My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 59: The last blow is the third!

"Boom !!!"

Huo Qing'e's mantra drove the underground to make a continuous roar.

In this concussion, the stone standing on the ground was stained with red light. The silver dragon that was stuck between the stones suddenly wailed, and then quickly withered.

And with the disappearance of the silver dragon, the stone tablet shattered, and silhouettes climbed out of the ground.

It was a venerable male or female, with no blood and vitality in his body, and a slight smell of corpse, which was described in Taoist terms. The name of these existences was zombies.

Zombies gather grievances from the world, take the world to death, and are born in a dark mood.

The whole body is stiff, not old, immortal, immortal, abandoned by the three realms of heaven, earth, and the world beyond the six paths of the sentient beings, vacillated and helpless, displaced, and resentful in the human world, feeding on blood.

Hundreds of zombies converged, and the terrifying grief suddenly filled the entire enchantment, not afraid of Longwei!


Seeing this scene, Nagato frowned slightly.

Although the red-haired boy had long known that Huo Qing'e would be able to make corpses, he really did not expect that the zombie lineup summoned by the other party would be so gorgeous, it was simply amazing.

Hundreds of zombies in front of you are either powerful players with extraordinary strengths during their lifetime, or they are talented.

The strongest of them has reached the level of the big monster even before his death!

But this is not the reason for the long door frowning. The reason why the long door frowning is because in this short period of time, he has seen that the evil spirit fairy ’s Taoist practice is all evil spirits. Surgery.

It's not that Nagato has any prejudice against this technique, but in his eyes, Huo Qing'e's practice is too radical.

If Huo Qing'e is another type of cultivator, Nagato doesn't care much about this issue, but the problem is that she is a Taoist cultivator. Before surpassing the main line of Taoism, she still has to follow the basic steps of Taoism.

The Taoist practice never extolled extremes, but mingled with yin and yang, deduced to Gao Yuanshi.

In this way, Huo Qing'e's problem is very obvious!

"Is yin too heavy?"

Subconsciously flashing this idea, the Nagato suddenly flashed another sense of yin and yang, and a sharp arc appeared in the corner of his mouth, and his eyes looked at Huo Qing'e.

After summoning the bottom card, Huo Qing'e saw the frown of Nagato as expected.

It is not clear that the evil fairy of the other party thought that his own power caused the other party to be in trouble, but the girl was too late to see the smile on the corner of the red-haired boy's mouth, and the strange look in his eyes.

The game does not know how many years the evil fairy naturally understands what the opponent's eyes mean.

After a slight consternation, Huo Qing'e couldn't help but feel angry!

"Disrespectful !!"

In Huo Qing'e's scolding, those 100 zombies turned into a residual image, detouring from the front, from the side, from above, or from the back, and rushed towards the long door.

The onerous siege closed all the routes that the red-haired boy dodged, and the murderous opportunity ran open.


Facing such a siege, Nagato had no idea of ​​dodge.

Standing quietly in the same place, the blood of the red-haired boy burst out directly, and the unprecedented spirit and smoky smoke filled the sky, and the horrible yang instantly suppressed and melted all the evil spirits.

And the zombies who besieged the long gate, flew out in the process of this blood burst.

Such a terrifying power of blood is completely unreasonable. Feeling such qi and blood, Huo Qing'e is not good for the whole person.



"Ahhhhhhhhh !!"

At that moment, the zombies flying out of the body made a hissing sound under the pressure of blood and blood. Obviously, the thick and surging blood of the long door was very restraining the ghost creatures.

It's just that zombies aren't ordinary ghost creatures. Under such restraint, these monsters have become violent.

A variety of roars were issued, and the zombies came again from all directions.

The unstoppable momentum made the Nagato feel a little surprised.


"It's a futile struggle!"

With such words in his mouth, Nagato activated the dragon power of his body.

The speed of dragon transformation is much faster than that of Nagato's imagination. Although only the right hand is still covered with dragon scales, most of the internal organs of the red-haired boy have been transformed into dragon organs.

Especially the big dragon behind the red-haired boy, really caught the dragon's breath, and a small part of it has become dragon.

Under such circumstances, the dragon in the body constantly creates blood containing the essence of the dragon, which makes the dragon's power of the Nagato be more terrifyingly strengthened, and the vast dragon power is rising endlessly.


Drinking in his mouth, Nagato punched at the attacking zombies.

As the red-haired boy continued to punch based on the power of the dragon, the sound of Long Yin continued to echo, and the zombie that charged came hardly able to stand the punch of the long door, and flew back again.

"So, it's your turn next, Huo Qing'e!"

All of the incoming zombies flew, and Nagato's eyes turned to Huo Qing'e, instantly letting the millennial evil fairy feel an inexplicable heat, and the mana of the whole body's Yin attribute even slightly solidified.

At this time, Huo Qing'e had fully understood that the young man and himself existed completely in two dimensions.


After a long exhalation, Huo Qing'e didn't know how to describe her mood at this time. She knew that her future might really only surrender to the teenager in front of her.

Unless Huo Qing'e's self-esteem is so great that he would rather die than surrender.

It's just that Xianxian understands that he doesn't exist like that.

and so--

"Last blow!"

Calmly, Huo Qing'e took out a rune and injected it with mana. Immediately, all the spells on the zombies burst into a cold light, and soon the zombies wailed and collapsed.

At the same time, the captives in Huo Qing'e's hands glowed with palpitation, and the space was distorted.

Obviously, Xianxian has gathered the power of the zombies he summoned.

"The Mysterious Corpse Devil Arrives !!!"

With such words in his mouth, Huo Qing'e directly flicked out the Fu Luo in his hand. In an instant, the grey, silent light condensed a horror demon and rushed towards the location of the long gate.

Facing the attacking demon, the red-haired boy's mouth showed a disdainful smile and raised his right fist!

"True Dragon's--Bun Fist !!!"

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