My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 45: The first attack of Qi Lu Nuo!

It was an ice-blue short-haired girl with a big sword.

Standing in the sky where ice chips were flying, the girl appeared to be capable of hunting in a blue and black robe, and around her, there were five swords of different colors and sizes.

Looking at the girl accompanied by the ice chips in the distance, the other people had no special feeling, but the big goblin was ignorant.

In the eyes of the big goblin, the girl's appearance is completely the otome version of Qi Lu Nuo.

"Interesting, does it inspire your own possibilities?"

Shi Shiran found a huge rock, the long door sat straight on it, and then the red-haired teenager looked up and looked at the girl in the sky, a smile of anticipation on his face.

Nagato is very clear that that girl is Qi Lu Nuo, or that she is Qi Lu Nuo battle form!

As a newborn ice goblin, Qi Lu Nuo is essentially different from other goblins. Her predecessor was the goblin queen who once attributed all the goblin family to one body. What a brilliant gift.

Even because of guilt, the fairy queen has erased her memory and made the reborn self a fool.

However, the Queen can not erase the possibility that the newborn self holds beyond all fairies.

The current transformation is the manifestation of Qi Luno's own possibility-in order to fight against a strong enemy and to destroy the enemy, the fighting instinct of the fairy queen awakens and stimulates her own potential.

"Although it is not the awakening I am most looking forward to, let me see your possibilities!"


Feeling the chill in the surrounding air that could frost himself, Akunoliya couldn't help but roared and looked at the mysterious girl in the center of the ice, his body seemed a bit manic.

Especially after Yu Guang of Longan saw the laid-back red-haired boy on Sirius Island in the distance, Akunoliya's anger was even worse!

Since the last time I saw each other, it has been three hundred years!

At this time, Akunollia was no longer the weak and humble ant, but swallowed thousands of dragon souls, ending the entire dragon era, and almost ending the wings of death in the human age.

Power is synonymous with him, fear is the salute of the world, he is the only dragon king in the world!

As Akunoliya became more powerful, all of his weak hours seemed like a stain, making the Black Dragon King more uncomfortable, so he resolutely launched revenge.

Those who had bullied him were killed, especially when he gave up his hellfire dragon and several dragon exterminators.

However, there is one person who never appeared on Akunollia's list of revenge.

That was no one else, it was the red-haired boy who gave Akunoliya!

Today, Akunoliya still can't forget the eyes of the red-haired young boy at the beginning. It was a look that Akunolalia was very familiar with, because he looked at all beings in this way-all ants!

Because of this look alone, Akunoliya will not let go of each other.

What's more, the Black Dragon King always felt that the other party had taken something important from him, which made him very unhappy.

It's just that since the last meeting, the Black Dragon King couldn't find the other party anymore. Originally, he thought the other party was dead, but he didn't expect to see him here.

Obviously, now is the time for his revenge, and the Black Dragon King made such a judgment.


"I do n’t want to fight you now, let me go !!!"

Looking at the ice girl full of oppression in front of him, the Black Dragon King finally spoke. The original Black Dragon King was disdainful to talk, because most of the time he saw were the ants.

Where do normal creatures and ants share common topics, so the Black Dragon King rarely speaks.

But the girl with the big sword in front of him is obviously not the ants of the ants. The heavy sense of oppression is not inferior to the enemy of the Black Dragon King-the girl with the name of the goblin magician who led him to destroy humanity.

Speaking of the Black Dragon King is also a bit strange, where did the ice girl emerge in front of him.

However, at the moment of revenge, Akunoliya did not think too much.


Facing the request of the Black Dragon King, the ice girl clanged.

After being transformed, Qi Lu Nuo is in a state of combat instinct, there is no consciousness of independent thinking at all, only instinctively follow his will before the transformation and lock his own enemy.

As soon as the words fell, the ice girl raised her big sword in her hand, and the five-handed swords gathered on it.

"Click! Click!"

Under the crisp and sweet sound, the six-handed weapons merged into a giant epee, and the surrounding ice chips and frozen wind were completely stirred up by the waving of the epee.

In an instant, the strong crisis directly appeared in Akunoliya's intuition.


Touched by the crisis, the Black Dragon King uttered an angry roar, with a grim mouth wide open, dark to white, and even a blue roar of terror roared out.

Realizing the other's ignorance, Akunollia had only the idea of ​​completely destroying the enemy in front of him.

Facing the roaring wave of the Black Dragon King, the epee in the hand of the ice girl was also slashed down. With the burst of sword gas, countless ice chips and frozen wind gathered on it, condensing into a handle up to hundreds of meters Ice Sword!


The ice sword severely beheaded the black dragon king's roar, causing a violent explosion directly in the sky, and the deafening roar echoed in all directions.

When the shock wave of the explosion has not subsided, the Black Dragon King and the Ice Girl rushed directly to each other.

"Sonic Slash!"


"Shanglong Cut !!"


"Ferocious !!!"

Along with the angry dragon yin, a fierce collision echoed in the high sky. The girl holding the epee had no intention of avoiding the black dragon king, and she violently cut directly against the opponent.

The aftermath of the battle between the two directly shattered the shock wave created by the previous explosion, and the high-altitude atmosphere appeared extremely chaotic.

Looking at the scene in front of him, everyone on Sirius Island looked different. Both Nagato and Remilia appeared happily, and Furan almost ran directly into the war, and the big goblin showed his prayers.

As for Yuri and others, it has long been impossible to think. Only Mebes's face was pale, but his eyes looked extremely spirited.

"Do you feel that the world is really magical, my dear sister!"

At this moment, a soft voice rang in Mebius' ear. While attracting the attention of others around him, the fairy-like girl was completely stunned.

Because this sound is familiar to Mebis, or this is her own voice at all! ! ..

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