My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 83: Directly devour the second!


At this moment, the sound of hurricane roar echoed between heaven and earth.

Dozens of tornadoes swept from all directions into a rope that bound the **** Buddha out of his arms and tied them straight, stopping the other party's attempt to uproot the pyramid.

"Shenqi !!"

"Why stop me!"

Seeing the tornado tied around his arm, the **** Buddha first struggled a bit, and found that his own strength could not be easily freed, even when an angry roar was issued.

"Or, do you think you can stop me ?!"

Its roaring sound seemed like hundreds of thousands of thunders blooming in unison, and the anger of the immobile King had already ignited the fire, and then it was necessary to burn everything in front of him.

"This is not a question of whether or not it is possible!"

In the face of the anger of the gods and Buddhas, a lot of heaven and earth energies gathered opposite the gods and buddies, condensing the gesture of Shenqi. As the creator of the Devil Realm, the huge Devil Realm is almost equivalent to the incarnation of Shenqi.

Therefore, even if Shenqi was blasted into the depths of the void, her consciousness could also manipulate the demon world.

"I am Shenqi, this is what I have to do!"

With such a word in his mouth, the **** Qi transformed by the spirit of heaven and earth raised his right hand, and the endless clouds gathered above the **** Buddha, and in a moment, a trial thunder containing the will of the devil was released.


In an instant, bathed in the thunder of judgment, the upper body of the deity was all black.

However, under such circumstances, the spirit of the **** Buddha does not decrease but increases!


I saw that the God Buddha lifted up a huge head, and the sky was a scream, as if to burst through the sky, the shock wave was released from the mouth of the God Buddha, and directly scattered the clouds in the sky.

Then the golden light radiated from the body of the Buddha, and the force of the right hand slammed the wind.

"You can't stop me !!"

In the sound of thunderous announcement, the power of the **** Buddha burst.

The earth appeared an endless network of cracks within a short period of time, and the vitality of heaven and earth within a thousand miles was directly dispelled by the vast divine power of the **** Buddha, and the authority of the devil ’s will here was weakened to the extreme.

Afterwards, the big hands of the gods and buddhas covered the dark pyramid again, which is bound to be won.

Because of the actions of the gods and Buddhas before, the power that the Devil ’s will can mobilize here is weakened too much, either the wind or the flame, or the thunder, etc., no matter what the power, it ca n’t stop the giant palm.

But Shen Qi is not a fool. From the beginning, she has not put hope on herself.

At least it was before Shen Qi's body came back from the void.

On this battlefield, Shen Qi is not without companions.

and so--


Bailian's figure stood in front of the dark pyramid.

Behind the girl, an endless stream of vitality and a variety of blessing powers appeared one after another, superimposed on the girl's body, and instantly restored the girl's weakness, even beyond the heyday.

"It's really frustrating to face this kind of existence, but"

Looking at the huge palm that seemed to be covered slowly and slowly, an unyielding smile appeared in the corner of Bailian's mouth, the magic array under his feet spread in an instant, and the rune butterfly flew.

The runes in the body, the inner world and the earth, were completely awakened at this moment, releasing endless power.

"Must kill, the demon **** repeats !!"

With the girl's final words and spirits, the magic circle under her feet stood upright and turned into muzzles. The unreal **** Qi seemed to flash through the magic circle.

At the next moment, a series of earth-shattering magic cannons were released from the magic array and blasted out.

"Boom! Boom! Boom !!!"

With the full support of the Demon Realm, Bailian's magic cannon has expanded to an unimaginable level, continuously bombarding the covered Buddha's palm, even blasting it out of the crack.

Not only that, Bai Lian's magic gun seems to have no limit, both in power and quantity have risen sharply.

Soon, the entire right arm of the **** Buddha appeared a crack, and even spread to the flesh.


Seeing that his attack was blocked again, the **** Buddha was furious, and the pure land of bliss in the body collapsed again by a quarter, and the exceedingly terrifying power flowed out of the body of the **** Buddha.

The cracks on the body of the **** and Buddha were instantly repaired under this terrifying power.


Then, as if the gods and gods had lost their patience, they directly rushed towards the endless magic cannon with the body of the giant **** and buddha, and moved the room, and the unimaginable huge body rolled up infinite destruction.

At every step forward, the gods and Buddhas rolled up an earthquake of magnitude six or seven and set off an amazing wind.

At this moment, the earth of the devil could not help but utter an unbearable whine!


In the face of such brutal and unreasonable power, Bailian's magic cannon did not procrastinate for a long time. The girl received the collision of the **** and Buddha, and the whole person almost nearly met the meteor.

Fortunately, the girl's own strength is sufficient, and it will not be defeated, but it has lost its combat ability.

"Bald donkey, wait for me!"

At this moment, Shenqi's urgent call came from the sky, which was Shenqi's body that rushed back from the depths of the void, but the **** Buddha didn't pay attention to Shenqi's voice and rushed towards the pyramid.


I saw that the **** Buddha blasted the pyramid with a punch, and the whole person instantly condensed into a body close to 100 meters, squeezed into the gap of the dark pyramid that he blasted.

God Buddha can't wait to see the last remnant of that great man.



In a sudden voice, the **** Buddha who had just entered the pyramid retreated to the entrance again, but just waiting for the **** Buddha to react, he heard the sounds of dragons echoing through the world.

Then, I saw a grisly and huge dragon head pouring out of the gap of the dark pyramid.

Unprepared, the **** Buddha was bitten by the dragon heads one after another.

Then the devour begins!


"What is this!!"

"This is what you forced me to explode me, don't! Help!"

From the initial anger, to the self-detonation of anger, to the fear of self-detonation, no matter how the **** Buddha resists, he can't break the **** and swallowing of the dragon head. ..

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