My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 51: The siege of the church is the first!

"Well, what happened here"

When Nagato took his two daughters and the big goblin holding Qi Lu Nuo through the ripples of time and space and returned to his car, the Devil, he felt a strangeness.

The various facilities on the Great Demon are extremely quiet, and the maids who should have been here have disappeared.

"Master Father, there is a smell of blood outside!"

At this moment, Remilia holding the left hand of the long door subconsciously said her discovery.

As a blood-sucking demon inheriting the blood of the Long Gate, Remilia is very sensitive to the abnormal blood, and then the young moon, who is always red, is angry, you know, this is the car of my father!

"Someone dared to do things around here! Damn it, Furan left !!"

"Yes, sister!"

In the heart, the blood-sucking demon sisters of Lingxi immediately understood each other's meaning, and immediately the two of them rushed out of the Big Devil with a murderous face, and their speed was so fast that they did not give the long door reaction time.

Of course, Nagato has no intention to stop Remilia ’s actions.


"I would also like to see if those guys are so bold!"

Speaking so softly in the mouth, Nagato was pulling towards Qi Lunuo's big goblin who was very curious about the various facilities around him. "You will get acquainted here first, big goblin."

"Okay, okay, sir!"

"So, I'll go out and have a look first."

With a slight chuckle, the red-haired boy disappeared.

"Here, die!"

Just above the sky monster, a cold scream came from the ear of the long door, and then I saw a pair of pure white wings with open clothes and a broken shirt. At first glance, it seemed that the male and female angels were rushing towards themselves. Here.

The pure white angel released a hot and dazzling radiance, but there was a little blood and decay in it.


"Stop me!"

Behind the angel, two **** rabbit-eared maids chased them up, especially after seeing the presence of the Nagato, and the two maids' faces showing excitement, they were even more frightened by the angel's actions. .

For the maids trained by Bai Yujing, letting others collide with their masters is a matter of negligence!


In the face of the angel coming from the collision, Nagato could not help but whispered softly, and at the same time released his own Longwei, and conquered this Longwei alone, hitting the angel in front of him alone.

Immediately, the menacing angel turned white with this shock.

"It's really small!"

Speaking softly, Nagato lifted his right hand and directly grasped the angel's head. The power of the terrifying dragon directly eroded into the angel's brain, or his own soul, and began to search the other party's memory.

At the same time, red-haired teenagers began to incorporate the surrounding environment into their own eyes. At this time, the Big Devil is staying around the Red Devil Hall, and it is not directly stationed in the void as you imagined. A huge enchantment covers the Big Devil and Red Devil Hall. Got up.

Outside the enchantment, a large army of humans and angels are attacking here. Outside the enchantment, the red beauty bell and the small number of monster girls are blocking the enemy like a thousand rides.

By the way, at this time, Sister Remilia has joined the ranks of Hong Meiling and they are killing!

The angel in Nagato's hands shuttled in through a loophole.

"grown ups!"

"you are back!"


At this moment, the two monster maids came to the long door to bow and salute. The red-haired boy nodded and responded gently. Then his attention was attracted by the memory he got from the angel's soul.

By interpreting this memory, combined with his own situation, Nagato quickly understood the ins and outs of all this.

It turned out that the cause of this battle was awe-inspiring action by Nagato before entering the fairy world.

After encountering the entangled agents, Nagato was furious, and through the connection between the agents and the gods, he killed the only famous **** on this continent.

The action of Nagato directly led to the disintegration of the only religion, countless believers lost their faith, and caused great confusion.

Under such circumstances, many fanatics who did not believe in collapsed through continuous prayer, even communicating the last power of the dead god, and turned into angels one after another.

Under the leadership of these fanatical angels, the only religion once again showed signs of revival.

In order to ensure the true revival of the church, the only church needs an exciting action, such as a large-scale heretical crusade. After investigation, the Red Devil Hall, a place with the name of the demon, has become a suitable target in their eyes.

Then there is a three-day confrontation between the Western Church and the forces on the Nagato Big Devil!

Yes, this battle has been going on for three days!

According to the description in the memory of the angel in the hands of Nagato, the strength of the church has dropped by 20%, which can be called a broken bone. However, under such circumstances, the church cannot even back down.

The so-called riding a tiger is difficult, I'm afraid that is the only way to teach such a situation.


With such words in his mouth, the red-haired boy threw away the dead body of the angel in his hand. "Exactly, one of the purposes of my trip is to clear the field. The Western Church does not need to exist."

Self-guilty made the final verdict for the Western Church, and Nagato's eyes turned to the battlefield outside the border.

After Sister Remilia joined, the situation on the whole battlefield began to tilt.

Remilia holds a scarlet magic gun, and almost no one can walk through it in one hand, and Furan is more violent, not only divided into four, and exerted four times the combat power, the destructive power is in its Above sister.

With the existence of two girls, Hong Meiling, who was originally responsible for guarding the entire enchantment, instantly broke free of the shackles. The girl as a whole chased on the battlefield like a chariot, and colorful energy was spreading across the battlefield.

Compared to the three girls, the other girls fight less brilliantly, but rely on the wartime to retreat.

No, there was still a young girl who performed quite well.

That is--


Looking at a corner of the battlefield, the witch named Paqiuli was manipulating the mysterious formation, turning a whole pair of humans into a stone of sage, and the corner of the long door mouth was gently raised. ..

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