My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 84: Conversation and preparation first!

The whole process is extremely cruel!

Shen Qi, who had just hurried back from the depths of the void, saw this scene. Even in these long years, the Lord of the Devil Realm, who had long been accustomed to killing and blood, could not help but shudder.

Especially at the last moment when I saw the **** Buddha holding his fear and was eaten, Shen Qi actually felt like a rabbit dying and sad.

Although in the past years, Shen Qi and God Buddha were in completely different positions, confronting each other, and even wishing to kill each other, they have to admit that they are the same kind.

At least in this very different new era, only God Buddha is the real kind of God Qi.

And now, her classmates died so miserably.

God Qi couldn't live without other thoughts.

But the girl ’s thoughts were only a moment after all, and then Shen Qi ’s attention shifted to the nine dire dragon heads.

This is not the first time Shen Qi saw these nine dragon heads.

At the beginning of the Moon War, Shen Qi also saw it once.

It is just that compared with that time, the power of the nine dragon heads is stronger this time. It can even be said that it is completely a gap of two dimensions, and the power of these dragon heads has undergone a fundamental transformation.

"Sure enough, is Master Changmen the Master?"

The thought flashed in his mind, and Shen Qi fully realized that after returning from the reincarnation, his master was no longer the invincible benevolent of the past that all beings loved.

Compared with the past, his master has embarked on a completely different path.

"This is, how domineering it is!"

Feeling the overbearing dragon power that filled the thousands of miles around the dark pyramid, Shen Qi secretly sighed in his heart.

Then he stepped out and appeared directly in front of the Dark Pyramid. The white lotus, who was severely damaged but extremely weak, somehow appeared in Shenqi's arms.


Bai Lian coughed a few times without saying much,

In this way, holding Bai Lian, Shen Qi waited for the long door to come out of the pyramid.

Without letting the two girls wait for a long time, the nine dragon heads dissipated into dust in an instant, and then within a moment, there were crisp footsteps coming out from the dark pyramid, and the rhythm of the sound was slow and firm.

The red-haired boy in a purple and luxurious robe soon walked out of the darkness, and the sculpted handsome cheeks were filled with a firm will, and the deep purple eyes seemed to contain endless mysteries.

Just looking at the appearing teenager, both Bai Lian and Shen Qi, as if they saw a mountain in the sky.

The indescribable and heavy feeling even made the surrounding air thicker.


After walking out of the Dark Pyramid, Nagato's eyes swept in the surrounding environment, and finally stopped on Shen Qi and Bai Lian, especially after seeing the expressions of the two girls, his brows were slightly wrinkled.

Then he seemed to be aware of his problems, and the youth's incomparable sense of oppression dissipated at an alarming rate.

In less than a moment, the pressure on Nagato disappeared.

The whole person looks like an ordinary cold boy.

"Shenqi, Bailian, you have worked hard!"

Walking towards the girls, while the long door spoke so softly, while waving at Bailian, a source of power emerged from the void and poured into its body.

"This is what I should do!"

Nourished by the power of the source, Bailian's injury improved instantly, and she broke free from Shen Qi's arms.

Bailian's departure seemed to make Shenqi's face flash with regret, but soon Shenqi's eyes turned to Nagato. For the reincarnation of his master, Shenqi had a lot to say. It was only a while, but the girl did n’t know where to start.

However, before Shen Qi spoke, the long door spoke again: "It is said that my previous life was your master, to be honest, I am not very sure about this, because I only got the heart of the previous life, but I have not yet obtained the previous life. memory."


Hearing the words of Nagato, Shen Qi was at a loss.

"But I think"

Wandering to Shenqi's body, Nagato bowed his head slightly, facing the girl's eyes, "You should be happy to talk to me about something you know about me."

"Of course!"

After a slight consternation, a bright smile appeared on the face of the Lord of the Devil, "But before that, let us change the place, my dear Master!"

"it is good!"

After Nagato walked out of the Dark Pyramid, Saya resumed contact with Nagato again.

In front of the connection rooted in the deepest part of the soul, there is nothing hidden between Nagato and Saya, so Saya, who is alone in the Moon Heart Space, instantly knows all the information about Nagato's previous life.

Immediately, a large amount of computing power was initiated by the young girl, and the most detailed analysis and dissection of the information was carried out.

With all-out calculations, every possibility was deduced by Saya, and then denied!

Until about ten minutes later


The blue-haired girl let out a long sigh of relief, and then a strange smile appeared on her face, "It's a bit interesting, it seems that not only the long-term brother has a past life, it seems that I have it."

"Also, how are the other five siblings connected to us?"

"All the puzzles will be solved soon if you think about it. But now I look a little weak!"

Along with the words of Saya, in the space of the Lord God beyond the endless dimension, in the exclusive space of the seventh executioner, a sister of Saya sitting high on the throne suddenly said:

"After spending a lot of time, I will finally hide the Lord God. I am going to leave. Next, I will hand it over to you!"

"Obey, my lord!"

The five figures standing in front of Saya immediately bowed to their knees.


Seeing the reactions of the five powerful men, Saya nodded in satisfaction.

Then the girl sat on the throne like this, as if falling into a deep sleep, the breath gradually approached nothing, and no one knew that Shaye's spirit had left the space of the Lord God.

"Adult has left, then I will dominate next!"

At this moment, the five kneeling figures below slowly stood up, which seemed to be equipped with armor, and the cold and majestic alien queen filled the whole body and said first:

"Kagura and Jieluo, you go around playing according to the usual practice, and then pass the news of the adults' retreat."

"Xiaoqian, you and Shenwu are the guardians of the adult's physical body. Occasionally simulating the power fluctuations of the adult, you must not let others discover that the spirit of the adult is not there.

"how about you?"

The girl named Kagura asked subconsciously after hearing the command of the alien queen.

"I'm going to perform the punishment task given by the Lord God!"

A strong killer appeared on his face, and the alien queen said quietly, "At this time, the real war should not be far away, but my children don't seem to be strong enough, they need more prey!"

"I don't know how many planes of life are needed to push my children to the extreme."

"Hehehe, I really look forward to it!" ..

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