My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 65: Nine Sons of Dragons is the first!


At the time when the battlefield was in chaos, the Taibaixian Weng, who was directly hit by the Big Demon, flew out of the smoke and coughed softly in the ruins on the edge of the battlefield.

At this time, the clothes of Taibai Xianweng were broken, the dust was added, and there was no dust gesture at all.

The original Xian Weng's kind face even showed a bit of grim anger!

Although as an older generation of immortals on the Kunlun Mountain, who are extremely close to the realm of heaven and man, Taibai Xianweng's feelings have been much weaker, but in the face of many younger generations, he was directly hit by the Big Devil, which made him extremely angry.

Just watching the situation on the battlefield, Taibai Xianweng quickly converged his anger.

"Not good!"

The brows frowned slightly, and Taibai Xianweng felt bad. Not only was the attitude of the Big Sky Demon unexpected, but the fighting power on the Big Sky Demon was even more unexpectedly powerful.

The most important thing is that Xian Weng recalled that he had felt the dust in his mind before.

Not as impulsive as the new-generation immortals, Taibai Xianweng is more geographically savvy, and his experience is also more abundant, so he clearly understands what ominous signs of this wonderful induction.

Especially that induction appeared after Da Tian Mo crashed to himself. In the midst of nothing, Tai Bai Xian Weng understood what.

With a thousand thoughts in his mind, Xian Weng quickly made a judgment-back to Kunlun!

Although this is a bit of a suspicion of abandoning his companions, it is worth it in the eyes of Tai Bai Xian Weng. Only when he returns to Kunlun can he use the power of all the immortals to fight against the evil spirit.

Only Xian Weng had time to act in the future, and the figures of Pa Qiuli and the little demon appeared in front of him.

The sinister breath filled the surroundings, and everything that followed was self-evident!

"Pa Qiuli's overall view is really good!"

On the Great Devil, the long door that sat on the throne but looked at everything in the eyes could not help but sigh softly, "This plane is really great, and it is also an excellent girl."

"indeed so!"

Hearing the red-haired boy's admiration, Huo Qing'e nodded his approval. These days, the evil fairy girl is the best person on the Big Sky Demon. I am afraid that is the seven-witch witch.

From the perspective of Huo Qing'e's thousands of years of experience, Pa Qiuli may still be a bit green, but her potential is extremely powerful.

"But actually praising the other girls in front of the concubine, you are so awesome!"

The tone of speech changed in an instant, and Huo Qing'e, with a little bit of wickedness, instantly seemed to become a mistress facing a derailed husband who was helpless and eventually only sighed.

"Haha !!"

Hearing Huo Qing'e's words, Nagato couldn't help but laugh heartily and was able to make such a gesture in front of himself. It seemed that the evil fairy girl had walked out of the confusion of the awkward situation.

Immediately, the red-haired boy got up and came to Huo Qing'e

"Then let me make up for you!"

After finishing his speech, blocking his head and bowing his head, the long door deeply kissed the surprised evil fairy girl. Even if the opponent's resistance after the surprise was all suppressed, it was not released until three minutes later.

"Ha, is this compensation enough, blue moth!" ""

Silent, Huo Qing'e stepped back immediately and watched the red-haired teenager in front of his eyes, once again deeply affirming the danger of the other party in his heart, especially for women.

"Okay, you are here to help me look after the situation."

Faced with Huo Qing'e's vigilance, the red-haired boy didn't care. After instructing the young girl directly, the long door looked up at the sky, and when he was silent, he took a step.

Immediately, the dark blue space rippled and completely wrapped the red-haired boy.

Stepping into the ripples in the space, Nagato came to a space where clouds overlapped.

The sky above is covered with white clouds, and the ground at the feet is also transformed by white clouds. The red-haired boy sees all white clouds. Obviously, this is a white cloud space.

"Although I have heard Zhou Yi say it for a long time, it is really the first time I have seen such an environment!"

Wandering on the ground transformed by Baiyun, the long gate sighed with emotion while watching the surrounding scenery, "It is indeed the central space of the enchantment of the Divine State, it is really awesome!"

Yes, this is no other place, it is the central space of the enchantment of Shenzhou!

As the birthplace and prosperous land of Immortal Dao, the most terrifying thing about the demon clan and other forces in the Divine Land is not something else, but the terrifying existence called the Divine Enchantment.

In the past world wars, Shenzhou Enchantment didn't know how many times the demon clan's invasion was blocked and how many monsters were killed.

This is the supreme prestige cast up with the endless blood of the demon race!

And now, the goal of Nagato is this supreme enchantment-supported by the intelligence of Zhou Yi, the main creator of the enchantment, and the turmoil caused by the impact of the Great Demon before the enchantment, Nagato caught here.

Seeing walking in the clouds, the red-haired boy soon came to a huge door with a relief sculpture of the dragon's nine sons.

Through keen intuition, Nagato knew that the real foundation of Shenzhou's enchantment was right behind the door!

Only when the hand of the red-haired boy touched the door--


The vast dragon power accompanied by the dragon sound resounding in the void, from the huge door, the vast dragon power definitely surpassed the ordinary big monster level, and there is not only one dragon power .

Sensing Long Wei, Nagato narrowed his eyes slightly, and the whole person stepped back leisurely.


"Aooo !!"


The sound of Longyin suddenly changed into nine different roars. In this roar, the reliefs on the huge door moved, and the eyes bloomed and came alive.

The nine sons of the dragon jumped out of the door one after another, and their figure became several times larger in an instant, turning into a greasy beast.

I don't know if it was intentional. When the nine sons of the dragon landed on the ground, they even fell around the long gate, forming a siege and encircling the red-haired boy.

"This is what Zhou Yi said, the guardian spirit of the enchantment!"

Feeling the rising of Longwei around him, and the extremely secret human power in Longwei, a smile appeared on the corner of Longmen's mouth, and Longwei gradually appeared on his body.

"Nine sons of dragons, well-known for a long time, just don't know if they have a reputation!" ..

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