My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 37: The death of the Dragon King is the first!


Longmen's Rising Dragon fist bombarded the Fire Dragon King's chin and flew it up.

The roar that was brewing at the mouth of the dragon king could not be released, and then burst out in the body of the dragon king. Rao is the special constitution of the fire dragon king, and the seven tips still smoke, and the damage is not light.

At the next moment, Ignil's rather large dragon body landed heavily and set off a burst of flying dust.

"What, is it only this degree?"

Stopped in the void, Nagato withdrew his fists, looking a little surprised.

Although the red-haired boy has long known that the so-called giant dragon in this world is not his opponent at all, but according to the dragon feeling he just felt, the fire dragon king should not be so weak in front of him!

In terms of the main world level of this plane, the Fire Dragon King is just like a senior monster.

But before that, the Fire Dragon King showed the coercion of at least half-step monster!

Thinking of this, a sudden flash of light flashed in Nagato's brain, and then suddenly, this space and Edras are mirrored creature spaces, so the dragon also has corresponding creatures in Edras.

"It seems that this fire dragon king's soul origin has also been divided!"

After drawing such a conclusion in his heart, the red-haired teenager couldn't help but feel a little sad.


At this moment, the figure of the Fire Dragon King was revealed in the gradually dissipating smoke, and the angry Dragon Yin came from the Dragon King's mouth, and the hot breath diffused from his body, staining the surrounding space with a layer of blush.

Even across the space, Nagato could clearly feel the anger that came from the Fire Dragon King.


The next moment, Fire Dragon King Ignell trampled the ground fiercely.

After cracking the ground, with the help of the strong recoil force, Ignir's figure hit the position of the long door at an unprecedented speed. The extreme heat and speed ignited the air.

"Just in vain!"

The red-haired young man who had lost his interest sighed, raised his right hand and snapped his fingers.

The crisp voice is still extremely clear in the sound of Long Yin. As the sound waves spread, the light blue spatial ripples spread from all directions in the direction of the long door.


In the icy dragon chanting sound, the ice-blue crystal dragon head emerged from the ripples in space, with a greasy big mouth, and swooped down towards the impinging fire dragon, its speed is not lower than that of the fire dragon king.


The collision of ice and fire produced a violent explosion!

Under this sudden shock power, Ignir's anger shock couldn't help but abruptly, a ragged dragon head of different colors emerged from the ripples in the space towards the Fire Dragon King. Go away.

The Fire Dragon King, who showed a brief stalemate because of the collision, did not escape the bite of these dragon heads.

"Aooo !!!"

Receiving the bite of these dragon heads, Rao is a tough guy like a fire dragon king, and can not help but utter a cry of wailing, because these dragon heads are not just a bite, but also an attack that releases various elements through the teeth.

Even if the dragon's physique is strong, the defense of the internal organs is no higher than other creatures.

But the pain in Ignelle's body at this time was not as horrifying as his heart.

Nagato had not released any dragon power before. Although the right hand covered with dragon scales appeared, it also did not show the breath of the dragon, so Ignil was just marveling at the strength of this enemy.

But after feeling the indefinite and accurate dragon power in the body, Ignir's feelings could be described in horror.

In addition to giant dragons, the so-called dragon power can only be used by the dragon exterminators created by them. Is this dangerous guy in front of you a dragon exterminator created by some ignorant fellow race?

Thinking of this possibility, the will of the Fire Dragon King even depressed the pain in the flesh, and the big dragon eyes stared tightly at the long door: "Cough cough, you, who are you, why the power of the dragon !!"


Hearing the words of the Fire Dragon King, Nagato dismissed his lips contemptuously. Ignir's thoughts, the red-haired boy could see at a glance, "Dragon Power, the large lizard actually told me Dragon Power?"

In the eyes of Nagato, the power of these dragons in Ignil is at most the power of the pseudo-dragon.


"Forget it, it's useless to say more!"

The red-haired boy completely ignored the anger revealed by the Fire Dragon King after hearing his words. The difference between them was so great that there was not much meaning to say anything.

Thinking of this, Nagato's right hand spread out, and his palm was directly aimed at the Fire Dragon King.

Almost in a flash of time, a huge amount of magic came from the surrounding world, condensed into an energy ball in the palm of the long door, and the ball was filled with some invisible mystery, causing the pupil of the dragon king to contract violently.

No one needs to tell, Ignir knew that if he was hit by this ball, he would definitely be more aggressive.

At this moment, the Dragon King struggled frantically, but only under the shackles of the dragon heads, he could not be relieved!

"Goodbye, Fire Dragon King!"

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. The long door said softly. As his words just fell, the energy ball fired from the palm of the long door. It cut through the air and drove towards the dragon king.


"Fire Dragon King !!"

"Shadow of the Dragon!"

At this moment, chaotic sounds close to double digits came from a distance. With the sound, there were even several energy attacks with different strengths coming from the air, trying to intercept the long ball of energy.



There was a sarcastic smile in the corner of the red-haired boy's mouth.

Under his gaze, the energy ball showed amazing power, directly dispersing those incoming attacks, and then directly bombarded the Fire Dragon King.

In the horrible energy explosion, the Fire Dragon King issued the last scream in his life and crashed down.


At the moment when the Fire Dragon King died, Nagato felt some kind of change between heaven and earth-the fate of the fate flowing in the unknown place of this plane had a big turbulence.

"It's just a pity that this turmoil is still too small to find the root cause!"

Such thoughts flashed in his head, but there was still a smile on the face of Nagato, without any pity, and he turned around and looked at the arrival of the attacks just now. ..

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