My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 40: Father and daughter meet to subscribe!

——Ignil the Fire Dragon King is dead!

With the successful escape of Hellfire Dragon and several Dragon Slayers, this news spread at an alarming rate across the mainland, instantly deterring everyone and the dragon.

You should know that although there is no shortage of brave dragons in this world, there are not many dragons that actually die.

Among the few dead dragons, the existence of the Fire Dragon King is unheard of.

After all, in this era of Jeff self-exile, except for a few Dragon Kings of the same level as Ignil, the Fire Dragon King is simply synonymous with invincibility.

But now, this so-called invincible dragon has been killed, and it is said that it is still killed with a huge advantage!

Immediately, the entire continent boiled completely.

Nagato, the mysterious young man who beheaded the dragon king, gained fame on the mainland!

In the face of such a situation, the dragon family was completely angry. For a time, the dragons on the mainland were operating more and more times, and the actions of these big guys were too arbitrary, and the damage caused was often very large.

Under such circumstances, the already tense human-dragon relationship is getting worse.

Such a result made the seniors of the Dragon family extremely dissatisfied, and what made them even more dissatisfied was that their actions so vigorously did not even find the trace of the mysterious boy.

And when the dragon's top management were dissatisfied, they forgot one thing—

That is, the dragon-killers who were brought up by the dragons were also very dissatisfied with this situation, because even if they became dragon-killers, they were nominally the sons of dragons, but these magicians were still human.

At this time, there was a young man named Akunoliya who quickly rose among the ranks of the dragon exterminator

Time rushed, and a whole month passed in a flash.

During this month, Nagato continued his hiking, traveling between endless dangers, enjoying the wonders of nature, lingering between mountains and rivers, breathing with thousands of lives, and having fun .

With the passage of time, the breath of the red-haired boy became softer and softer, but his vitality became more and more vigorous.

In a trance, Nagato even forgot his purpose and slept between this world!

until one day


When the red-haired boy strolled on a snowy peak, he suddenly felt that his luck was surging at an amazing speed, and the whole world was opening towards him at an amazing speed.

Faced with this situation, the face of Nagato could not help but reveal a curious look.

Immediately, the right eye of Nagato burst into a deep blue spark.

The truth of Vientiane is revealed!


By observing this luck, Nagato's eyes seemed to penetrate through time and space, and saw another war on the mainland, which was a war between blood races and dragons initiated by their daughters.

The red-haired boy clearly saw the initiation, progress, and final battle of the war!

As a result of the war, all the dragons were expelled from the blood And with the end of the war, a large amount of air transport emerged from the void and fell on the head of the long gate. If calculated by the volume, these air transports occupy this space. One third of the total.

With this blessing, the red-haired boy saw it in an instant, the time and space where the source of the alien world lies.

Now that he saw his purpose, the red-haired boy at this time could completely enter it by his own strength and thoroughly refine it, but after thinking about it, he took his own thoughts.

Although Nagato is confident that the world's consciousness in this world can't do it for himself, the other party definitely has the strength to resist.

If the collision between them cannot be determined in one blow, it will greatly hurt the world.


"Don't worry, wait, the seeds I planted will also be mature!"

With such words in his mouth, Nagato's eyes turned to the direction of another continent. "It is said that the daughter is the intimate cotton jacket of the father. It seems that this is true!"

After understanding the wishes of his daughters, a long smile appeared on Nagato's face.

At the moment, the red-haired youngster does not say much. He exhibits his space ability. The whole person enters the ripples of space. Under the impetus of the power of space, the red-haired youngster instantly travels through time and space and arrives at another continent.

Following the feeling, coming out of the rippling force of space, the red-haired boy found himself near the altar.

Above the altar of heaven and earth, the ancestor of the Dark Magus called Jeff has lost his life!

The breath of the consciousness of heaven and earth remained in place.

Seeing this scene, Nagato understands why the blood race will be recognized by space and participate in the hegemony of luck, which is the benefit of the sacrifice of Serge Remelia who sacrificed the most consciousness in the world, Jeff.


Thinking of this, Nagato whispered his assessment softly, "Whether it is an excellent vision, an ingenious insight into the world, or the power to conquer the world, you have all performed well."

"Thanks for your father's appreciation!"

In the moment when the voice of Nagato just fell, the figure of Sister Remilia appeared in front of the Nagato. I saw Remilia's elegant salute and said softly, "I still have a lot to learn."

The words said so, but there was an indelible rejoicing in the girl's voice.

Replied by his father, Remilia was happy from the heart.

"Adult Father !!"

Compared to an elegant sister, Furan, who is a younger sister, was more casual, cheering and jumping, and the girl spread her wings and directly turned into a shadow, rushing into the arms of the long door.

"Fran misses you so much, my father!"

Holding the long door tightly, Fran said coquettishly, the whole person seemed to want to be buried in the arms of the long door, and looking at this scene, although still maintaining the elegant posture, Remilia's eyes Some annoyance appeared.

Obviously, the girl wanted to be like her sister, but the girl's pride, or pride, made her hesitate.


"I miss you too, Furan!"

Holding the coquettish girl in her arms with one hand, the long door laughed with a rare smile, and at the same time walked to Remilia, and forced her into her arms forcibly——

"And you, Remy, my dear daughters" ..

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