My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 50: Give you the second more in ten years!

Fairy world!

This is the name taken by Nagato for this outsider.

Nagato originally wanted to use the dragon world to name it, but just thought that he and his daughter destroyed the dragon era and killed all the dragons. The name dragon world seems a bit inappropriate.

After thinking for a long time in his mind, Nagato decided to name this alien world as a fairy world.

In any case, the reason why this alien world is still preserved is because of the sacrifice of the goblin family, especially the goblin queen who has been persevering for thousands of years.

"Then it's your turn next, Mebius!"

After naming the world, Nagato looked at Mebis and said, "You have helped me a lot in this action, but I am rewarded and punished. Let's say, what do you want? "

"Well, I didn't do anything!"

Hearing the long gate, Mebis said hesitantly.

Although the power of Mebius had passed before this, it was quickly restored, and the origin between the world and the earth was still a little bit, and continued to flow into Mebius' body.

In the case of completely unknown reasons, the girl really does not feel that she is qualified to ask for anything.

"No, you helped me a lot!"

Shaking his head, Nagato denied Mebis's idea.

As the red-haired boy said, Mebius did help him a lot. If it were n’t for the girl, who was the same individual who merged two living spaces, it would be a lot of trouble for Nakai to modify this alien world.

If you compare the world to a toy with a small self-healing ability, how do you modify the structure of the toy?

Under normal circumstances, it is natural to completely analyze the toy, disassemble it, then transform it, and finally assemble it.

It's just that the time it takes to consume it is a little long. The long gate is naturally unhappy, and it is just a broken toy, so the red-haired boy chose the evil way: to make an fuss about the self-healing ability of the toy.

In this case, there are only two methods before the long door.

One of them is to forcefully transform toys, but at this time, the original power held by Nagato is insufficient. The toy consumption caused by forced transformation is really difficult to supplement, and it is easy to cause the entire toy life to be greatly weakened.

Even if the action of Nagato is more violent, it may cause the entire toy to collapse.

After all, the adjective for the repair ability of toys is-small!

Therefore, after careful consideration, Nagato chose the second method, which is to intervene in the toy and make subtle adjustments, and this intervention point is the fusion of the two bodies of Mebis to achieve the Tao.

With this intervention point, as long as the Nagato has a little power, it can draw the two rivers of fate together.

As for the world contradictions caused in this process, they will soon be corrected by the world's correction power.

"This is almost the case!"

Simply explained the situation to Mebius, and the long door said again, "So let me say, what do you want, I can satisfy you, of course, if the requirements are reasonable!"

The last words were added subconsciously by Nagato when he saw the color on Mebius' face.

Hearing the last words of Nagato, Mebis couldn't help but whisper gently.

With the girl's shrewdness, he has come up with strange requests within a short period of time when Nagato simply tells the reason, which even includes a request to let Nagato be a maid.

I just didn't expect the red-haired boy to react so fast, and the goblin girl was a little uncomfortable.

But fortunately, Mebius is not a stingy person, and soon wanted to open it. After a moment of contemplation, Mebius spoke leisurely and made his own request-- "Then erase the traces I have traveled in this world from this world!"


Hearing this request, Nagato's face was full of curiosity.

"Probably annoying!"

At this moment, Mebius's face showed a slight low color, staring at the long door's faint opening and said, "What opened the magic council, what savior goblin, I don't want to do it at all."


"Those things are too tired. What Mebis wants is adventure, encounters, and fetters!"

It seemed that the dialogue box was opened, and Mebius talked about his thoughts. "Compared to those calculations, I still want to create my own guild."

"The name was decided three hundred years ago, and it was called the fairy tail!"

"There is no fairy tail, this is an eternal topic. It is named after the fairy tail, which means the unknown, and the unknown brings curiosity and adventure."

"Fairies have no tails!"

Hearing this, the long door subconsciously vomited.

"you're lying!"

After being interrupted, Mebis immediately retorted, "I got the answer from the ice goblin before. The goblin has no fixed form. Whether there is a tail is still an unknown number."

"You hugged Qi Lu Nuo at that time for this purpose!"

To be honest, after listening to Mebes, the long door couldn't help being speechless, and then the red-haired boy nodded, "I agree with your request. Starting today, Mebes will no longer be a fairy guide! "

Because of the difference between heaven and humanity, the transformation of heaven and humanity are completely different concepts.

At the moment when the voice of Nagato just fell, the history of the whole world was completely rewritten, and the goblin magician became another existence, and it died together with the king of the black dragon twenty years ago.

"Okay, what are you going to do next, build a guild here?"


Hearing the inquiry from Nagato, Mebis showed a delighted smile. Since Nagato had already asked this question, he said that he agreed with his approach and would not take him forcibly:

"Mebis can feel that after a hundred years, there will be a group of children destined to belong to the fairy tail."

Hearing the words of Mebius, Nagato couldn't help but stunned for a while, but the red-haired boy remembered the original plot of the fairy tail, which probably appeared a hundred years later.

For the intuition of Mebius, Nagato was not surprised, after all, Mebius was already a Daoist.

Compared with this, Nagato is more interested in whether the dragon exterminators in the original book will still exist, because according to the plot, those dragon exterminators are children three hundred years ago, through Jell The husband ’s method was transmitted to the plot era.

However, after the intervention of Nagato and Remilia, the plot is not only unrecognizable, Jeff died early.

However, the plot year after 100 years is indeed the time when this river of destiny rises.


"It does or doesn't exist, what does it matter."

Shaking his head, Nagato said in his mind, and then the red-haired boy looked at Mebius, "I will give you ten years to do what you want. Ten years later, I will pick you up outside. world."

"This world is still too small for you after all"

As soon as the words fell, the figure of the red-haired boy disappeared, followed by Sister Remilia, the big goblin, and the ice goblin flying around. ..

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