My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 21: Dragon Destruction and Leaving [Part 1] Second!

"Shoot !!!"

At this moment, the fierce sound of breaking the air appeared in the surroundings!

Five broken air blades with a length of more than 20 meters swept through, and in a flash killed the rock dragon, slammed it away from its original position, and hit the ground heavily.

During the roar, the smoke stirred up, spreading in all directions with the impact.

The fair-haired young man who had escaped by luck fell down a few tens of meters under the impact before hitting the ground, and the place where he hit it was a lush grass, which didn't hurt too much. .

However, Rao is so, the youth is still hit by Venus, and the whole person is almost breathless.

Fortunately, as the leader of a self-made party, the youth's will is still firm.

This made him fainted in the first place.

Decades later, when the youth entered his old age, he lamented his luck more than once. If he really fainted at that time, I am afraid he would not get the biggest adventure in his life.

But the blond young people who are unaware now are only subconsciously rejoicing.

Then, when he turned a little, he saw that two figures of a man and a woman were strolling by his side. The laid-back gesture was completely out of step with the chaos around him.

The girl was a fairy-like girl, and she was jumping around beside the man, just like a little follower.

But when he saw each other, the blond young man felt a surprise in silence

Because she is Mebius, the legend she wants to find exists!

Just looking at each other's gestures, the young man knew that his idea was impossible to realize. Immediately, the young man's gaze turned to the man in front of Mebis, and then he froze in place.

It was a red-haired boy who made him indescribable, but at a glance, the youth was overwhelmed by his sense of existence.

However, before that, he didn't put his attention on him at all.

What a contradiction and strange situation this is!

When the young man saw that the red-haired boy slowly lowered his right hand and the gradual calming of the wind around him, he subconsciously understood that he had just saved his air blade, and it was probably released by the adult in front of him.

"Well, something interesting!"

The red-haired teenager who was advancing felt the sight from behind, subconsciously perceiving, and a slight arc appeared on his face, "I was rescued by me, it seems that I am lucky."

The long door just felt that the falling rock dragon was a bit obtrusive, and he shot at will.

It is as if a normal person saw a floating mosquito and killed him directly.

Who would have thought that his own unintentional move actually saved a generation with good luck. This situation made the red-haired boy have to feel how wonderful and interesting the destiny in the underworld is.

However, Nagato quickly left the incident behind, after all, it was not an important thing.

Although this is a matter of life and death for good luck, in the eyes of the long door, it is just a small thing that can boast a smile. It is not worth keeping in mind. The eyes of the red-haired boy have long gone beyond the plane, and gradually Flush with chaos.

Soon, Nagato and Mebius came to the place where the rock dragon fell. At this time, the rock dragon has lost its breath, and its head and body are broken. On the huge rock body, four huge cracks extend directly into the depths of its body.

It is only strange that with the volume of a dragon, there is very little blood flowing out.

"The damage is too serious, and 60% of it is rock!"

Examining the dead dragon in front of him as quickly as possible, Mebius said with some distress, "This dragon corpse is almost meaningless except for the question of how people can combine the flesh with the rock. "

"At most, the bones in the body will be taken out to make some unique weapons. Anyway, the Dragon Knight cannot be made."

"Then throw it away, anyway, there are so many dragons!"

Hearing the words of Mebius, the long door spoke lightly, and then looked at the void, where the intertwining battle between the dragon knight and the dragons continued.

In the roar, dozens of figures intertwined back and forth, and from time to time a dragon breath burst out.

In this intertwined battle, the dragon knight seemed to be like a fish, and moved back and forth at an alarming speed and agility, and from time to time bombarded those dragons with his own firepower.

It's just that the dragon is indeed a dragon. Their defense and resilience are so powerful that they are abnormal.

In the whole battle, in addition to the long shot, there was no sacrifice for the stunned dragon.

Even the black dragon leader who was initially hit, and the two flaming dragons who were attacked in a coma, recovered their minor injuries at this time, flew again, and joined the battle.

"It seems that more power is needed!"

The thought flashed through his head, and the red-haired boy raised his right hand again and snapped his fingers, "In my name, expand your power to the extreme, Dragon Knight!"

With the words and spirits of the red-haired boy, the invisible power burst from his body and merged into the Dragon Knight.


The unprecedented shock wave spread with the Dragon Knight as the center.

The dragons that had originally besieged the dragon knights flew out, and then they were surprised, even shocked to find that magic particles visible to the naked eye gathered in the surrounding environment.

With the Dragon Knight as the center, endless magic particles have merged into it.

This situation is unimaginable!

You must know that the magic of this space is scarce to the point of being helpless. If the dragons are of special physique and can forcefully consume the magic particles between the world and the earth, they would not even want to come here.

But with the dragon's ability to devour, unless hundreds of dragons are swallowed together, otherwise there can be such a terrible phenomenon.

However, the mechanical dragon in front of him did this terrible thing alone!

Is its power already comparable to Bailong?

The dragons don't know!

But they understood very clearly that the monster in front of them was very dangerous, and it was becoming more dangerous. Immediately, the dragons did not hesitate and started to attack.

In the eyes of the dragons, the Dragon Knight at this time is definitely in a certain ceremony, there must be restrictions, just take the opportunity to kill it!

At this moment, the killing of the dragons has been completely boiling ..

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