My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 60: Miyako fragrance first!

"Boom !!!"

The biggest collision since the war broke out completely at this time.

With the continuous dragon chant and violent roar, the strongest shock wave spreads in all directions around the long gate and the corpse demon, and almost breaks the enchantment.

Under such circumstances, a triumphant chuckle appeared on the lips of the red-haired boy.

"Mystery, Dragon Fist broke out!"

With such words in his mouth, the power of the dragon inside the Nagato burst out again.

At this moment, the vast dragon chant sound completely suppressed the rest of the voice in the enchantment. With the dragon chant like a roar, the red-haired boy's fist was transformed into a substantive dark blue dragon with the endless power of the dragon. .

Almost in a short time, the unimaginable dragon would penetrate the body of the zombie and kill it!


The moment the corpse dissipated, Huo Qing'e, who manipulated the corpse with his mind, couldn't help but mumble.

Later, I saw that the whole girl of Xianxian had a little trance, and she stepped back a few steps until it leaned against the wall. It gradually recovered, but there was a little blood in the corner of the girl's mouth.

However, compared to physical injuries, Huo Qing'e is more concerned about another fact, that is, she really lost.

This is not a general defeat, but a complete failure.

Although the evil fairy girl had already expected it before, but this moment really came. When faced with this situation in person, Huo Qing'e was still a little difficult to accept.

Fortunately, although Huo Qing'e was evil and selfish, he was not a loser, and he quickly calmed down.

"Concubine lost!"

Hesitating again and again, Huo Qing'e finally spoke softly, stood up, bowed to the red-haired boy and saluted, "From now on, the concubine will work under the authority of Da Tian Mo."

"It's just that if one day's concubine's strength is better than that of an adult, then the concubine's body will be bitter!"

"Haha, you won't have a chance!"

Hearing Huo Qing'e's almost straightforward provocation, Nagato couldn't help laughing.

The vast worlds of heaven and white jade Kyoto were established by red-haired teenagers with their own dominance and strength. During the period, it was not known how many Tianjiao girls were conquered by Huo Qing'e like Nagato.

More than one young girl also said something like Huo Qing'e.

But until now, they have no chance.

Because Nagato will definitely win until the end of time, or even beyond the end of time, and win forever and ever, this is Nagato's belief and his path.

During the big laugh, the red-haired boy gradually converged his strength into the body and spread out the encircling encirclement.


Seeing the action of Nagato, Huo Qing'e couldn't help but sigh softly. The evil fairy girl had to admit that the great demon lord's skill in front of him was really amazing, and it was such a heroic abnormality.

You know, now that Huo Qing'e wants to run away now that he has disbanded the boundary, it is absolutely unstoppable.

Will Huo Qing'e run away?

Under normal circumstances, Huo Qing'e can really run, but somehow, this time the evil fairy girl can't afford the idea of ​​running away, and even has a tendency to truly submit to the other party.

Thinking of this, Huo Qing'e even subconsciously thought what the other party did.

After the inspection, the girl found nothing.

In fact, Xianxian Maid didn't know that the reason why she had such an idea was because the strength of Nagato was actually much higher than she had imagined. No matter what the surrounding conditions were, she could not escape.

And the overly sensitive fairy consciousness faintly realized this fact, and then vaguely engendered the idea of ​​surrender.

"Okay, put away the zombies around!"

Seeing Huo Qing'e's performance, a smile appeared on the corner of Nagato's mouth, and he told him that despite the guardianship of the enchantment, the battle between the two had caused a lot of destruction around them.

Especially that zombie scattered around the hallway looked a bit obtrusive.

It was just that the red-haired boy had just finished speaking, and the change was highlighted-the zombie who had fallen to the ground burst out more or less resentment, and then made a gurgling noise, and slowly stood up from the ground.

"Uh, what do you say?"

At this moment, Huo Qing'e appeared a little embarrassment on his face, and said, "Because of a moment of impatience, I took the power of the zombies too desperately, causing the control rung inside the zombies to appear to be overloaded and broken."


Listening to Huo Qing'e's words, the long door couldn't help being speechless.

Looking at the zombies who are constantly complaining, without Huo Qing'e explaining, the red-haired teenager also knows how amazing these zombies have against Huo Qing'e.

I am afraid that Huo Qing'e didn't even get the consent of these people at all, and turned them into zombies.

In a way, the reason why Xian Xian is Xian Xian is really worthy of the name!


"Huo Qing'e!"


It only took a moment for the zombies to be supplemented by their own resentment, even zombies who did not have their own resentment were also supplemented in this resentful environment.

The zombies all stood up and even rushed in the direction of Huo Qing'e.

Seeing such a situation, Nagato was ready to shoot, but it was then-


A zombie rushing to the front suddenly roared, turned its direction instantly, and launched an attack towards the unprepared zombies around it. Under the stormy fists, the zombies flew.

"Don't be close to the master!"

Some stiff openings and dark purple shoulder-length girl zombies blocked Huo Qing'e in front of them. While the other zombies were surprised, even Huo Qing'e himself was shocked.

To be honest, the evil fairy girl never imagined that now, with the destruction of Fu Lu, there are still zombies willing to protect her.

After all, Xie Xian was unusually random when he made zombies, and even deliberately angered the zombies' souls, in order to make these zombies stronger under the support of their own soul complaints.

Thinking of this, Huo Qing'e looked at the zombie in front of her, and soon remembered her name-Miyako Fragrance! ..

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