My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 18: The way forward and the first invitation!

Mebius' curiosity is much greater than expected.

That one after another, as if there was no end to the problem, made the red-haired boy really show a little distress, but it was not able to answer, but it was too troublesome.

So after answering a few questions, Nagato had to selectively put a part of memory into Mebius's mind.

I believe that before digesting these memories, Mebis obviously has no mood to ask questions again.

After sending off Mebius, the red-haired boy meditates in his room, and exerts his special attributes in the soul and psychic in heaven and earth to obtain enough knowledge from heaven and earth.

As the so-called knowing oneself and knowing the other, one can only win a hundred battles, and Nagato wants to control this alien world that has lost the creation god, so it needs a more thorough understanding of this world.

After all, different worlds, in different situations, need to adopt different ways to conquer.

With the passage of time, a large amount of unspeakable information flows from the sky and earth into the mind of the long door, with the description of Mebis and the information obtained in the central control space, although I have not been to other A living space, but Nagato still gradually painted the whole picture of the alien world.

In the same way, Nagato has understood how to get started in order to perfectly control this alien world.

Because this alien world encountered the karma caused by the death of the Genesis God at the beginning of the development, it was supposed that the root of the world had flowed out of the central control space and dispersed.

The central space was destroyed by karma, and the space where the long gate was located was also injured because it was close to the central space.

By the way, this is also the reason why magic power is so scarce in this side of the spirit space!

Of course, the red-haired boy does not care about the so-called magic scarcity. He only cares about the roots of the world. Obviously, although flowing from the central space, the roots of this world are indeed hurt.

So, what is a more convenient way to control the world than ‘go straight to the root and refine it’?

The root of the injury, in front of the strength of the long gate, there is no room for resistance!

But in this case, the problem comes

"How to find the root cause?"

Such a question flashed in his mind, and Nagasaki subconsciously remembered the content of the fairy tail in the memory of the previous life. If Nagato remembered correctly, this alien world was at a time of changing times.

"Is the evolution of the dragon era and the human era?"

Speaking softly, the red-haired boy opened his purple eyes, and a bright blue flame lit from his right eye, "I seem to understand what to do!"

Knowing the way ahead, Nagato ended the retreat.

After coming out of the room, the long door realized that he had stayed in the room for three days.

However, the will of the red-haired boy is firm, and obviously there will not be any emotions such as "One day in the mountains, thousands of years in the world" and "Time is passing away" for no reason, but nodded indifferently.

Just following the sense of breath, when the Mebius was found in the courtyard, the long door couldn't help but be surprised.

At this time, Mebius looked a little bad. The clothes on his body not only left a lot of stains, but also showed a lot of signs of damage. It looked like a beggar suit.

But all this could not hide the beauty of the elven girl and the excitement flashing in her eyes.

And what excites Mebis is not far away from her.

It was a 30-meter high, similar in appearance to a giant dragon that had fallen to the hands of the Nagato before. It was a domineering robot monster with a silver-white special metal all over its body.

Based on the perception of Nagato at this time, he could even perceive that the power of the dead dragon was embedded deep inside the monster.

"It seems a bit interesting!"

Watching this metal monster, the red-haired boy was silent for a while, and gave his own judgment, "You made this big toy based on the dragon's body?"


Mebes, who was still a little bit excited, heard the words of Nagato, then stunned for a while, then said angrily, "It's not a toy, Mebes' dragon knight is definitely stronger than the monster called the dragon!"

"Also, Mebis is not a dragon knight based on the dragon's body"

But when it comes to his products, the anger on Mebis's face gradually disappears, turning into pride and excitement. "Instead, the dragon's body, prepared, is based on the skeleton and transformed into a dragon knight!"

"In this way, the Dragon Knight naturally possesses part of the power of the dragon, and the metal outside is a special alloy that I made by studying the dragon's flesh and blood. It can absorb a lot of magic in the world. The Dragon Knight is definitely stronger than the dragon! "

"No matter how powerful, it is just a toy for me."

Shaking his head lightly, the young red-haired young man uttered the words that made Mebis extremely frustrated, and then walked to the embarrassed girl and said softly:

"However, you guys surprised me a lot. I like you very much, Mebius!"

"what the hell!"

Listening to the long door, Maybeth's small mouth could not help but beep high.

Although from the memory implanted by Nagato, Mebis knew the strength of this guy in front of him and the vastness of the world, but the girl was still very unhappy for her creation being so degraded.

"But Mebius, don't you know your own problem yet?"

Not paying attention to the girl's awkward state, Nagato said solemnly that the unusual tone of voice made Mebis, who had not intended to take care of the other, listen.

"No matter how good your creativity is, how powerful your magic items are"

He raised his right hand and pressed it on the top of the girl's head. The long door almost said, "However, after all, you are just an ordinary person, and your achievements have ultimate limits."

"I should have practice in my memory. I think you should take care of this information."

Hearing the long gate, Mebis subconsciously pretended to look around the landscape, and the dull hair on his head whirled.

In the memory given by Nagato, Mebis did know a lot of practice information, and there are even several ways to practice in such a scarce environment of magic, but because the girl is too fond of creation, she just hastily read things.

Therefore, after hearing the words of Nagato, Mebis could not help but feel a little guilty.

"Okay, pay attention to it later!"

Seeing such a posture by Mebis, a little helplessness appeared on the face of Nagato, and then spread out his right hand in front of the girl and issued his own invitation:

"I'm going on my own journey, should I come together?"

"That one"

Upon hearing the invitation from Nagato at first glance, Mebius was not surprised.

After all, girls are very smart, and naturally know that there will be no favors for no reason in this world. The red-haired boy in front of him will give so much information to himself.

It's just that the girl hesitated. Should he be with him?

"The next journey includes another living space corresponding to this living space. Another Mebis that also exists there. Are you interested in seeing another yourself?"

"Of course !!!"

Upon hearing such information, Mebius' eyes suddenly brightened. ..

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