My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 91: Fight and arrive second

The voice of Yakumo Zi just fell, and the change suddenly occurred.

The air of death, flooded within a few hundred meters in a circle, was instantly transformed into a dense air of life, and the ten martial giants who were coming under siege from Bayun Purple seemed to have fallen into the quagmire.

After a while, continuous muffled noises burst on the giants.

In the spirit of life, the giant actually began to disintegrate.


Seeing this scene, Shiji Yingji's face flashed with caution, "Is this the realm, and indeed it is worthy of the most dangerous ability to match the power of God."

King Yan Luo is very clear that the existence of things is based on the existence of the realm.

If there is no water surface, the lake does not exist. If there is no ridge, the mountains and the sky do not exist. If the state of all things does not exist, then the world will be a huge whole.

Therefore, the ability of Yakumo Zi to manipulate the realm is the ability to create and destroy logic.

Create a new existence in essence, and negate the existing existence in essence.

In a way, compared with the monster, the eight cloud purple with this ability is more like a god.

"However, no matter how strong you are, you still have sins!"

With such harsh words, the pressure on the four seasons Yingji suddenly exploded, resonating with the entire world of the underworld, and more death vitality came together and condensed into magic bullets.

Almost at the same time, the endless magic bullet launched an attack towards Yakuzi in the sky.

The large number and the wide range of attacks even surprised Yakumo Zi.

"No, the realm of life and death cannot change so many magic bullets!"

Such judgment flashed in his mind, and Yaoyun Zi couldn't help feeling that Shiji Yingji was worthy of being the Yan Mo that survived the previous era. At the same time, she raised her hand and directly opened the gap around her.

Flashing lightly, Yayun Zi hid in the gap and escaped directly from the barrage of Four Seasons Yingji.

At the next moment, behind Siji Yingji, a narrow gap opened silently.

The parasol of the monster sage silently protruded from it.



The abrupt magic cannon fired from the parasol of the monster sage, but the four seasons Yingji seemed to have foreseen the action of Yakumo Zi, almost no hesitation, turned around and escaped Yakumo's magic cannon.

Not only that, King Yan Luo even inserted the stick of repentance in his hands in a moment.

"Bayun Zi, don't be too arrogant, the whole underworld is within my perception!"

With such words in his mouth, Siji Yingji mobilized his authority in the underworld.

"Boom! Boom !!!"

Without any stay, using the rod of repentance as the medium, King Yan Luo continuously released a dozen cannons in succession.

With the support of the entire underworld power, the Four Seasons Yingji does not care about the energy consumption in the body. The horrible roar echoes around, and the space connected between the gaps even shows obvious distortions.

Only under such circumstances, the Four Seasons Yingji still did not stop attacking, the magic cannon continued to blast out.


The whole gap finally couldn't support it and burst into burst.

Under the terrifying shock wave, King Yan Luo stepped back a few steps, and then a paralyzed parasol appeared from the twisted space crack and appeared in front of her.

Except for this parasol, Four Seasons Yingji did not find any trace of Yakumo Zi.

"No, I'm fooled!"

Seeing this scene, Siji Yingji's face suddenly changed.

"Ah, who is arrogant!"

On the other side, there is no word to describe the origin of the underworld. There is no breath in the whole body. The cloud of the cloud has set foot here. In front of her, the demon cherry named Westbound Demon is standing here.

From the beginning, Yakumo Zi had no plans to fight Siji Yingji.

It's not that the monster sage is afraid of King Yan Luo. If he really wants to fight, Yakumo Zi hasn't really been afraid of anyone, but her purpose is, in the final analysis, just a westbound monster.

In the case of the arrival of Nagato, Yakumo Zi must get the westbound demon as fast as possible.

Therefore, during the battle, Yakumo Zi used the power of Shiji Yingji to perceive the underworld. While hiding in the gap, the monster sage manipulated the parasol and launched a sneak attack on Siji Yingji.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the monster sage launched a state of presence and absence to himself, eliminating all his information.

In this way, Yakumo Zi approached the westbound demon again as expected!

"There is not much time, it can't be wasted!"

Thinking of the four seasons Yingji will soon find that Yakumo Zi is not wasting time. The demon power in the body is fully output in an instant. The folding fan in the right hand opens again, and the gorgeous magic array opens behind it.

at this time--

"stop it!!"

A sound that sounded extremely urgent came from behind him.

"Who cares about you!"

Hearing this voice, the monster sage simply did not bother to bother.

The arrow had to be fired on the string.

The most important thing is, according to the judgment of the sage, the other party is still not far away from himself.

In this way, Yakumo Zi released his own attack.

A large number of magic bullets are released from the magic circle, and the target is directed at the westbound demon.

Just out of the unexpected situation of the monster sage, at the next moment, the red-haired double ponytail girl holding a sickle appeared in front of her instantly.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A huge sickle swept through the icy brilliance in the air, all the magic bullets were cut in an instant, and the impact of the volley explosion exploded the cloud of Yiyun Zi's clothes and long hair.

The next moment, Yakumo Zi couldn't help but irritated, and his face showed an angry look.

It was just waiting for the monster sage to vent her anger, a breath that made her unable to pay attention to the girl's perception, and with the slight footsteps behind her, she was getting closer.

"How come, how long is this!"

Such doubts flashed through his head, and a clear horror appeared on Yakumo's face. It was clear that Yakumoo was connected with so many gods and gods of death, and did not delay his footsteps!

Although it is a bit unbelievable, since the other party has appeared, Bayunzi will not deceive himself.

Immediately, the girl smiled bitterly and turned around quietly.

The red-haired boy in the robe instantly reflected in the vision of Yakumo Zi, and saw the boy's face with a smile on his face, and said, "It's gone for almost a hundred years, Zi!"

ps: Finally squeezed out, so dizzy! ..

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