My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 38: Born! Akunoliya [Part 1] Second!

Looking up, Nagato discovered that this was a mixed group of humans and dragons.

The number of dragons in the whole group is two. They are the flame dragon burning like **** flames like self-immolation and the black scale armor all over the body, like the shadow dragon in the shadow. The remaining are nine warriors who are all human.

At this time, whether it is a human warrior or two dragons, all faces are filled with incredible, even terrified expressions.

Obviously, the fall of the dragon's top powerhouse, the Fire Dragon King Ignil, surprised them.

"Interesting, this is"

Just a glance, the long door saw something interesting.

Among the nine human warriors of this team, there are actually eight warriors with the power of the pseudo-dragon in this realm. In this world, these eight warriors are the so-called dragon exterminators.

No further research is needed, and Naruto suddenly understood what the so-called Dragon Slayer in this world is.

Nothing else, just because the Long Gate felt very clearly in an instant, the breath of the dragon filled out from the souls of these dragon exterminators.

Obviously, their souls have been dyed with dragons.

The so-called dragon destroyer is the process of transforming dragons from the soul to the flesh, from the inside to the outside, under the power of the dragon.

Only in this process, the soul of the dragon destroyer will unconsciously get close to the dragon that gave him the power of the dragon, or even become a fanatic of the dragon directly, as a vassal of the dragon!

"It's kind of interesting, but it's not technical!"

Compared with his own dragon extinction method in his mind, Nagato made such an assessment. The most important thing is that there seems to be a major flaw in it.

There is no shortage of geniuses in this world, and the side effects of dragon-killing magic will always be noticed.

By then, resistance has become inevitable. After all, freedom is the pursuit of life!


Just as Nagato was thinking, the angry dragon yelled toward the red-haired boy.

Slightly raising his eyes, the long door saw the fire dragon burning the flames of **** all over his body, instigating the wing of the dragon full of flames, and charged at his position with amazing speed.

From this flaming dragon, the red-haired boy easily felt the anger and sadness.

Although he has never spoken, Nagato can vaguely understand that the source of this anger and sorrow is the death of his friend. I think this fire dragon should be the friend of the fire dragon king.

"However, how about that!"

The expression on his face didn't change, and the figure of Nagato disappeared.


At the next moment, the figure of the red-haired boy appeared directly in front of the fire dragon, ignoring the impact of his charge and the diffuse **** flames, and swept straight out.

Suddenly roaring, the huge flame dragon was kicked directly and flew out.

"grown ups!"

"Damn it!"

"Kill, avenge the Fire Dragon King!"

Seeing this scene, the remaining nine people reacted instantly as a dragon. Among them, the eight dragon extinction magistrates acted the fastest, forming a combined magic situation almost instantly. "Take the trick, eight in one-the roar of Tyrannosaurus !!!"

With the roar of eight accents, eight dragons of different sizes and even different energy attributes merged in the void, turning into a terror shock wave enough to penetrate the world.

In just a moment, the shock wave of terror crossed a long distance and appeared in front of the long gate.

Before the attack really arrived, the overflowing energy filled the surrounding of the long gate.

The huge space oscillated slightly.

Faced with such a move, the expressionless face of the long facade finally changed, showing a surprised look, but the red-haired boy was not surprised by the power of this move, but

"In the end, came up with this kind of brain stump and idiot!"

Speaking of such impolite words in his mouth, Nagato pointed directly at the center of the shock wave, and a very tiny force emerged from the fingertips of the red-haired boy.


Under the sudden sound, the shock wave was directly divided into eight, and they flew past the body of the long door.

"Fit magic, huh, is it really fit?"

The unscathed red-haired young man said with a smile, his voice was not loud, but it spread all over the battlefield. The eight dragon-killer mages heard the words and could not help but blush, and did not know whether it was anger or shame.


Just at the Nagato's voice, the humming sound echoed in his ear.

At the same time, a huge shadow emerged from the shadow behind the red-haired boy, and the greasy dragon claws were grabbed fiercely towards the boy's body, which was relatively petite compared to the dragon!

It was only after the claws went down that the shadow dragon had discovered that the red-haired boy had turned into a phantom and dissipated.

"Sneaking in front of me is a joke."

At the moment when Yinglong was sluggish, an indifferent voice rang in his ears, and then Yinglong felt a pain in his heart and lowered his head, only to find a huge hole in his heart.

And the disappearing red-haired teenager did not know when he stood in front of himself again, his right hand was stained with his blood.

"how come"

In horror, Shadow Dragon finally spoke.

But before his words were finished, the huge body collapsed, and a large amount of blood spewed out from the shadow dragon's heart, staining the surrounding earth, and the **** breath diffused.

"Okay, it's your turn!"

Shaking the blood of his right hand, Nagato turned his head to look at the other nine people and one dragon. While speaking such a word, the red-haired boy raised his right hand and flicked it toward the front.

Along with the behavior of the red-haired boy, the energy of terror gathered, turned into a large number of magic bullets, and came out.

The nine people and one dragon who were too late to respond were instantly covered by rain magic bullets!

"Boom! Boom! Boom !!!"

The unprecedented roar burst out, the earth gradually collapsed under the rain like a magic bullet, the endless smoke stirred, and the dragon's wailing and the screaming of people echoed from time to time.

Just when Nagato thinks that these guys will blast into scum under their magic bullets-


An angry wailing sounded behind the long gate! ..

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