My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 14: Birth of Kiruno

The inexplicable breath reverberates between heaven and earth

Feeling this kind of breath, Rao Shichangmen couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort. The red-haired teenager himself as the creator clearly understood that this was a little resonance brought by the joy of the will of the other world. .

Heaven and Earth, in their own way, welcome the birth of the fairy family!

Yes, the elves!

In front of them, these suspended light masses are just one fairy before birth.

With its own will, the Fairy Queen will once again show her compatriots who have been swallowed by her in the past, with their own Taoist power. The family that should have been born at the beginning of the birth of the world Today, after a thousand years, it is finally born.

Of course, after thousands of years of consumption, the newly born family naturally no longer possesses the powerful power of the gods.

But even so, this is still a family loved and favored by the world.

The reason for this, in addition to the heaven and earth favors brought by the fairy queen ’s thousands of years of merit, is that the fairy family itself has the characteristic power of stabilizing the nature of heaven and earth. This kind of power is a world that has been burned by karma for a long time. , Has a great effect.

Therefore, the elves have inherent luck that ordinary races do not.

"Female, Queen!"

Looking at everything around, the goblin's eyes were filled with tears, and the voice could not help but trembling slightly. At this time, the girl suddenly remembered the situation when she was born. "It turns out that at that time, you are already preparing for this moment. Yet?"

The girl whose brain is not stupid immediately understood that when she was born, it was probably her own queen who was thinking about an experiment to reproduce the fairy group.

"Ah, not stupid!"

I glanced at the fairy girl next to me, Nagato smiled slightly, and then the red-haired boy's eyes narrowed slightly, not knowing what he was thinking about. After about half a minute, the light around me was getting stronger and stronger, coming soon When blooming

The red-haired boy standing in the void finally couldn't help but sigh quietly.

"Sure enough, I am only a vulgar after all."

"Although this is indeed a very destructive atmosphere, but how to say, my overbearing does not allow me to give up, I can not get what I want!"

"So, you should be my thing, Your Majesty!"

As soon as the words fell, the red-haired boy instantly lifted his right hand that collected the power of the fairy queen ice, and at the same time burst out a vast soul power in the whole body, spreading in all directions instantly, and controlling everything around him.


There was a muffled noise resounding in the void.

Afterwards, the smoke-like gas gathered, and in the presence of the red-haired boy, it quickly condensed into a fairy queen's posture. The lifelike appearance made the big goblin who was shocked by the sudden action of Nagato completely speechless. coming.

However, this is just the beginning, and the next development is to make the fairy girl completely dull.


"Why is this necessary, Master!"

The fairy queen condensed by the smoke frowned, and the distressed gesture made people unable to bear pity, then she looked at the long door and said quietly, "I am really tired and tired." "I know, but I just want to get you!"

A smile appeared on his face. Although the tone of Nagato ’s answer was indifferent, the will contained in the words was abnormally domineering, and there was no room for rebuttal. "So no matter what you are, I will get you."

As soon as the voice fell, the right hand of the long gate spread out, and the power of ice burst from the palm of the red-haired boy into a small ice dragon.

I saw the ice dragon tumbling in the sky, surrounding the smoke-condensed fairy queen.


Looking at the ice dragon around her, the fairy queen's brows deepened, but at this time, she was just the remnant soul gathered by the long door with the power of the supreme soul, no matter what the idea was, it could not be realized.

After being silent for a while, the fairy queen's face couldn't help but reveal a bitter smile, and closed her eyes.


As the fairy queen's remnant soul succumbed, the ice dragon resonated with it. In an instant, the infinite amount of light bloomed, wrapping the queen's remnant soul and the ice dragon, and then shrunk into a icy blue light group. .

At the next moment, the ice-blue luminous cluster joined the sequence of other luminous clusters, and the Nagato also withdrew its control of the surrounding space.

All the light groups burst into resonance in an instant! ! !

In a trance, the ears of the long door seemed to resound with the praises of heaven and earth, the sky showed a blue posture, the earth was more trees, and the vitality bloomed. Between such heavens and earth, the red-haired boy could n’t help but feel it. , With a slight chuckle.

In such an anthem of heaven and earth, the light groups that conceived goblins banged and shattered one after another.

Fairy girls with numbers close to three figures appeared one after another, flying freely in the sky.

"Ah, finally born!"

"The sky is so blue, the clouds are so beautiful!"

"Hee hee !!"

In an instant, the soft and beautiful voices of the goblin girls echoed in the ears of the long door. Immediately after birth, the girls seemed to have normal wisdom, and communication was not a problem at all, but with the communication, the problem appeared-

"I am the first, I want to be the eldest sister!"

"I was born first."

"You are all wrong, I am the first one, come and fight if you don't agree!"

Along with the quarrel, these fairy girls directly staged the full martial arts, and fought in the void, the natural elements between heaven and earth gathered and diffused randomly in the hands of the fairy girls, and collided with each other.

"Stop it !!!"

At this moment, the icy cold burst out, and the last light group broke apart, as if the Lolly Fairy Queen appeared in the sky, "You are all a group of weak scum, old lady Qi Lu Nuo, is the strongest ! "

Along with the sound, the cold raged out, directly freezing all the fairies in the air.

"Haha, sure enough, the old lady is the strongest!"

Seeing the consequences of her own power, the ice goblin who claimed to be Qi Lunuo laughed, and then she looked at the dull goblin and the long door with a twitching corner of her mouth, slightly puzzled.

"Ah, what a strange feeling, who are you two?" ..

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