My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 66: Zulong Phantom is second!

As the so-called Longsheng Nine Sons are different!

The nine sons of the dragon appearing in front of the Nagato, in addition to having some of the characteristics of the dragon at the same time, and all exuding the power of the dragon, the image posture and the strength of the power are completely different.

Seeing this, the red-haired boy couldn't help but think of the records of the purebred dragon in the box court.

"It seems that the legendary ancestral dragon that gave birth to the nine sons of the dragon is also a purebred dragon."

Having made such a judgment in his heart, Nagato could not help but shed a little smile. Among the many strongest species with the highest level of life in the endless chaos, the dragon's purebred may be the most heterogeneous existence.

The higher the level of life of ordinary creatures, the more difficult it is to produce offspring.

Like Nagato, there have been only two sisters, Remy, for so many years.

However, the pure breed of dragon is notoriously capable, and there are even rumors that if a pure breed of dragon is given a completely autonomous world, the other party will definitely be able to produce a civilization.

Of course, the breeding of the dragon's purebreds is not without limits.

Only offspring born from monogamy are pure blood species. If mated with a heterogeneity, a dragon will be born-in other words, the bloodline of the offspring will deteriorate.

However, monomer reproduction consumes its own source.

In general, few real dragons do this.


Nagato's subconscious distraction immediately angered the nine dragons around him.

Although it came out of the limitation of the door and originated from the guardian spirit of the enchantment of Shenzhou, this does not mean that the nine sons of the dragon do not have self-awareness. They inherited from the blood of the ancestor dragon.

Immediately, nine exotic beasts rolled up in a gust of wind, turned into residual images, and rushed towards the red-haired boy.

It's just how the Nagato exists, and the intuition is even more arrogant than breaking through the sky.

Even if he was in a state of instinct, it was only instinctive state that he easily avoided the attack of the beast. Under the mysterious footsteps, the red-haired boy was like a fairy in Lingbo's micro-step, which was difficult to reach.

"Ah, I accidentally made a mistake."

Slightly recovered, the Nagato could not help but whispered, and then seemed to remember something. The teenager couldn't help but show a bit of bitter smile. "But I am afraid that the group of women in Bai Yujing are waiting for me to become a real dragon."

The red-haired teenager can almost imagine that if he returns this time, he may have to spend a long time in bed.

Except for a few women, other lovers especially want to be mothers

Nagato can only sigh, the power of motherhood is powerful!


Ignored again, the beasts were completely angry. Among them, the fourth son of the dragon, who looked like a coiled dragon, opened his mouth and shouted in the direction of the long door.

The horrible sound wave suddenly rolled up, instantly covering all the positions of the red-haired boy.

This time, Nagato finally failed to escape and was hit directly!


Although he was not blown away by this horrible sound wave, the feeling of being shouted in his ears still made the Nagato a little unhappy, and Long Wei burst out of him instantly.

Faced with the pressure of Nagato, the nine sons of Dragon first shocked slightly and then released their violent madness. "Aooo !!!"

Jiu Ji, the second son of the dragon like a wolf, launched the attack first, and the **** and evil spirit rendered this alien beast into an indestructible blade, almost torn apart the void.

Faced with such an attack, Nagato lifted his right fist, and the pale blue flame burst out.


The confrontation between the fist and the blade stirred up a burst of visible shock waves. In this shock wave, Ji Can was directly blown out by the red-haired boy with a punch and fell heavily on the ground.

Just waiting for Nagato to attack, the rest of the beasts appeared in front of him instantly.



The eldest son of the dragon, the prisoner of the dragon, and the third son of the dragon stood side by side with mocking wind, and launched their own attacks-shock wave and gusty wind. The two similar attacks directly merged in contact and turned into a hurricane.

Faced with such a hurricane, Nagato had no idea of ​​evading, and Zhangkou uttered a roar: "Roar of Emperor Dragon !!"

The indescribable shock wave directly smashed the hurricane, hitting the middle of the prison cattle and mocking the wind


In the terrible explosion, two monsters were immediately blown away and hit the ground heavily. Although they were not directly killed, they were also seriously injured because they were too close to the explosion.

The devastation of the two monsters immediately aroused the anger and fighting spirit of the other monsters.

Immediately, all the monsters united and launched an attack:

Dragon's five sons Xian Yan launched the ultimate charge, the dragon's six sons Xunbiao threw off the stone monument on his back, the dragon's seven sons Xuanxian released the power of judgment, and the dragon's eighth son Xunbeng even inspired the power called Wen Qi.

The last kiss of the dragon's child, Chi, directly turned into an amazing black hole, trying to devour the Nagato.


"Not at all!"

With such a word in his mouth, the red-haired boy lit a blue flame, accompanied by the red-haired boy's fist movement, as if the endless blue flame turned into an infinite arrow, bombarded in all directions Out.

In this endless blast of arrows, all attacks are cancelled, and all the beasts are all blasted.

"It seems that the Nine Sons of Dragons really have a reputation!"

Just one move, Nagato displayed a desperately powerful presence in front of the Dragon Nine Sons.

But the nine sons of the dragon are not desperate, because at this moment-


The prisoner of cattle took the lead in the dragon-like roar, and then the other beasts roared one after another. Unimaginable resonance burst out at this moment, connecting the nine sons of the dragon.

But in an instant, the Nagato felt that a huge breath was pouring from the void.

"Well, it's kind of interesting!"

The brow furrowed slightly, and there was a slight smile on the face of the red-haired boy, because at this moment, the red-haired boy saw, and an unimaginable vast dragon appeared in the sky.

The nine sons of the dragon turned into light one after another, directly blending into the phantom, making it look more real.

The phantom of Zulong, once in the world, is here! ..

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