My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 20: War and shock first!

The empty battlefield instantly fell into a fiery state.

The terror and coercion issued by the dragon knight did not make the dragons shrink back, but further stimulated the nerves of the most powerful creatures in this world, burning their anger to the extreme.


"Oh !!!"

The two most flaming dragons in the dragon group roared first, and the terrifying flame dragon breath condensed and erupted almost instantaneously, merged into a stream of flames, and rolled towards the dragon knight.

The scorching breath even baked a little distortion in the surrounding space

In the island below, many dry things even burned automatically.

Faced with such a scorching dragon's breath, the dragon knight only spit out a little flame and shook his head. Although he could not see anything on the metalized dragon's head, it made people feel disdainful.

At the next moment, the device behind the Dragon Knight was activated and turned into a jet booster, bursting out two shock-like sparks.


Under the effect of the booster, the dragon knight turned into a silver streamer again, avoiding the hot dragon breath, and then appeared in the middle of the two fire dragons at the moment when the dragons could not respond.

The claws of the two dragons transformed by the special alloy were protruded out, and the dragon knight even directly held the dragon's breath and grabbed the heads of the two fire dragons.

The scorching dragon breath was actually pressed directly by the dragon knights inside the fire dragons.


There was a muffled reverberation in the void. A faint smoke came from the corner of the fire dragon's mouth and even the ears. The two fire dragon eyes threw Venus, but for a time they lost the ability to resist.

Then the propeller behind the Dragon Knight started again, and the mechanical dragon directly grabbed two fire dragons and turned into a streamer to dive down.


"Damn it!"


Seeing the Dragon Knight ’s actions, the rest of the dragons immediately responded and chased them one after another, but their speed was not as good as the Dragon Knight. In a blink of an eye, the streamer had already bombarded the bottom of the ground .

In the violent roar of smoke and dust, a huge sky pit instantly appeared on the wilderness ground.

In the middle of the Tiankeng, the Dragon Knight roared upwards to declare his victory.

Beside the Dragon Knight, the two Fire Dragons are already alive and dead.

At this time, the chasing dragons saw such a situation, and they immediately burst into anger, opening their mouths one after another, releasing the dragon's most commonly used attack method-Dragon Breath!

In an instant, dozens of dragon breaths galloped between the heavens and the earth, and the terrifying shock sounded throughout the world.


Faced with such a terrible vision, the Dragon Knight roared without fear.

In the roar, the dragon knight ’s mechanical body changed, the scale armor on his body shifted, and up to nine holes appeared from the body of the mechanical dragon

The dragon knight transformed into a real war fortress almost instantaneously, gathering power quickly and releasing it.

In addition to the dragon breath released by the dragon knight's mouth, a total of ten energy waves soared into the sky!

"Boom! Boom! Boom !!!"

The energy waves blasted in mid-air, the terrible shock burst violently, the earth was shaking, the sky was tossing, and even the floating islands were shaking.

For a time, the entire world of Edras seemed to be in a doom-like turmoil.

"This, this is"

On a huge floating island quite far away from the battlefield, the self-proclaimed queen of the transcendental family looks like a white cat in luxurious costumes and can walk upright, showing a surprised or even frightened look.

Although Transcendence is the only race that can use magic in Edras, they are even the **** of Edras before the magic items are born.

And as a queen, the white cat is still the strongest of the transcendents!

But in the face of such terrible magic fluctuations, she still felt extremely weak and powerless.

Not only the queen, but the entire transcendental family felt terrified.

Even because of its ability to use magic, its own perception is more acute, and the fear of the transcendental people is more serious than that of other Edras races such as humans.

"No, it's bad! Lord Queen!"

At this moment, a cat-man guard rushed outside the hall, slightly knocking and kneeling on the ground, "Those monsters calling themselves dragons and an unknown metal monster are fighting tens of thousands of miles away! "

Hearing the guard's words, the queen reluctantly calmed down and took out a crystal ball.

This is a magic item that the queen got from a human master. The effect is to see the scenes beyond the five senses by spreading her own spirit. With the magic level of the queen, you can completely see the situation beyond a thousand miles.

I was shocked by the horrible fluctuations before, and the Catman Queen forgot for a time that she still had this thing in her hands.

Immediately, the queen began to cast spells, and the crystal ball began to bloom with different brilliance. After a while, the brilliance calmed down, and the crystal ball suddenly showed the battlefield scene tens of thousands of miles away.

While looking at such a battle scene, the Queen of Transcendence was completely stunned, at a loss.

More than the transcendental, at this time all of Edras's creatures were almost in panic.

In particular, the various residences that are relatively close to the battlefield are in a state of absolute chaos. Countless beasts in the forest are running away, countless humans in the town are rushing, afraid of being affected by this war.

In this chaotic situation, in a corner of the battlefield, a blonde young man was full of excitement.

The identity of the youth is the leader of one of Edras ’s human powers.

He came here to find the legendary Mebis. He wanted to get the power of Mebis to help him unify the human chaos that was so chaotic at this time.

It's just that the youth did not expect that he had encountered such a terrible war!

"This, what a great power this is !!!"

The youth looked at the dragon knights who traversed among the dragons. Their eyes were full of fanaticism. "If I can get this power, I will definitely build a real human empire!"

In the frenzy, the youth forgot to hide for a while, and then a shadow covering him appeared out of thin air.


Feeling the shadow, the young man raised his head subconsciously, and then he saw that a rocky dragon with a whole body fell from above him at a rapid speed, his eyes glared, and the young man was completely ignorant ..

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