My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 27: The second attack and ambush!


This is the second spiritual space of the outside world.

Although it is a space corresponding to Edras, but because it is far away from the central space, it has not been affected by karma. Therefore, neither in terms of scale nor in the strength of creatures, Edras can match.

Not to mention that there are a lot of magicians that Adras lacks in Aslant, there are still a lot of them

You know, just running from Aslante to a dragon with less than three digits has caused the entire Edras to shake a little, while Aslante has carried as many as five. A huge number of dragons!

But even so, the huge Aslant did not appear to have any room for shaking.

Overall, Aslant's creatures are much better than Edras.

However, in a sense, this is not a good thing!

Although Edras is also in a state of chaos, because the overall strength of the creatures is low, the conflict is also limited to a certain range. Even if there is a large-scale war, the casualties are also controlled to a certain range.

Aslante is different. The strength of the force has completely inspired the ambition of many souls.

The war here is more fierce, sensational, and deadly!

Throughout Aslan, the war between dragons and humans is constantly happening around the world, and within the scope of this great war, various forces are constantly conquering each other.

Usually, when a certain organization or force is seriously damaged, the surrounding forces and organizations will attack and devour it.

All of this is to get more resources and survive better in this chaotic world.

Nowadays, the city of the Niebit tribe has been treated like this. When Nagato concentrated on researching materials, hundreds of figures in the mountains and forests outside the city did not know when they were quietly gathering here.

"Sure enough, the intelligence is true!"

On the top of the mountain, a white robe with golden borders, and a young man with blonde hair looking at him looked at the rebuilding city. "The fortress named Nirvana is indeed gone."

"Hahaha! It's so good!"

A naked muscular bald head standing next to a blond young man said so, and moved his hands and feet, and his body continued to make a clear sound, which looked extremely unremarkable.

"Huh, it seems that you have decided."

Just after the blond young man and the bald and strong man spoke separately, standing between the two, covered in black robes, the old man with only an old chin exposed said with his hoarse voice:

"I have to admit that the Niebit tribe is a terrible people. They are very amazing in terms of wisdom and creativity. Although they don't know what is wrong with them, it is clear that we cannot miss this opportunity."

"Well, without you saying, I know, old man!"

"No need to say more!"

Listening to the old man's words, the young people and the strong men said one after another, their tone was unwilling, or cold, but the will contained in them was the same, that is-to fight!

As leaders of the three major forces around the Nebbit, their positions are the same.

At least when dealing with the Niebit tribe, this is the case!

In the past few years, thanks to the power of Nirvana, the Niebit tribe is an absolute hegemon in a thousand miles of land. I do n’t know how many forces and organizations have been uprooted by it.

Under the oppression of the Niebit tribe, the forces of the three even struggled to survive even a few times.

Fortunately, they finally survived the most difficult times

Even when it's time for revenge!

Therefore, at this time, there will be no other choice for the Jedi. This is not only for revenge, but also to gain the knowledge and power of the Niebit tribe, and also to prevent the emergence of the second Nirvana.

Under the will of the three leaders, hundreds of people hidden in the forest took action and sneaked towards the rebuilding city.

With the passage of time, hundreds of figures have gathered in front of the broken wall on the east side of the city.

And at this moment-


When the hand of the first stalker touched the wall, a terrible explosion occurred in vain. The huge wall burst and burst, directly blasting the first stalker into splashing flesh and spreading to the surrounding stalkers.

Except for a small number of stalkers who responded in time, most of them fell into the scope of the explosion.


"Damn it!"


The three leaders standing at the back of the team changed their faces. They did not expect that their own attack had been frustrated before they even started. In a flash, they remembered that the power of the Nebbit is not Nirvana.

Before the invention of the Nirvana Fortress, this race had survived on this land for hundreds of years.

"Haha, I didn't expect to be the three leaders. It's a rare guest!"

At this moment, at the gap of the blasting wall, Robin Lu appeared in the sky. Behind him, thousands of figures in black robes spread out, full of majestic majesty.

"Just now my family is rebuilding the city, destroying this old wall, I don't know if it hurts you!"

Robin Lu's voice was very indifferent, as if he could not see the flesh and blood of the ground in front of him and the stalkers who were wailing, and it was this kind of speech that made the three leaders sit on the wax.

If they retreat in this way, the three of them are naturally very unwilling, but if they do not retreat, their people seem to be somewhat insufficient in the face of the power shown by the Niebit tribe.

"Damn, do you just leave this way?"

The blond young man's unwillingness to speak, and his words attracted the recognition of the bald and strong man, "Obviously it is a great opportunity. Whoever thinks that the Niebit tribe has such power!"

Hearing the conversation between the two, the old man in black robe moved slightly and seemed to realize something.

It ’s just that he ’s not sure if his idea is correct

For a time, the old man was also indecisive.

But at this moment, Robin Lu's face flashed unpleasantly, stepped forward, frowned and said, "What are you doing here, do you want to be a guest in the city?"

Many people from the three major forces stepped back after hearing Robin Robin's words.

Seeing that the three forces were about to retreat, Robin Lu's eyes flashed a burst of relaxation. In a flash, a black light appeared, bombarding the black robe soldiers behind Robin Lu directly. ..

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