My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 74: The second of the two is even more destined!

Shenqi is indeed a very strange girl.

If other people stared at each other for a long time when they first met with a stranger, I am afraid that they would have caused dissatisfaction for a long time, even if they were not expressed because of their beauty, they would still be sullied in the bottom of their hearts.

But it was Shen Qi who did this kind of thing. Her behavior may be rude, but it did not arouse anyone's disgust.

Even absolute tyrants like Nagato have no spite of disgust.

"This affinity is somewhat out of place!"

Such thoughts flashed in his head, and Nagato extended his right hand and introduced himself, "Similarly, I will introduce myself too. I am Nagato, and I am very happy to see you, Shenqi!"


The dull hair on his head turned, Shen Qi stepped forward with some joy, and also extended his right hand, just about to shake hands with the long door, but the next moment, the girl's hand caught empty.

So at this moment, the right hand of Nagato raised abruptly and caught her dull hair!


At this moment, it seems to have stopped.

Seeing the existence of this scene around, both the daughters on the Datian Demon and the demon world were stunned, even if Shen Qi couldn't help but feel a little stunned.

At this time, the red-haired boy realized what he had done afterwards.


There was a little doubt in the eyes, and the long door subconsciously dragged the god's dumb hair, "Strange, my body moved by myself, as if it had some kind of wonderful instinct."

And Shen Qi was dragged by the long door, and the dumb hair did not resist, and a strange expression appeared on his face.

It's just that Shenqi didn't resist, it doesn't mean everyone will ignore it!

"Bold !!"

A stern cry echoed on the deck of the Great Demon, and then saw a sharp blade descend from the sky, and with some mysterious trajectory, bombarded towards the body of the long door.


Seeing this scene, Remilia rushed out and swept the magic gun.

"Keng! Keng! Keng!"

The incoming sharp blades were all swept away by the girl, but there was no slack in Remy's face, because at that moment, the blond maid who had fired the sharp blades had appeared in front of her.

Horrible coercion burst out of the maid, that is the level of coercion that can already hurt Remilia!

Just when the battle is about to hit

"Stop it, Yumeko!"

The sound of Shenqi's voice came suddenly, which stopped some of the majestic pressure on the maid, and then the talents found out that, when they did not know when, Nagato had released his right hand to grasp Shenqi's dumb hair.

The two stood side by side, looking at Remy and the maid named Mengzi.

"Adult, but"

"I said stop!"

The maid named Mengzi seemed to want to do something else, but in Shen Qi's words again, the maid finally had no choice but to put away her arms and bowed towards the long door:

"I'm so sorry, I'm a little impulsive next, Lord Demon!"

"Oh, no, you did a great job!"

With a chuckle, Nagato nodded to the seemingly impulsive maid, and expressed his appreciation. Such a maid who is powerful and loyal enough, Nagato appreciates it.

By the way, Remilia, who is on the other side, also likes maids like Mengzi.

"I want a maid like this too!"

Such thoughts flashed through Miss Vampire's mind. Although she was not a maid in Bai Yujing, and she was still a purebred vampire, the problem was that the guy was not pure enough.

What Remilia wanted was a maid who regarded her as the only maid, just like the dreamer in front of her!

After that, the long goalkeeper Shen Qi invited him to the Big Demon.

Shen Qi was happily invited, and took the maid Mengzi into the Da Tian Mo. In the main hall of the Da Tian Mo, the two tacitly put things on the deck behind their heads, and the world talked.

And this talk, like a wild horse, is a little bit out of control.

Obviously it was just the first meeting, and the personality was so different that it was totally out of place, but Nagato and Shenqi even talked like old friends who had never seen each other, and even forgot the time.

The performance of the love between the two immediately attracted the attention of others around!

"Well, what's the situation?"

Even Huo Qing'e, who prides herself on knowing all the human touch, was suddenly surprised.

Although there is not much time to get along with, Huo Qing'e thinks that he has seen through the long door. Of course, this is also the reason why the red-haired teenager's thoughts are well-understood, and he has not concealed his true temperament.

In Huo Qing'e's eyes, Nagato is a hegemon, an absolute hegemon!

Don't look at Nagato spending a lot of thoughts on herself, but the evil fairy girl understands that it is Nagato's interest, and the red-haired teenager is just enjoying some kind of activity to conquer others' mind and body.

From the point of view of the other party, Huo Qing'e has no second path at all, even if he commits suicide, he will be pulled out of hell.

An absolute bully like Nagato can hardly imagine who he would talk to so much.

Not only Huo Qing'e, the other girls of the Devil's Devil, except Furan, Qi Lu Nuo and Lu Miya, these simple little fools, were all surprised. By contrast, Shen Qi's maid Meng Zi was somewhat conspicuous. Inexplicable.

"For a long time, I haven't seen Lord Shenqi so happy!"

A slightly complex emotion flashed in my mind, and the complexity in Meng Zi's mind was even worse.

In the Devil Realm, Shen Qi is the master of everything, creating the supreme existence of all beings. Even if all Devil Realms know that Shen Qi is a gentle and optimistic existence, it is not difficult to get along, but no one can get along with it equally.

When seeing the gods, all demon creatures will unconsciously appear to behave like gods.

Or respect Shenqi as her mother!

In short, no one has been able to communicate with Shenqi like Nagato for a long time

"I am afraid that adults are lonely on weekdays!"

Thinking of this, the original Mengzi could not help but dissatisfaction with the long door's dissatisfaction with Shenqi's offense, but it was only a little, and it was impossible to let the girl completely dissatisfaction.

Because the man dared to use his own hands to catch God ’s sacred dull hair! ..

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