My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 86: Santu River is the first!

The sky in the underworld looks a bit gloomy and pervasive.

Or it is because there are no sun, moon and stars in the attached main plane of this realm, but a sun, moon and star projecting the autonomous plane, just because of the environment of the underworld, the sun, moon and stars will be a little strange.

For example, the sun displayed in front of the long gate at this time is blood red, and there is not much temperature in the sun.

"But this is also normal, after all, this is a cold world of death."

The thought flashed in my mind, and the red-haired boy began to look around the situation. At this time, the long gate was standing on a small hill, the surrounding environment was a bit quiet, and the vegetation was scarce.

Behind the long door is a barren, the barren end seems to be a huge shady, looks a bit like a door.

If the Long Gate remembers correctly, it should be the correct entrance to the Underworld—the Ghost Gate.

And not far from the front gate is a long river that doesn't know where it stretches.

Obviously, this is a wonderfully unusual river, not as wide as words. The most interesting thing is that it is obviously the same river, but the confluence of different areas on it shows different flow rates.

With the eyes of Nagato, I can instantly see the essence of that long river.

It was a river of terror that gathered endless souls, and even looking at it, Nagato could even hear endless wailing.

"If the guess is good, it is the so-called Santu River."

Thinking about this, the red-haired boy couldn't help feeling emotion. He came from the Devil Realm, and it should have come randomly, but I didn't expect to see the legendary Santu River where it first came.

Santu River, the name of the river in the underworld, is also known as the Burytou River, the Du River, the Sanze River, and the Santu River.

According to legend, the Santu River is the dividing line between the living world and the dead world. Because the current will be divided into three types: slow, ordinary, and rapid according to the behavior of the dead before life, it is called "three ways."

Originally, the long gate was prepared to directly psychic underworld, locate the Yan Luo Temple, and then directly transferred there.

It was only after seeing the Santu River that the red-haired boy changed his attention.

"I remember, there are ferrymen on the Santu River."

Speaking softly like this, Nagato strolled in the direction of Santuhe, not a short distance seemed to condense at the feet of the teenager, but within a few steps, Nagato reached the Santu River.

On the Santu River, Nagato saw a large number of ghosts wandering here.

They are all waiting for the ferry soul, just like life and death can only be crossed by reincarnation, there is only one way to cross the Santu River, that is, the ferry boat on the Santu River, there is no other way.

However, the ferry has to pay the fare, and the soul without the toll will not be able to board the ferry.

Otherwise, even if you board, you will be thrown into the Santu River by the boatman.

Driven by the desire of reincarnation, those souls that cannot cross the river will wade through the river, but the water of the Santu River is not only buoyant, but also has a poison that can corrode the soul.

Those who enter the water will never have a chance to go ashore, and can only become water ghosts in the Santu River.

The souls that the long gate saw before were water ghosts.

The pain that can never be reborn and the icy cold river water make those water ghosts jealous of other souls with reincarnation hope. As long as there is a soul falling into the water, they will swarm up and pull it into the bottom of the river to become a water ghost like them.

For the encounters of those water ghosts, Nagato did not mind.

The only thing that makes teenagers interesting is the money for crossing the river.

Through communication with the underworld world at any time and anywhere, Nagato knew that the so-called cross-river money was not the accumulation of wandering souls but the penny coins burned by others after his death.

At first glance, this setting seems too rigid and makes little sense. After all, in the eyes of all beings, it is justified to have good and good for evil, but this world has never lacked the kind of good people who are single-handed. Isn't it chilling?

But the teenager understands that this setting is mainly to determine whether the soul is reincarnated.

Only the existence of being missed has the value of reincarnation.

As for the so-called good and evil?

There is not much difference in the eyes of the world!

"But after all, this setting does have a lot of loopholes!"

After thinking for a while, Nagato came to the conclusion that after all, burning coins is not popular everywhere.

Then the red-haired boy thought of the destiny power brewed in his humane system. If he used this power to modify the rules of the underworld, he could make up for the loopholes set.

It was just when thinking of this place that the long door couldn't help but stunned.

Because he found out that after learning about his lost previous life cycle, he didn't feel very disgusted with the underworld, or reincarnation, but he couldn't help thinking about how to better set reincarnation.


There was a slight silence, and the long door exhaled.

Looking around again, the teenager couldn't help frowning slightly, because he realized that the number of wandering souls around should have reached a certain level. Under such circumstances, the ferry of the Styx should come.

Thinking of this, Nagato opened his perception and was ready to see the situation.

At the moment of perception, the teenager froze.

"Really, interesting!"

He whispered in a low voice, and the figure of the long gate passed through the wandering soul, and instantly reached a riverside rock less than one kilometer away from him, and his right hand gently stroked in the air.

In an instant, an enchantment changed from invisible to transparent, and then a big mouth was drawn.

Entering from the big mouth, the long gate saw a small ferry. A flat boat was floating next to the ferry, and on the flat boat, a girl with red hair and double ponytails was sleeping with a huge sickle.

"Is this the legendary negligence of duty?"

He whispered in his mouth that the figure of the long gate appeared on the flat boat instantly, and the turbulence revealed by the ferry due to the increased weight immediately woke the sleeping girl.

Immediately, the girl immediately stood up, withdrew the enchantment at a thunderous speed, and said loudly, "Sir Four Seasons, I am not stealing who you are!"

Halfway through the words, the girl's voice came to an abrupt halt, and her big eyes looked at the red-haired boy in front of her.

Although it is somewhat unreliable, the girl clearly realized that the guy in front of him had a physical body. In other words, he was not a dead person, just, it was not the dead person who came to the underworld to do anything!

"Oh, the capital is good!"

Nagato ignored the girl's question, but looked at the girl's chest. The girl's movements just seemed too sudden and violent, which caused the pair of choppy waves on her chest to attract attention.

At the same time, Nagato has realized the identity of the girl in front of him.

If the red-haired boy did not guess wrong, she should be the Onozuzu Komachi, who is exceptionally good at lazing in the fantasy town of Nagato's first memory, and is known as Rumachi.

"Hey, it's rude, you!"

Perhaps it was due to the intuition of women. The girl instantly realized the direction of the long door, and subconsciously covered her chest with her left hand, thinking about whether to resort to force against the guy in front of her.

At this moment, after seeing the figure of the girl, the wandering souls who had been waiting for a long time on the river bank rioted in an instant.

ps: It's a long time coming, today's hands are too cold! ..

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