My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 77: True Dragon is the third!

Life Lotus!

This is the younger brother of Bailian.

In order to pursue Buddhism and Taoism, Minglian gave up Bailian and followed a parade of monks. Bailian, who was left alone by his brother, became a woman of the Nagato after being tricked by fate.

The original story is here, it should be a very ordinary parting and reunion.

It was only after Bailian practiced to a certain extent that he learned from his parents and Saya that his younger brother had stolen his luck through inexplicable means to become a Buddha. This story changed.

Bai Lian loves his younger brother very much. After all, this is her only younger brother and her only family.

But Bailian loves power more, and her strong heart is like a natural one!

Therefore, after knowing what his younger brother did, Bailian's heart was speechless and confused. For a hundred years, Bailian wanted to find Minglian more than once, but she never found anything.

Bai Lian thought that his brother was dead, but the girl never expected to see him here.

"I didn't expect to see you here, Sister Bailian!"

Not only Bailian, Minglian didn't expect to see her sister here, but her face couldn't help being complicated for a while, especially when she heard the dialogue between her sister and the big demon, her expression changed.

At first, Ming Lian was indeed struggling to seize the luck from her sister, but Ming Lian also thought about compensating her in her later years.

But now it seems that Minglian ’s idea was destroyed by the Great Demon. Before getting her compensation, Bailian gained strength and regained her luck. Under such circumstances, the relationship between the two was suddenly embarrassing. .

If it weren't for the Heavenly Devil to intervene, it wouldn't be like that-thinking of this, Minglian's gaze at Nagato was suddenly awkward.

It's just that Ming Lian's unwholesome gaze is nothing important to Nagato.

"So, it's up to you, Bailian!"

Take a deep look at Bailian, knowing that the girl is ready to use this opportunity to break the last confusion in her heart, and the long gate did not shoot, directly disappeared in place and appeared after the monks.

"No, behind me!"

"Don't want to go!"

The monks reacted in an instant, and turned around one after another, they would attack towards the back of the long door, but they had not started to act, they found a magic circle emerged under their feet.

The power of the magic circle forming a barrier, separating the monks and the long gate.

"Can't you let you attack Naomen Jun!"

At this time, while maintaining the operation of the magic circle under her feet, Bai Lian took out a scroll from her arms, and the extremely powerful breath filled, "Then, it is our turn."

The Dark Pyramid is very tall, and it is more than two hundred meters high.

As he stepped closer and closer, Nagato's mood grew calmer.

No, it is more calm than calm.

At a distance of less than twenty meters, he thought a lot, from the initial rebirth, to the wanton vertical and horizontal later, to all kinds of open hanging, all kinds of crushing battles, until the present world.

Nagato found that if he wrote his story so far, it would definitely be Longaotian-style web!

Perhaps there will be some twists and turns in the life of Nagato, but in front of the strength of Nagato and the wisdom of Saya, everything is flattened, and there are very few things that can make Nagato feel difficult, almost no. Looking back now, my life seems to be taken care of by fate, and even has a feeling of being accommodated!

Of course, the mother of Dao, who appeared later, did show a care for herself.


"It's not normal!"

At this moment, Nagato understands very clearly that everything he has experienced cannot be said to be illusory, only that the real world should not be like this, it should be even darker and colder.

In a trance, Nagato is somewhat enlightened, but the past self has not actually been truly 'born'!

Therefore, he will be generally protected by the mother of the Avenue!

"No, is that really the mother of the avenue?"

Such thoughts flashed abruptly in his mind, and Nagato couldn't help but wonder. The so-called mother of avenues should in fact be the final assembly of countless avenues. In theory, it will treat all sentient beings equally, without preference.

But it is clear that the mother of Dadao known by Nagato is too partial to herself!

Thinking of this, the red-haired boy shook his head subconsciously: "It's not really the mother of the avenue. In fact, it doesn't matter anymore. Anyway, in my heart, the one who really treated me sincerely!"

Thoughts are here, in fact, many things have come out.

The heaven and earth chess game shrouded in this plane is undoubtedly arranged by the mother of the avenue known by Nagato, and its real purpose is to try out for the real "birth" of Nagato.

And now, the dark pyramid displayed in front of Nagato is the prelude to the Nagato trial!

"Unveil the true face of the world, start here!"

Standing less than one meter in front of the pyramid, the eyes of the long gate are full of firm belief, "No matter what the future will be, I will eventually get a real eternity and be proud of everything!"

Along with this belief, the authentic origin within the Nagato has quietly completed its final transformation.

The huge and restrained power filled the red-haired boy's flesh and even his soul.

Everything is so natural, without causing any change!

"You are finally here, so good!"

In the channel that no one could hear, the voice of the mother of the Avenue echoed, making the Nagato feel a sense of sadness, and in a trance, the Nagato understood that when she was born, it was when she died.

"No need to be sad, this is what I expect!"

As if I saw the idea of ​​Nagato, the voice of the mother of Dadao was filled with perseverance, "See you next time. In my name, I will give you the name of the dragon-eternal!"

With the final announcement, the voice of the mother of avenue dissipated.

"I, come out!"

At this moment, the figure of Orpheus came out of the body of the long door, from illusion to reality, and the whole process took less than a moment. "You go, here I am guarding for you, this is the way you must."

At the moment of rebirth, Orpheus already knew everything from Nagato, so he took the initiative to guard.

"Then, please, Orpheus!"

As he spoke towards the infinite dragon gods around him, Nagato then took a step towards the dark pyramid, and the invisible waves permeated from the pyramid, swallowing the red-haired boy into it.

ps: I hope it won't make people feel inexplicable. In this episode, I will explain all the origins of Nagato, and the origins of the six avatars, and I will really explain them clearly. ..

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