting the big goblin go on, the long door interrupted her directly. With a wave of her right hand, the fluctuation of the space rumbled around, instantly wrapping the long goblin and the big goblin.

All of a sudden, the world changed, and the two of Nagano instantly came to the gate of the palace on the top of the mountain.


When the elves were still unable to respond, the gate of the palace suddenly opened, and a soft voice came out from inside, "Dear Savior, welcome you!"

"I am the fairy queen, because of some things, I can't meet for the time being, I hope to forgive me!"

"Savior? It just happened to happen, don't care!"

Opening softly, the eyes of the long door directly penetrated the far distance, and directly saw the fairy queen at the end of the field of vision. It was a blue-haired royal sister carrying three pairs of ice-crystal wings and full of intellectual tenderness.

If there are any defects, it is that the legs of the girl sister have already frozen ..

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