My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 87: Fall into the second surrounded by more!

"I want to get on board!"

"Asshole, don't get in the way!"

"All give up to me, I have money!"

When discovering the ferry boat of Santu River, no matter whether it is rich or not, wandering souls who have been waiting for a long time are crowded. In a blink of an eye, many wandering souls fell into Santu River due to overcrowding.

Seeing that the wandering souls were immersed in the river by the water ghosts, the wandering souls became even more confused.


Faced with such a situation, the Death Girl, or Onozuzu Komachi, could not help but frown slightly, and now the young girl did not care about the situation of the long gate, turned to look at many wandering souls, and released her coercion.

With a pair of thick-soled clogs at the foot of Komachi, he held an extremely huge sickle with a sense of majesty.

The living creatures will still be overwhelmed by her momentum, let alone lose their flesh and become a thin ghost wandering ghost. Needless to say, the chaos immediately subsides under the pressure of the girl, and the wandering souls kneel on the ground.

"I am the Underworld Death God Onozuzu Komachi, must not be presumptuous in front of me!"

After seeing that the wandering souls were quiet, the Death Girl announced this, and then said again, "The next one is to get on the boat one by one, if you don't have enough money on the boat, please consciously wait on the spot."

Then, under the watchful eye of the girls, the wandering souls stepped on the ferry one by one.

At the moment of embarking on the ferry, the money of the wandering souls will be automatically collected by invisible forces, and their figure will be absorbed by the expansion space set in the ferry.

The whole process seemed to be calm, except for some guys who didn't have enough money for the ferry boat to try to get in unexpectedly.

It turned out that the guys who tried to fish in muddy water were first rejected by the ferry boat and then blasted by the girl of death-although these people include kind-hearted old people and young ignorant children.

But the girl of death is obviously not a kind of excessive kindness, or she is used to this situation.

In the process, Nagato was sitting at the other end of the ferry, smiling at it all.

Until the wandering souls who are qualified to cross the river are on board-


Regardless of the noise on the shore, the girl of Reaper waved a gust of wind directly, and lifted the overwhelming wandering souls. Then her eyes immediately looked at the long gate, and the sickle in her hand lifted slightly.

"I didn't have time to take care of you just now, it's time, let's say, who are you!"

"You should have a unique contact channel with Siji Yingji!"

Looking at the Death Girl holding a giant sickle in front of him, Nagato leaned against the stern, "If you have any, go and contact her, and say that the Big Devil is here by invitation."


Hearing Nagato, Onozuzu Komachi's pupils contracted sharply.

Although in the underworld, the girl of death is just a ferryman of the Santuhe, and the position of the priesthood is not high, but for some reasons, the girl is very informed about the upper class.

Even though she always thinks about being lazy on weekdays, the girl really knows the content of the word "Da Tian Mo".

Immediately, the girl launched her own exclusive communication channel with King Yan Luo and reported her current situation. Within a moment, the girl received the order of her boss:

"That's the VIP I invited, to send the other party to Yan Luo Dian safely!"

"I get it!"

With a whispered whisper, the sharp breath of Onozuka Komachi disappeared instantly. Not only that, the girl also showed a gentle breath like Yamato Fuzi:

"This distinguished guest, I will send you to Onozuka Komachi to see Lord Yan!" ""

After hearing this, Nagato suddenly didn't know what to do with his expression.

I do n’t mention the contrast of the Death Girl for the time being, but the voice is so soft, and the content spoken is correct, but it sounds like the long door just wants to hit people.

In the end, Nagato still didn't shoot.

In any case, Onozuzu Komachi is a rare beauty, especially the pair of choppy waves on the other side of the chest, so that the youngsters have a little impulse to watch, want to really find out.

Looking at this point, the teenager didn't make a shot, but secretly decided that he would definitely retaliate back on the alternative battlefield in the future.

In this way, the ferry of the Santu River was launched under the control of the Death Girl.

Leaning on the stern, Nagato enjoys the ferocious sway of the ferry, while admiring the rowing attitude of Onozuka Komachi. Although the mourning from the Santu River can be heard from time to time, the mood is not bad.

At first, Onozuka Komachi was able to maintain a ladylike graceful posture in front of the long gate.

But when the ferry boat ran to the invisible shore, the girl finally couldn't hold on.

Then she showed another gesture in front of the long gate!

Probably because of the sequelae of crossing the slightly silent Santu River all the year round, the girl seemed a little talkative, constantly talking to the long door under various excuses.

In the face of the death girl's talk, Nagato didn't refuse it. It was just a pastime, and I chatted with the other party.

In the course of the dialogue, the red-haired boy is also analyzing the samsara system of the entire underworld.

In this short period of time, Nagato has already figured out that such things as reincarnation do have advantages and disadvantages, but if the highest authority of the thing is in their hands, the disadvantages can be solved to the maximum extent.

The most important thing is that the so-called reincarnation is actually a very powerful force!

As for the strength, Nagato wants to be more good!

Therefore, after returning to the chaotic starry sky this time, Nagato decided to establish a unified reincarnation and put it under control. Before that, Nagato naturally had to do a good job of investigation and establish a model of reincarnation in his mind.

The time passed slowly, and within less than ten minutes, the ferry crossed the endless distance along the Santu River.

Seeing the end of the field of vision, the other bank of the Santu River is already looming.

At this moment, Nagato suddenly interrupted Onozuka Komachi's talking momentum and said, "Miss Onozuka, there is something that suddenly wants to ask you, do you have an enemy in the underworld?"

"The enemy? There shouldn't be any, of course, those water ghosts under the Santu River are not counted!"

Although the death girl has some strange long-door questions, some talkative girls quickly answered, "If you count those water ghosts, my enemies should not be counted."

Speaking of which, Komachi's face couldn't help but show some sullen expression.

Obviously, this kind of setting was made by the high-level underworld such as Yan Luo, but the one who hated it was the ferry of death, and the ferry of death was such an unflattering character.

"Well, then it's for me!"

Hearing Komachi ’s words, Nagato could n’t help but murmur a little, and then said, “To be honest, I ’m really a bit surprised, there will be people, no, it ’s God who ambush me here!”

Onozuka Komachi is not a fool, and immediately made a vigilant gesture after hearing the words of Nagato.

"Hahaha, worthy of being the great demon, actually found our trace!"

At this moment, a vigorous voice came from the dark sky, and then saw a huge golden auspicious cloud appear in the sky, above the cloud, a lot of gods were standing on it.

At the same time, the river around the ferry boat surged, showing a figure holding a sickle.

Suddenly, Nagato and Onozuka Komachi were surrounded.

ps: Your hands are so ice! ..

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