My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 28: Test passed subscription

"not good!"

Seeing such a change, Robin Lu's face suddenly changed greatly.

At the next moment, the roar rose, accompanied by the chaotic screams, the seemingly mighty black-robed soldiers fell to the ground, revealing the wounded soldiers with bandages all over the body.

And the number of black-robed warriors fell sharply in an instant, from thousands to less than one hundred.

The whole scene suddenly showed a little silence, and then, the flame of anger burst out on the personnel of the three forces. At this time, all of the three forces knew that they were completely fooled.

"Huh, sure enough, Robin Lu, you are bluffing!"

At this time, the voice of the old man in black robe slowly sounded, full of pleasure after the success of gambling.

Hearing the old man's voice, the blond young man and the bald man stared at the old man one after another. With the astuteness that the two could serve as leaders of one side, he naturally knew that the old man's previous approach was too risky.

If the gambling is not successful, otherwise the two will definitely end up with the old man.

But now, compared to the old man, the two were even more angry at Robin Lu in front of him, as well as his clan. Immediately, the eyes of the two leaders turned to Robin Lu.

Feeling the bad eyes, a bitter smile appeared on Robin Lu's face.

At this time, the middle-aged man appeared in the middle of the trouble not long ago, when he left the room of the adult, he said in his heart: "There are some uninvited guys outside the city, no matter what method, let them retreat. "

"This is my test for your family. If you succeed, you will become my family in this world. You will fail at your own risk!"

To be honest, when he first heard this command, Robin Lu's mind was blank, because he knew very well how weak the current Nebbit tribe is, and how exaggerated the consequences of Nirvana's cruel runaway.

Although the number of the entire ethnic group is still four digits, but it is actually less than three digits that can be put into battle.

The most important thing is that those who can fight now are basically hit hard.

In other words, there are very few combat powers within the clan at this stage.

What makes people feel desperate is how terrible and overbearing the adult who can break Nirvana with one hand. Since he gave the order, then the Nebbit can't resist.

In desperation, Robin Lu could only come up with such a bluff.


"I didn't expect to fail!"

In the bitter smile, Robin Lu shrugged and said so softly, "Yes, the Nebbit tribe has been weakened to the limit at this time, but in this case, the Nebbit tribe is also not despised by the rubble!

At the end of the word, a certain determination appeared on Robin Lu's face, and the magic in his body ran wildly.

As a wise man, Robin Lu naturally calculated even the worst possible, but the conditions were really inadequate, making him completely unable to think of a way, but he had already been mentally prepared.

Since you can't think of a way, then fight vigorously and use your own blood to water a miracle!

Robin Lu thought this way, as did the soldiers who slowly rose behind him.

Strong fighting spirit resonates among these Niebit

Faced with such stubborn fighting intent, a few intruders showed a little timidity, but the faces of the three chiefs were filled with anger, and each performed their own magic.

"Golden wind!"

"Riot, earth !!"

"Black light !!!"

Accompanied by the magic of the three chiefs, a golden wind engulfed the sky, a wave of earth-colored energy emerged from the earth, a black light cut through the air, and three different magics simultaneously bombarded Robin Lu and others.

In the face of these three attacks, Robin Lu's face changed slightly, and he instantly exhibited his own magic-mood magic!

As the existence of Nirvana, the magic of conversion of good and evil, Robin Lu's awakening magic is only a magic that stimulates emotions, but such magic has an unexpected effect when it resonates with many soldiers at this time.

In an instant, the stubborn fighting spirit actually materialized, condensing into a huge protective barrier.


Three magics bombarded the barriers one after another, but only left three small marks on it, but in the face of this situation, Robin Lu did not like to worry about it because

"Since the mark is left, it means that the barrier is flawed, and all of them are there, attack!"

The fair-haired young men of the three chiefs made such judgments and issued orders to the others. Then, various magics appeared out of thin air and bombarded the barriers.

"Boom! Boom! Boom !!!"

In the continuous roar, the smoke stirred, and the faces of Robin Lu and others became more and more white, until three minutes later, with a ‘click’, the strong barrier of will entered the countdown of collapse.

Robin Lu and others were instantly repulsed and fell to the ground, making it difficult to move.

The last fighting force of the Niebit tribe lost its ability to resist at this moment.

"Hahaha, kill me!"

Seeing this scene, the bald and brave man rushed up first, and at the same time he laughed, "Catch these guys for me, I want to squeeze everything out of their minds!"


Hearing the words of the strong men, the rest of the crowd echoed loudly and followed them.

Seeing that Robin Lu and others were about to become prisoners of the ranks, a sudden roar appeared, the whole battlefield land collapsed, and everyone fell into the ground.

In the cracks of the earth, a clay figure appeared one after another, surrounding all of them.

"Well, what's the situation!"

At this moment, the fairy girl appeared on the edge of the battlefield, full of curiosity.

"Ah, is this a coincidence?"

In the central building of the city, the red-haired boy reading the materials in detail raised his head slightly, looking in the direction of the battlefield, "I didn't expect that she would leave the customs at this time!"

With that said, Nagato quickly turned his attention to the material in front of him.

No matter what the reason is, since the Niebit tribe has completed their own test, then they have become their dependents in this alien world. Anyway, it is just a trivial matter, and it is not worth paying too much attention to.

At this time, Nagato is more concerned about the type of magician described in this material in front of him!

"Dragon slayers bred by dragons close to humans!"

He whispered the description in the material in front of him. The red-haired boy flashed a fine light in his eyes. He whispered to himself, "I don't know if there is any difference compared with my dragon-killing method?"

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