My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 90: The goal of Yakumo Zi is even more!


The origin of the underworld at the end of Wangchuan suddenly sounded a fierce roar.

Amidst the shock of the shock, Yao Yun, who had stepped back a space for a while, looked at King Yan Luo, who had been completely angry in front of his eyes.

"Is this a death, I irritated Ying Ji!"

Such self-deprecation flashed in his mind. Yakumo Zi knew that the Yanmo girl in front of her was very serious on weekdays, but it was not easy to be angry.

Because anger can make people lose their calm, which can lead to work errors, for King Yan Luo, this is unforgivable.

But Bayun Purple had no choice.

In other words, she does not want to choose another path!

Prior to this, Yakumo Zi chose to enter the depths of the underworld in order to release the contract with the long gate on her soul. Her purpose was to get the river of the forgotten river deep in the underworld.

Unlike Santu River, Wangchuan is located deep in the underworld, and the reincarnated souls will drink the water of Wangchuan and then forget the past life.

In Bayunzi's view, the water of forgetting the river that has the power to cleanse the soul should have some effect.

It was only after trying that Yakumo Zi found that the ordinary water of Forgotten River had little effect. After calculation, the monster sage understood that only the crystallization of the power at the source of Forgotten River had effect.

Therefore, Yakumo Zi went to the end of Wangchuan.

But after arriving in the depths of Wangchuan, Yakumo Zi saw a demon cherry!

To be honest, this situation is somewhat beyond the expectations of the monster sage, and after many explorations, Yakuchi realized that when the underworld was shaped, a cherry tree seed was accidentally left to the origin of the underworld.

And when the gods of the underworld realized, the demon cherry was assimilated with the underworld, and it was inseparable!

If this is the case, the monster sage does not have any ideas. All she wants is the crystallization of the power of Forget River, but she never thought that the power at the end of Forget River was absorbed by the demon cherry.

Under such circumstances, Yakumo Zi wants to get the crystallization of the power of the Forgotten River, either refining the entire Forgoing River, or rooting it at the end of the Forgotten River, destroying the demon cherry that is the root of the underworld, and seizing the demon cherry True spirit.

But these two methods are a bit difficult, the former is already whimsical, the latter will destroy the underworld.

Seeing this, the monster sage couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. At the time of embarrassment, Yakumo Zi accidentally discovered that the monster cherry rooted in the root of the underworld actually penetrated part of time and space and manifested itself in the world.

Under curiosity, Yakumo Zi straightly cut the gap and deliberately ran to the world to take a look.

At this point, the monster sage named Yakumo Zi has just fallen!

Yes, fall!

At the moment when he saw the girl dancing under the cherry tree, the cold heart of Yakumo Zi, which had been tempered by the intrigue of a thousand years, suddenly melted in an instant.

This situation is exceptionally unreasonable, but that's how it appeared!

But this is just the beginning of the tragedy.

After a short period of contact, the girl from Xixing Temple, the family of the demon, became a friend of Yakumo Zi, and then through the narrative of the other party, Yakumo Zi also learned some information about the thunderbolt of the sunny day.

In the mouth of the girl, this demon cherry rooted in the underworld is called the westbound demon, mainly because the cherry tree attracts the souls of others.

After knowing the situation, the Xixingsi family wanted to destroy it several times, but after three and two failed attempts, the Xixingsi family had to seal the westbound demon.

It is only obvious that the westbound demon is not an ordinary demon cherry, nor can the Xixingsi family seal it.

In other words, the seal of the Xixingsi family is only temporary.

Therefore, for the sake of righteousness, every ten or twenty years in the Xixing Temple family, the seal must be reinforced by sacrifice, and the young girl is the seal props cultivated by this generation.

Faced with such a situation, Yakumo Zi will naturally not agree, but it is useless to disagree.

The most important thing is that the girl itself is not an ordinary role, perhaps an accident, of course, it may also be destined, the girl resonated with the westbound demon when she was born.

Over the years, the resonance between the girl and the westbound monster has become more and more profound. Even if it is not used as a sacrifice, it will be completely assimilated in a few years.

At that time, the girl will eventually go to death, and it is better to make some contributions before death!


"Zi, don't you want the true spirit of the westbound demon?"

In the courtyard where the cherry blossoms are falling, the girl dancing barefoot looked at the monster sage and said, "In a sense, I am also a part of the westbound monster. After the sacrifice, my true spirit will be handed over to Zi!"

There was an inexplicable flame in Ba Yun Zi's heart that flashed in her mind that night when the girl left the house of Xixing Temple.

All the bitter laughter and hesitation disappeared in an instant, and the face of the monster sage showed a decisive look.

"Is it really impossible to get along, Siji Yingji!"

Seeing King Yan Luo gradually approaching himself, Bayunzi said so.

By now, she had no retreat. You must know that in order to destroy the westward demon, Yakuchi even instigated the rebellious union of the heaven and the underworld to attack the long gate.

Before Nagato actually arrives here, Yakumo Zi must accomplish his goal—to destroy the westbound monster!


In the face of Yakumo Zi, Siji Yingji didn't even want to answer.

At this time, Four Seasons Yingji had some regrets. In order to show his favor to the big demon, he didn't investigate the Yunyun too much.

If it was not the Four Seasons Yingji's timely response, I am afraid that the origin of the Underworld would be hit hard by unimaginable.

Thinking of this, King Yan Luo's anger suddenly boiled!

"Sinner, accept the sanctions, the Ten Kings will try!"

Immediately, I saw Four Seasons Yingji waved a token-like stick of conscience in her hand, and the air of death between the world and the world condensed out ten martial giants with a height of more than ten meters.

These giants have different forms, which symbolize the ten-squared Yan Luo of the previous era, and all have the power of big monster level.

Then I saw these giants wielding various weapons and launched an attack towards Yakumo Zi!

"Since this is the case, don't blame me!"

Seeing the actions of the four seasons Yingji, Yakumo opened the folding fan on his right hand and waved hard. There was an unthinkable reversal of the breath of death all over the place:

"Run at full strength, the realm of life and death!"

ps: I have a cold and the update is delayed, sorry! ..

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