My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 44: Black Dragon and Goblin are second!

Long Yin roared, the pressure was pervasive!

Under such oppression, Sirius Island even showed obvious turbulence, as if the entire island was under indescribable weight, and it seemed that it was about to step into the abyss of collapse.

Except for the red-haired boy who just appeared, everyone else fell to the ground and almost suffocated!

"Ah, really a warm welcome!"

Listening to the excitement and murderous intention in the dragon's voice, a faint sneer appeared on the face of Nagato, "I even wanted to do it, and it was really an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf, Akunolya. "

Between words, Nagato's eyes swept over everyone who was clearly overwhelmed under Long Wei, and waved his right hand.

The Longwei that had been on everyone suddenly disappeared, and he was greatly relieved.

Then the red-haired boy's right hand flicked, and an invisible dragon burst out into the air, plunging into the ripples. As the ripples in the space subsided, a dark-haired girl with double pony tails appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing this scene, Yuri and his companions were stunned, and they didn't even know how to speak.

Instead, Mebius's face remained the same, only to show surprise at the action of the long door.

"This, this, thank you, sir!"

The dark-haired girl with double pony tails looked at her hands with a little excitement on her face. First, she bowed deeply towards the long door, and then flew directly, knocking Mebius directly to the ground:

"I finally touched you, Mebius. Sure enough, Mebius is so cute !!"

"Zela, what are you doing!"

Looking at the interaction between Mebis and Zella, a smile appeared on the face of Nagato.

As the master of this world, as long as there is such a hint of intention, Nagato can know everything in the world. The so-called omniscience and almighty, it is the existence of Nagato.

Therefore, even if it was not deliberately explored, Nagato easily learned the situation in front of him.

The girl named Zella was the first friend of Mebes in front of her. Just seven years ago, Zela was dead. Mebes was too tragic and awakened her own magic-illusion unconsciously. magic.

Under the influence of illusion magic, Mebis inadvertently created Zara's phantom and kept the other party's consciousness.

In short, Zella is a phantom with the will of his life, just because Mebius does not know it, so this phantom magic is not presented to the world.

"After all, although it is not the one I know, Mebes is Mebes, just help her."

With such an idea, just now, the red-haired boy directly used his supreme authority in this world and the power of the dragon in his body to turn the body of Zela in front of him into reality.

--and many more! Turn into real? !

After doing all this, Nagato ’s inspiration showed a noticeable touch afterwards. He seemed to feel it, permeating a layer of mist in his cognition of the whole endless chaos.

Nagato can foresee that, as long as this layer of mist is lifted, he will be able to see the chaos-the true attitude completely!

It's just that when the red-haired boy further confirmed his thoughts, Long Yin shouted again.

Thoughts were interrupted at this moment

Nagato froze in place!


Along with the roaring dragon chant, the whole body seemed to be full of violent black dragon swooping down from the high sky, the pair of dragon wings that did not resemble dragons, scraped the storm of death.

The Destroyer of the Dragon Age, the only dragon king in this world, Akunoliya is here!


"how come"

"It's actually a dragon of destruction !!"

A shocked look appeared on the faces of the Yuri trio. After the Black Dragon annihilation, the image of the destroying dragon is well-known throughout Aslant and even Edrasner.

Even the three Yuri grew up listening to the legend of the dragon of destruction.

After seeing Akunollia, they couldn't help but be surprised.

Not only them, even Mebius and Zella, who were embracing the interaction, stopped their movements and looked at the swooping dragon of destruction, with a dull expression on their faces.


At this moment, the long door let out a reluctant hum, looked up at the black dragon that was hitting at an alarming speed, and a slightly angry flame flashed in his eyes.

Just waiting for the action of Nagato, a blue light burst out of the space channel that was not closed behind him.

"The old lady is the strongest !!"

Along with the sound that appeared out of thin air, the cold breath filled the surrounding ten meters. The blue light directly passed the people, turned into an arrow and rushed straight into the sky, colliding with the diving dragon.


The sound of a terrifying collision burst directly into the void.

The blue brilliance shattered and dissipated into endless ice debris, and the dive of Akunoliya also collapsed under this impact, only instigating the dragon wings and hovering in mid-air .

"Uh, what's this, don't you give me blood?"

Looking at the scene in front of him, the original anger in Nagato's heart could not help but dissipate, and at this time, the figures of Sister Remilia and the goblin had just come out of the space channel.

"Ah! Kiruno !!!"

Seeing the dissipated ice chips, the face of the big goblin changed a lot, and subconsciously called it out. The girl completely forgot that the goblin did not die and would be born again soon.

"Wait, big goblin!"

Realizing that the big goblin was about to rush up, Remilia stopped the other party, and there was a flash of interest in her eyes. "Don't worry, that stupid goblin is all right, no, not only nothing."

Hearing Remilia's words, the big goblin remembered that the goblin was immortal, and his face turned red.


"More than nothing?"

Subconsciously repeated Remilia's words, a little doubt appeared on the face of the big goblin, but just waiting for Remilia to answer, the surrounding world changed greatly!


The environment within a thousand miles suddenly raised a cold wind.

Countless ice chips seem to be blown from the endless void by this icy wind. The green Sirius Island is covered with a layer of snow shirts. The chill of the frozen people directly freezes the sea around the island.

In such a chill, the ruined Black Dragon could not help but retreat slightly and made a defensive posture.

It was in such a situation that a figure with a heavy sword was condensed in the center of the ice chips.

ps: Alias ​​of this chapter-Super 9 transformation! ..

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