My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 15: Chaotic situation

Time rushed, three days passed in a flash.

During these three days, Nagato stayed with the goblins in this space, observing the effects of the appearance of the goblins on the natural evolution, and understanding the situation with the big goblins.

Through the understanding with the big goblin, the red-haired boy has already understood that this space is not the whole world of this side.

It's just one-third of the space.

At the time when the world was being opened up, the creator spirit divided the whole world into three different levels of space.

And the space where Nagato is at this time is really the central space of control in that divine plan.

Outside the central space, there are two living spaces in this world.

According to the goblin, these two living spaces are mirror images of each other, just like the two instruments of Tai Chi. They are interdependent and quite wonderful. The same living creature may exist in both spaces, but its behavior will not be at all the same.

The reason why the **** is designed in this way is actually just to weaken the potential of the spirits in this space to facilitate his own domination.

Although there may be many differences, the same existence in different spaces actually comes from one source.

At the root level, they belong to the same creature, and if the creatures in the two spaces want to reach the Tao Realm, they must kill the existence of the same origin as themselves and complete their own complementation.

However, the two spaces are not connected, and even without a method, it is difficult to reach.

Such a situation causes the spirits in the space to mostly get stuck at a certain level.

Unless the existence of the same creature is unexpectedly dead

Otherwise, the Taoist realm is nothing but vain.

"That guy, really painstaking!"

On the misty lakeside grass, the red-haired boy sat up leisurely, looking at the more beautiful natural environment in front of his eyes, and said softly, "I really don't know if the God of Creation is guilty or humble."

"Everyone even dares to compete with God, but he is so timid."

"Adult, if you can, please don't mention that person before me?"

At this time, the big goblin sitting next to the long gate could not help but whispered, although she was also very dissatisfied with the creator **** in her world. If it were not for that guy, her queen would not suffer so much.

However, after all, the other party is her creation god, if there is no that creation god, let alone her big fairy, that is, the fairy queen, I am afraid there will not exist.

Therefore, the fairy girl doesn't like to hear too much and mention the existence.


Hearing this little request from the fairy girl, Nagato nodded indifferently.

It's not a big deal, Nagato will naturally not let it go, and just then, a little frog appeared in the red-haired boy's field of vision, standing in the lotus leaf by the lake.

At the next moment, icy cold air fell from the sky, freezing the frog with lotus leaves.

"Haha, it was successful again!"

With three pairs of ice-like wings, Qi Lu Nuo's figure flew down, circled around the frozen frog a few times, and then stood in the void in front of the long gate and the big goblin:

"Long sauce, big sauce, you see, the old lady really is the strongest !!"

The complacent gesture made Nagato feel unpredictable, and the black line filled his forehead again. "Yes, yes, Qi Lu Nuo is the strongest!"

But after being slightly surprised, the big goblin came to Qi Lu Nuo and hugged the loli goblin in his arms. The full wife's temperament burst into vain:

"However, the strongest kiluno sauce, now for the lunch break, take a good sleep first."

"It's time, okay, let's get some sleep first. Soo's arms are so comfortable!"

In the face of the wife's full of spirits, Qi Lu Nuo, who was just born three days ago, had no resistance and even fell asleep directly in her arms.

After seeing this scene, Nagato couldn't help but sigh slightly.

The big goblin is truly extraordinary. In three days' time, such a powerful wife's temperament has been bred, but beyond admiration, Nagato can't help being speechless.

Of course, the target of Nagato's speechlessness is not the big goblin, but the Qi Lu Nuo in her arms, or the goblin queen!

As the saying goes, there are countermeasures under policies.

Although he succumbed to rebirth in the hands of Nagato, the fairy queen directly erased her memory, allowing herself to rebirth in a new state while maintaining the quality of her soul.

To be honest, in the face of such a situation, the red-haired boy had no choice but to compromise.

Fortunately, the freshman Qi Lu Nuo is also a pistachio, Nagato feels not lost.


"Memory or something, as long as the time comes, there will be a day of recovery!"

The words flashed in my head, and the red-haired boy suddenly looked forward to it. The ice goblin turned back to the scene of the goblin queen again, and his interest increased a little. He said:

"Great elf, it's not too early, I'm going to leave, I'm here to ask you for a while!"

"Please rest assured, Lord Nagato!"

Hearing Nagato's words, the big goblin only raised his eyes slightly, without showing a surprised look.

In the past three days, the big goblin has completely surrendered to the men of the long door. Whether it is for the goblin family or because the long door is unfathomable, the big goblin has no reason to resist.

After saying goodbye to the goblin, the long door stepped out directly, and the whole person entered the ripples of space and traveled through time and space.

In the past three days, red-haired teenagers have thoroughly analyzed the laws of large space in their leisure time, and locked the other two living spaces through the connection between the laws of space and time.

At this time, the destination of the red-haired boy is two other living spaces.

According to Nagato's estimate, the two daughters of their own family may be in one of those two living spaces at this time.

However, the purpose of the red-haired boy at this time is not only to retrieve his own daughter. After knowing that the space is actually ownerless, Nagato has made up his mind to take control of the whole world.

In fact, if the non-central space encounters business fire, and the ability to control is no longer available, this long-distance door has long been available.

But even so, for Nagato, it is just a little more effort.

The red-haired boy has long been familiar with the world!


When such a mess of thoughts flashed in my head, the figure of Longmen once again crossed the ripples of space and reached one of the soul spaces, just at the moment when he just appeared-


Along with the light wave, the tyrannical Longyin directly hit the long door. ..

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