My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 52: Chaos into the dark second!

Patty Lino Reiki!

She was a witch rescued by Nagato before entering the fairy world, and was also the direct cause of the death of the only **** taught, and the main cause of this inexplicable war.

Seeing today's Pa Qiuli, Nagato suddenly realized that he wasted a great opportunity.

When Patricia was rescued, Nagato discovered that her daughters had gone to the fairy world, and the red-haired boy who was eager to find her daughter did not think much, so she ran along.

Now I want to come, Nagato should not choose to follow immediately, but should be with Pa Qiuli's side!

You know, Pa Qiuli had just experienced a human betrayal and chasing afterwards. The originally kind-hearted witch was in an extremely delicate state. The witch ’s defense was strong and fragile.

If you stay at that time, with the power of a long gate, you can easily get rid of the opponent.

"It's a pity!"

Looking at the decisive Qi Yao witch in the distance, a regret appeared on Nagato's face. Nowadays, Pa Qiuli seems to have completely transformed, I am afraid it is not so easy to guide.

But Nagato is just a little regretful, and doesn't have much thought.

After all, Pa Qiuli was already marked by the red-haired boy!

It does n’t matter how difficult it is to get a strategy right now. There is time in the Nagato, and if you ca n’t do it in a decade, you will have a hundred years.

Therefore, Nagato quickly put Pa Qiuli's affairs aside, and looked at the army of the church, and the opportunity emerged!

"Since I have returned, then"

Raising his hand gently, Nagato was preparing to make some moves. These incoming church troops, none of the red-haired teenagers were ready to let go, and they wanted to leave them all here.

And at this moment, inexplicable feelings emerged in the mind of the red-haired boy, making him subconsciously stop the movements in his hands.


A sudden roar echoed from behind the church army.

The loudness of the voice and the intensity of the movement were almost overwhelming the chaos on the entire battlefield, and almost attracted all eyes on the battlefield. The fierce war calmed down at once.

Then it was a twisted crack in the space and the darkness flowing from the crack!

Yes, darkness!

What emerges from the cracks in space is an indescribable existence. The naked eye looks like a moving darkness. When it just appeared, it directly swallowed all the surrounding creatures.

Then a scream screamed out of the darkness, and people could not help hearing a chill.


The angels in the church army glanced at each other, condensed their weapons with light, and threw them towards the darkness. In the face of darkness, is the most effective way to be called the existence of light?

But the result was beyond the expectations of the angels. The weapon of light was swallowed up immediately after touching the darkness.

Then the darkness seemed to be irritated and rushed towards the angels.

The sudden action, even a few angels did not respond. Then--


"What is this!"


The screams of the angels suddenly echoed on the battlefield, making the church's human warriors tremble with fear. The rest of the angels couldn't help but emerge a wave of uneasiness.

"what happened?"

Looking at the situation in front of her, Remilia walked subconsciously to Paqiuli and asked, "It is said that the witch's knowledge is very rich, witch, do you know anything?"

Somehow, Remilia feels pretty good for Paqiuli, the unmasked witch.

"Call me Paqiuli!"

Coincidentally, Pa Qiuli is also very good at the senses of the little girl flying around her, and she does not hide her words. She said, "I once heard a senior witch talk about a similar situation. If you guess right, this is the legend Dark magic. "

"According to the predecessors, this is a special kind of life, or a monster, which covers the world with darkness and devours life to survive!"

"In the past, Dark Demon appeared several times, most of them appeared on the battlefield, and the interval of their hunting life was large, but each time they ate a lot of food, and very few lives could escape the hunting of Dark Demon. It's a disaster creature! "

"Oh, something interesting!"

Hearing Paqiuli's words, Remilia was not surprised.

As an heirloom daughter who inherited part of the blood of Nagato, Remilia has a high status in Bai Yujing, and has developed a very proud character for the girl. She will not be afraid of any enemy.

At this moment, after digesting the swallowed angels, the madness of darkness spread.

In an instant, a large number of human armies around and a large number of angels were devoured.

The screams of screams continued to fill the entire battlefield.

Faced with this situation, except for the angels transformed by fanatics, most of the humans in the church's army were afraid, and the large army began to flee.

It's just that although humans run fast, the darkness expands faster, and more and more lives are swallowed by darkness.

Soon, the terrifying darkness spread to Remilia and others.

"Let's scatter!"

Fanning the crystal wings behind, Remilia flew in front of the crowd with a magic gun, "I will deal with this darkness, you go and strangle those humans and angels who have escaped."

"The guys who offended the majesty of his father, are not qualified to live !!!"

As soon as the words fell, Remilia's magic gun directly penetrated into the expanding darkness, and the vast scarlet magic burst out into a blazing flame, which directly lit the darkness.

The bright red industry fire was burning, so that the spreading darkness stopped the spread at once, and even recoiled.

"Haha, it really is like this!"

Seeing her attack work, Remilia couldn't help but have a smug smile on her face, "It is actually composed of shame and resentment of the darkest things in the world. I didn't expect such a life."

"However, if you meet Remilia who practiced the way of fate, it is your misfortune, monster!" ..

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