My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 76: Bailian reproduces the second more!

Since the establishment of Demon Realm, Shen Qi has rarely been so angry.

Even at the end of the previous era, the girl was not so angry when facing the 8 million gods under her control in the abyss of destruction that seemed to destroy all the will of heaven and earth.

However, she was really angry this time, because the bald **** of Bliss Pure Land actually moved her taboo!


As the Lord of the Devil Realm, Shenqi's will is equal to the Devil's Heaven.

The moment the girl's anger burst out completely, the weather in the whole demon world changed. With the girl as the center, the sky within a thousand miles gathered suddenly, and the thunderous thunder resounded through the sky.

With the thunder that fell from the sky from time to time, many bald heads descended from the golden light wailed and disappeared.

The demon warriors guarding the dark pyramid cheered up.

Even because of seeing Shen Qi, the warriors of the Devil Soared!

"Why is this necessary, Majesty God!"

At this moment, the sound of endless Zen came out of the golden hole, then a huge golden lotus slowly descended from the hole, and on the lotus was sitting an old Buddhist monk.

With the advent of the gods and Buddhas, the bald warriors below suddenly burst out with more powerful fighting power, and once again depressed the demon warriors.

"The Supreme Lord's legacy is not exclusive to His Majesty, why can't he share it with the old monk."

"Come on! You don't know anything at all, old bald donkey!"

Hearing the words of God and Buddha and seeing what happened after him, Shen Qi ’s face was even more angry, and the terrifying might that belonged to the devil ’s master burst out, "I said it very early, and I never had any remains, some It ’s just the king ’s grave. "

"Your bastard, apparently survived for the reason of the adult, and he was so cruel to dig his graveyard !!"


Under Shen Qi's rebuke, a little hesitation appeared on the face of the **** Buddha, he also knew that his actions would be endlessly condemned, but as long as he thought that he could get a little legacy of the existence, the **** Buddha Severe heart.

"Your Majesty is persistent, people can't be resurrected from death, I think that the Venerable will not mind these little things."


Hearing the words of God Buddha, Shen Qi could not stop the killing intention in her heart.

Immediately, the wings behind the Lord of the Devil opened, terror energy emerged from the sky and earth, and merged into his body. At the next moment, a beam of terror energy burst out of Shen Qi's hands and took away the Buddha.

In the face of Shenqi's attack, the Buddha was unwilling to show weakness, and more golden energy emerged from the void and was absorbed by it.

The posture of sitting is the same, the Buddha opens his right palm, and the words on the palm appear!

Then, the right palm of the **** Buddha launched towards Shenqi's attack!


The war between Shenqi and God Buddha broke out in an instant.

Shenqi has the support of the whole world of devil, and the **** Buddha also has the blessing of the bliss of pure land from outside the demon world. Both of them show the fighting power of the apex of the Taoist God.

In the aftermath of such a battle, Nagato seemed to be silly, looking at the dark pyramid below it with some fascination.

In fact, in the blink of an eye, the red-haired boy's attention was attracted by the pyramid. It was an indescribable and wonderful feeling. If it was not for the eyes to see the pyramid, the perception of Nagato might even miss it.

But when his eyes saw the pyramid, Nagato realized that his soul could not help shaking.

As if in the dark pyramid, what is the most important thing to grow!

This wonderful feeling attracted all the attention of the red-haired boy, so that Nagato didn't even notice the profound dialogue between Shen Qi and God Buddha, but just looked at the pyramid like this.


At this moment, a scattered thunder in the sky passed by the long door.

The slightest electric current awakened the red-haired boy from a sluggish state, and then Nagato noticed that Shen Qi and the **** Buddha sitting on the lotus platform had fought to a tremendously intense level.

The space between the two has been gradually distorted, and the entire battlefield is constantly shifting towards the void beyond the demon world.

Obviously, in order to unleash their full power, the two decided to shift the battlefield!

Originally under such circumstances, Nagato had already shot to help Shenqi, but at this time, the red-haired boy did not have such thoughts, and took a step at will, and Nagato's figure disappeared in place.

At the next moment, the figure of the long gate came out of the ripples of space in front of the dark pyramid deep in the mountains.

"Sure enough, I feel more profound!"

Standing in front of the pyramid, Nagato couldn't help but take a few deep breaths. The red-haired boy could feel that the closer to the pyramid, the more trembling of his soul.

In a trance, Nagato realized that with this entry, all his cognition since his rebirth will be reformed.

The glory that was originally visible to the naked eye will face the darkness of the future, and it will be even harder from now on!


"You must not step back here!"

There was a glorious glory in the eyes, and Nagato wiped out all his uneasiness in an instant. What would happen in the future, Nagato didn't care, because in his eyes, no matter how dark the future would be, after all!

Such a will will carry through the soul, and suddenly let Nagato's originally flawed soul shine out to a full glory.

In an instant, the red-haired young boy was filled with an intangible temperament, which seemed more natural.

"Interesting, is this an epiphany?"

A light smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, and the long door whispered to himself, and he was about to walk towards the Dark Pyramid, but he hadn't walked a few steps before, the golden light flashed, and the bald head of a zen stick and stick blocked the long Door road.

And in front of many bald heads is a handsome monk, with a golden bowl on his right hand, which is outstanding.

"Have seen the Lord of Heavenly Demon, the poor monk was ordered by the Buddha to intercept him here!"

In the face of the monk's words, the long door was too lazy to ignore it, and the pace under his feet remained the same. As the long door kept getting closer, the surrounding monks suddenly felt a pressure and could not help but take the lead.

Immediately, various attacks erupted from the monks and bombarded towards the Nagato.

And at this moment-


A wind-like afterimage flashed around the long door, smashing all the monk ’s attacks, and then wearing a black and white Gothic loli suit, a girl wearing a red cape appeared and blocked the long door before!

Although the back is facing the Nagato, the girl's asymmetrical hair with curly hair on the left and straight hair still tells Nagato her identity.

Bai Lian, the woman who was taken by Shen Qi to the demon world for cultivation more than a hundred years ago.

"It's you, Bailian!"

"It's me, long time no see, Nagato Jun!"

I saw that Bai Lian first said this towards the Nagato, and then her eyes looked closely at the monk in front of her, especially the handsome monk headed by the monk, and a little complexity appeared on her face:

"Longmen Jun wants to go to the pyramid, then let these roadblocks be given to me. After all, I really did not expect that my brother will meet in such a situation. Do you say yes, Life Lotus!" ..

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