My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 19: The dragons strike

In the end, Mebius promised to become a follower of Nagato.

If it is possible, the girl is naturally unwilling to become a vassal of others. If it were not the attack of the dragon and the appearance of the long door, Mebis may have been preparing to establish his own magic guild.

Even the name of the guild, Maybeth had already figured it out, it was called: Fairy Tail!

In the historical records of this world, fairies are born at the beginning of creation, but no one in the world has ever seen the so-called fairies, and naturally they do not know whether fairies have tails.

In common sense, whether a fairy has a tail is a puzzle that is never known!

Named after the "Fairy Tail", it means the unknown, but the unknown brings curiosity and adventure.

At this point, Maybeth's desire for an unknown adventure has actually been revealed.

But after becoming a follower of Nagato, although the adventure is not without, the girl wants to know that under the protection of such a powerful presence, any adventure will obviously lose a lot.

But even so, Mebis can still only compromise, because the long door is too strong.

Although Nagato was not very aggressive, but power is power. Even if it is not used, it does not mean that Mebius can ignore it. The girl is very clear that she has little room for rebuttal in front of the other party.

"Very well, since you agreed, then go wash it well, prepare it, we are almost the same"

Seeing that Mebius was so ‘intelligent’, Nagato nodded with satisfaction, and said, but the red-haired boy had n’t finished his words, and there were bursts of dragons in the surrounding void.

Immediately, the face of Nagato could not help showing an unpleasant look, and the murderous opportunity burst forth!

"Very well, I haven't found you yet, you just sent it to yourself."

"That one"

At this moment, Mebis's eyes lit up, raised his right hand, and said like a student in the classroom looking for a teacher report, "Adult, I think, but try this!"

During the talk, the girl's finger pointed to the dragon knight behind him

Over the floating island, dark clouds suddenly spread

The angry Longyin came from the distance and the dignified atmosphere filled the surrounding void. Almost all the residents of the island turned pale, even holding their breath subconsciously.

Because they all heard it, the dragon came, and there were more than one.

Soon, dozens of huge shadows broke through the clouds.

The hearts of all people who saw this scene completely cooled down. At first, only a giant dragon caused the whole island to suffer heavy losses. Now there are dozens of them. Isn't it the end of the world!


At this time, the black dragon, who was the leader of these dragons, couldn't help but growl, and said in a thunderous voice, "It is here, I smelled the dragon's death."

"Who shot it, grab it out and kill it, otherwise the majesty of my dragon family!"

"Compared to this, I want to know how the dead hapless egg died. It is obvious that humans in this world, as well as those cats who claim to be transcendent, are very weak!"

"Human creatures have great potential, don't you know it, those dragon exterminators from another world"

"Those traitors, it is **** to teach humans such a dangerous force!"

"Speaking of this, have you heard that there is one"


At the moment when the words of the Black Dragon leader just fell, the rest of the dragons responded. At first, the words of the dragons were very reliable, but unconsciously, the topic deviated from 18,000 miles.

If not the thunderous sound shocked the humans on the island, the majesty of the dragon might be completely lost.

Even the Black Dragon leader, who had long known the loose characters of the dragons, couldn't help being speechless for a while, and he had to roar and interrupted the other dragons' conversation:

"It's quiet, now is the time to destroy, let your energy out, destroy this island!"

As soon as the words fell, the leader of the Black Dragon opened his mouth first, the terrifying magic gathered in his mouth, the dragon breath began to conceive, and when he saw the dragon of the Black Dragon leader, the rest of the dragons exuded a tyrannical atmosphere.

But at this moment-


Sudden popping sounds suddenly appeared in the building in the middle of the island, a wave of horror energy with a diameter of more than a few meters rose into the sky, and bombarded directly in the mouth of the black dragon leader.


"Oh !!!"

A terrible energy hedge explosion burst out in the mouth of the black dragon leader. Rao was so powerful that the black dragon leader's body was also dizzy and dizzy, and subconsciously wailed and fell.

Immediately, the dragons, whose original breath seemed extremely tyrannical, couldn't help but stunned.

At the same time, the top of the island's central building shattered.

In the turbulent smoke, a stream of light rose into the sky and almost burst into the circles of the dragons in an instant, rushing left and right, and in an instant, the entire team of dragons was dispersed.

"Damn !!"

"What is it!"


However, the dragons were not good at all. After the initial surprise, they calmed down. Many dragons even counterattacked the streamer. Although they did not hit the other party, they also stopped their offensive.

Under such circumstances, the silver streamer reveals its own form.

That's nothing else, it's a mechanical dragon with a metallic body all over!

Maybeth's work-Dragon Knight!


At the moment of seeing the dragon knight, the eyes of all dragons are red. The creature of the dragon has various personalities, but one thing is that all dragons are the same.

That is the self-esteem of the dragons, they are all the same strong to the extreme!

In the eyes of the dragons, they are definitely the most powerful creatures in the world, and they are unoffensive creatures. In front of the dragon knights, in the eyes of the dragons, they are completely transformed dragon bodies.

There is no doubt that this mechanical dragon is definitely the biggest blasphemy for the dragon family!

Immediately, all the dragon's killing opportunities burst into the extreme!

The atmosphere in the void has reached the extreme


Under such circumstances, the Dragon Knight also roared with open mouth. The magic of terror spread on the metal exterior, and the mighty Longwei even aroused the clouds in the sky. ..

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