My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 39: Born! Akunoliya [Last] Third!

At the moment when he heard this Dragon Yin, Nagato couldn't help but reveal a hint of surprise.

If the red-haired boy remembers correctly, the master of this voice has fought against himself, even he is the first dragon he knocked down in this one-sided battle.

But according to Nagato's estimate, his blow should kill that black dragon completely!

Just before it was too late to think, Nagato felt the roaring fluctuations coming from behind.

Although the red-haired boy is very confident, he just stands up and takes a roar without even losing half of his hair, but in that case, he always feels like he can't pass the face.


Subconsciously snorting coldly, the red-haired boy turned around and waved his right hand. The dark roar that approached him was swung away by the right hand of the long door, and it was directly transformed into magic particles.

After the roar was dispelled, the long door could see clearly the appearance of the black dragon.

At the end of his vision, the dark black dragon was barely standing on the ground, showing a huge blood hole at the mouth of his heart. With the sight of the long door, he could even see half of the heart left in the blood hole .

"Huh, this vitality is comparable to cockroaches!"

Immediately, Rao was indifferent like a long door, and could not help revealing a touch of wonder.

Only after marveling, the red-haired boy directly reached out his left hand, and the space was strongly distorted at this moment, and the black dragon in the distance was directly crushed into meat by the twisted space.

Above the mud, the looming soul of the black dragon roared resentfully.

"All souls are materialized, a little bit interesting!"

Looking at this scene, the light flashed in the head of the long door. As his thoughts started, a large amount of meat rushed up, wrapped the dragon soul, concentrated into a black and red ball, and flew to the side of the long door.


When Nagato did all this, a violent roar sounded on the other side.

Looking back leisurely, the long door saw the flame dragon burning the flames of **** all over his body, even spreading his wings, flying wildly towards the distance. On the back of the dragon, there were three unknown figures of life and death lying on it.

"Ha, actually escaped."

Looking at this scene, a long ironic smile appeared on the corner of Nagato's mouth, "Large lizards are large lizards, and the friends of the Fire Dragon King are really disappointing!"

During the talk, Nagato raised his right hand and pointed it at the sky's hellfire dragon.

He had no plans to let the dragon escape from his own.

It was only at the moment when the red-haired boy was about to start his hands that he heard a slight cough. The source of this sound was exactly where his magic bomb had hit before.

A god-like intuition emerged at this time, and Nagato narrowed his eyes slightly and walked towards the sound source.

As for the escaped dragon, the red-haired teenager no longer cares, because the instinct in the dark tells the red-haired teenager that the escaped guys will have a more terrible ending in the future-they will regret to escape this time!

The broken ground couldn't prevent the long gate from approaching, and in less than a moment, he came to the place where the cough was.

Here, Nagato saw a young man half-buried in the ruins stained with blood.

"Ok?!" Raised his eyebrows slightly, and the long door couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

The young man in front of him was actually the only team in the previous group that did not possess the power of a pseudo-dragon, because his sense of presence was so weak that even the long-term predecessor even ignored it inadvertently.

Unexpectedly, he did not die for the first time under the endless magic bullet he released.

"Not only did he die, it also became the existence that my intuition reminded!"

With such words in his mouth, Nagato observes this dying young man with some curiosity, and then Nagato is quite surprised to find that this lucky guy is unexpectedly suitable for the method of exterminating the dragon.

Not the dragon-killing magic developed by the pseudo dragon in this world, but the dragon-killing method held by Nagato.

"help me!"

While the long door was observing, the dying young man said something difficult for help, only to see that the long door in front of him was completely unmoved, and the despair in the eyes of the young boy began to spread.

And in the moment of despair that appeared in his eyes, the long gate could not help raising his head, looking at the sky.

At this moment, the red-haired teenager felt-the so-called corner of destiny!

In the level of vision that normal people cannot understand, the breath of destruction at the end of the entire age has begun to converge, and the invisible luck has begun to converge on the guy in front of the long door.

Simply put, this guy who is about to die is chosen by fate, the terminator of the dragon era.

"I remember that there was such a terminator in the original!"

Such thoughts flashed in the brain, and a malicious smile appeared in the corner of the mouth of the long door. Driven by the idea, the flesh and blood beads suspended beside the red-haired boy instantly entered the boy's mouth.

The entrance of the bead containing the blood and soul of the black dragon melts, and the power of terror boils over the body of the teenager.


The young boy who had almost lost his life screamed loudly, and the terrifying energy surged in his body, causing the boy's appearance to even be distorted, as if to explode.

It was only in such a situation that the teenager still did not faint, and there was a touch of perseverance in his crazy eyes.

"Fun guy, do you want to live?"

Looking at the teenager in front of him, Nagato said that he could not refuse the question.

"Yes I do!!!"

"That's a price to pay, boy!"

"No matter what the price is, even if the soul is given to you, I want to live, I want to kill those guys who fled alone, I want to revenge those guys who look down on me, I want strength !!"


Hearing the boy ’s words, the malicious smile on Nagato ’s face was even brighter. His right hand was pointed at the boy ’s eyebrows, and a faint force of dragon poured into the boy ’s body to help the other party suppress the violent energy.

Not only that, Nagato entered a secret recipe that evolved by hunting dragons and capturing the soul of the dragon.

"My power has helped you suppress the force of the rage in the body. Not only that, I also gave you a powerful method, go, fight, kill all the dragons in this world!"

Along with the words of Nagato, the invisible contract has fallen on the young man and bound his soul completely!

"Starting today, your name will be called-Akunoliya!" ..

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