My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 73: Seeing Shenqi is the first!

Demon world!

This is a very mysterious world.

Unlike the obscurity of the fairy world, the devil world is definitely famous, but unlike the well-known two worlds, the majority of creatures in the main plane are only known by the devil world.

Few people know what the real demon world looks like, and there is no record of the main plane.

Therefore, just before the Big Devil drove out of the space channel, curiosity appeared on everyone's face, especially the little girls headed by Remilia were crowded into the Shenzhou's cab.

Nothing else, because the cab has the best external vision!

After a moment of darkness, the Great Demon drove out of the space channel and appeared at the height of 10,000 meters in the Devil Realm.


Looking at the sight of the Devil Realm in sight, the little girls almost exclaimed in unison, not only the little girls, but others could not help but marvel at seeing the true face of the Demon Realm.

Unlike the Earth on the main plane, the devil does not exist in the form of a planet, but in the state of a round place.

But this is not the reason why the girls marvel. The reason why the girls will marvel is entirely because the scenery of the Devil's world does not look much different from the main plane, but it seems to give people a dark feeling.

From this point of view, the Devil Realm deserves to be the Demon Realm, as far as the pure visual effect is concerned, it is really the real name!

"Because there is no sun!"

On the throne of the main hall, the left hand of the long door supported his chin, and the sense of release scanned the situation around the Big Devil, and the reason why the Devil Realm was so.

Because it is the setting of the sky circle, the Devil Realm has not yet born its own sun at this time.


"This is wrong!"

He whispered in his mouth that the red-haired boy frowned slightly. Although he hadn't really met Shen Qi, Nagato still knew Shen Qi's strength through Saya's vision and feeling.

To put it bluntly, at this time, the eight cloud purple, the eight intention Yonglin and the wind seeing the fragrance of the incense are not Shen Qi's opponents at all!

If the original Moon War God Qi shot, even the Nagato would have to hurt his bones-at least the strength of the Nagato's authentic form at that time was not Shen Qi's opponent at all and needed more power.

Judging by the standards of Tao Realm, Shen Qi is at least the third step of Dao Realm, the realm of Dao God, comparable to the double-digit power of the box court.

Even in the realm of Taoism, Shenqi may have reached the apex, only one line away from Daosheng

It ’s not that hard to create a sun that belongs to the devil world!

"So why does Shenqi keep Demon Realm like this?"

Such doubts flashed in his head, and Nagato just thought a little, and stopped thinking, because at this moment, the red-haired boy felt that a large amount of strange breath appeared not far from the Big Devil.

In less than a moment, these breaths will reach the vicinity of the Big Devil and stop in the sky!

Among these breaths, there is also a very powerful breath. It ’s the **** Qi that Nagato is going to see!

Nagato knew that when she came to Demon Realm, Shen Qi would definitely know it in an instant, but he really didn't expect that the Lord of Demon Realm would come over directly instead of waiting for him to find her.

"Adult, outside"

At this time, a maid quickly ran into the main hall, and hurriedly reported to the long door, but the maid's words were not finished, and was interrupted by the red-haired boy who suddenly got up from the throne:

"I know, I didn't expect that the Demon Lord would be so impatient, let me go and see it!"

As the mouth said, Nagato took the lead out of the main hall, and with the pace of the red-haired boy, except for a few Shenzhou manipulators, other girls followed the Nagato.

Led by many girls, the long door wandered the passage leading to the deck, and soon reached the end of the passage.

Pushing open the door at the end of the passage, stepping in and showing in front of the long door is the empty Great Demon deck, and a figure of the demon world suspended above the main deck.

In the center of the demon crowd, there is a large creature like a flying fish, and there are dozens of people standing on it.

With the sight of Nagato, at first glance I saw the gods among the dozens of figures!

This is a pretty girl--

She has six huge purple wings on her back, wearing a simple but cumbersome red dress with a wide cuff, a black shawl on her shoulders, and a white pleated pattern on the edge of the dress.

The whole body of the girl was wrapped in some big clothes, and there were very few exposed parts. That obviously young mother's face was filled with a mother-like maturity, but in this maturity there was a hint of innocence.

This unusually obvious contradiction does not weaken the charm of the girl, it is better to say that it makes the girl look more beautiful and attractive!

As long as you stare at each other slightly, anyone who wants to come can feel the beauty of innocence and charm.

At the moment when Long Gate saw Shen Qi, Shen Qi also saw Long Gate.

With their eyes facing each other, the girl blinked playfully, the long white hair scattered randomly behind her, and the noticeable dull hair jumped up cheerfully, showing the girl's mood.

"I finally saw you!"

"Yeah, finally met!"

Between the eye waves, Nagato and Shenqi completed the initial conversation. The next moment, Shenqi's figure suddenly appeared beside Nagato. The action was fast, and there was no sign at all.

In such a situation, the girls who followed the long door to the deck suddenly made precautions.

But Shen Qi didn't pay attention to the girls' precautions, but stared straight at the long door!

The look was a little weird, and it seemed to confirm something.

"Any questions?"

Seeing such a performance by the Lord of the Devil, Nagato could not help but feel a little stunned. He was unable to understand Shen Qi's approach, but the red-haired boy quickly recovered his calm and asked.

"Ah, sorry, it's just strange, it seems to see the figure of a certain old man."

After hearing the question from Nagato, Shen Qi reacted, and the dull hair on his head jumped, a little embarrassed, and then said, "Although you already know it, let me introduce myself!"

"I am Shenqi, please enlighten me!" ..

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