My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 46: Two Maybes are second!

——No, this is not my voice!

Soon, Mebius found that the sound seemed to be the same as himself, no matter the tone or timbre was almost the same, but the words were full of charm that Mebius did not have.

If you say, Mebius's voice is like freshly baked wine, full of ethereal beauty

Well, this mysterious sound is like a superb wine that has been precipitated after a long period of time. While letting people feel good, it also gives people an aftertaste.

Such thoughts were established in his mind, and Meibis's thoughts became clearer suddenly, and then turned along the sound source.

She wanted to see who it was, even her voice was almost the same as herself.

It was only when she turned and saw the speaker that she was stunned again, because the speaker was a girl with feathered ears that looked like a goblin-in addition to the breath that seemed extremely peaceful, and Mabel Looks almost the same.

Facing each other, Mebis's five senses could not help but slightly trance, the invisible message passed between the two girls.

"You are here, Mebius!"

At this moment, the voice of the long door appeared around, and the red-haired boy's eyes also looked at the new Mebis. "I thought you would come earlier."

"I'm very sorry, sir, I was retreating before."

Bowing slightly towards the Nagato, the second Mebes, the Mebes from Edras, said so, and then she looked at the goblin and the fighting Qi in the sky. Lu Nuo, the expression on her face is inexplicable: "Is this a fairy, when I actually see it, I feel a little subtle!"

"It's a normal situation. After all, there is always a gap between dream and reality."

Hearing the words of Adelaide ’s Mebis, the red-haired boy said so, and then his eyes turned to the sky, at which time the fighting there had entered a state of intense heat.


The fierce collision once again set off earth-shattering roars and roaring atmospheric turbulence.

Along with the vast air flow of ice debris, Qi Lunuo's figure flew out, the epee in his hand was almost released, and the Black Dragon King on the other side just flew less than ten meters away.

After all, the Black Dragon King still has an advantage in strength. Not to mention the other, the size difference alone is a good explanation.

However, the awakened ice girl is not good, and the black dragon king is also covered with frost.


Feeling the stiffness in the body, Akunoliya suddenly felt his anger almost flowed into his brain, his reason almost disappeared, and the violent momentum burst out from the body of the Black Dragon King.

That is the horror beyond the imagination of mankind, which stems from the resentment of tens of thousands of dragons slaughtered by the Black Dragon King!

Originally devouring the souls of tens of thousands of dragons, Akunoliya, who pushed his own strength to the threshold of Dao Realm, launched an impact towards the real Dao Realm at an alarming speed.

I just do n’t know what is missing, even if the power exceeds the ordinary Dao Realm, the Black Dragon King ca n’t enter the Dao Realm.

This state is different from the situation of the Great Consummation under the Changmen Dao Realm, which is simply a wrong path.

But obviously, the power of the Black Dragon King is increasing madly

Even the high altitude is rendered into a dark color!


The ice girl who had just stopped the upside-down momentum narrowed her eyes immediately after feeling the momentum of the black dragon king. Also looking at the girl who reached the half-walk level, she naturally realized the danger of the black dragon king.

The maiden of ice immediately wielded the epee in her hand, and with a bang, the epee turned into a six-handed blade.


A strong roar appeared, and Qi Luno's six-handed sword blades stood in six directions around the Black Dragon King. A strong resonance appeared, gathering endless cold and frozen air, trying to freeze the Black Dragon King directly.

Facing the frozen air gathered from all directions, the Black Dragon King struggled directly in the large formation.

Immediately, the large array of six-handed sword blades immediately turbulent slightly.

And as the Black Dragon King's momentum becomes stronger and more turbulent!

Obviously, a simple sword formation would be freed by the Black Dragon King only a little later, but Qi Lu Nuo never expected this formation to defeat Akunoliya.

I saw the ice girl directly turned into a blue streamer, and immediately rushed to one of the blades.

Grabbing the sword handle, the girl's speed reached the extreme, instantly reached the second handle, soared again, and reached the third handle when Qi Lu Nuo recovered the sixth handle blade again, the speed soared directly to the extreme.

"Ao Yi Chao Wu Shen Pa cut !!!"

In the next moment, extreme speed turned into extreme power, and Qi Lu Nuo cut a deadly sword directly towards the Black Dragon King!

That is an unimaginable sword--

The vast sky separates directly under the sharp edge of this sword. At an unimaginable speed, Akunoliya is even unavoidable, and can only be taken abruptly!


Painful sorrow burst from the mouth of the Black Dragon King.

All the listeners could feel the anger contained in the sound of the Dragon Yin. The Ice Girl ’s Epee cut a large mark directly on the body of the Black Dragon King-a huge wound extending from the Black Dragon King ’s neck to his abdomen .

A large amount of dragon blood full of destructive properties spilled from the sky, directly breaking the frozen sea below.

Under this kind of pain, the Black Dragon King's breath did not weaken, but inspired to the extreme.


The terrifying momentum burst like a shock wave, directly blasting the ice maiden beside the Black Dragon King and her epee, and then the Black Dragon King opened his mouth wide, which was a roar full of deterrence.

The ice girl did not escape, and was directly hit by this roar, and once again turned into ice scraps.

Although the next time, the ice chips once again condensed into Qi Lu Nuo.


"Resurrection! The old lady is the strongest !!"

The ice maiden full of fighting edge disappeared, replaced by the stupid ice goblin, instigating six ice crystal wings and provoking toward the black dragon king.

To be honest, the violent Black Dragon King, when he saw the ice goblin in front of him, could not help but slightly slack.

But after being sluggish, the Black Dragon King opened his mouth decisively.

"Wow, the monster is going to eat Qi Lu Nuo!"

Seeing the gritty mouthful of the Black Dragon King, the ice goblin ran decisively, but she had just rushed into the arms of Mebius who didn't know when she appeared in the sky.

"Wow, a living fairy, it's so cute!"

He hugged the goblin who rushed into his arms, and Mebis's eyes turned to the violent Black Dragon King, "I haven't seen it in ten years, Akunolya, I didn't expect you to go further What. "

"Huh, it's you!"

Seeing his old enemy appear, the black dragon king under the violent awakened a little, "Whether it is you or the red hair on Sirius Island, this time, I must kill you."

"Red hair?"

Hearing that Akunollia was about to kill the long gate, a few quirks appeared on Mebius' face, and then he said, "It's an interesting statement, your opinion, sister."

"Fight him in the name of justice!"

With the sudden sound, the second Mebius emerged from behind Mebius! ..

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