My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 93: Purple surrender second!


It was originally the most peaceful and peaceful place between heaven and earth.

As the gathering place of the remaining spirits of the previous era, heaven has a very high status in the eyes of the world. The war turmoil in the past hundred years has not even affected this place.

But now, the peace and tranquility of heaven are completely broken.

The unimaginable big explosion bloomed in the heavenly palace in the middle of the heaven!

After the explosion, the fierce turbulence in the space was even more diffused. A large number of gods were swallowed by them in a moment, and the gods in the entire Tiangong escaped frantically.

In less than a moment, the huge Tiangong Temple was hit by a huge unimaginable.

"Damn it !!"

On a hillside some distance away from Tiangong, I had just recovered from the shock. The ruler of heaven, Emperor Tiandi suddenly looked at the ruined Tiangong with a sullen face, and said:

"Who the **** is it, who actually started to Tiangong, if you let me know, I will never let him go!"

"Your Majesty, this incident is too weird!"

At this time, a white-haired **** who followed the emperor immediately said, "When we don't know the specific situation, we must be careful!"

"But my heavenly palace!"

Although Heavenly Emperor was angry, he did not know what to do. He just looked at the dilapidated Heavenly Palace. Heavenly Emperor's heart was bleeding. It must be known that this was his hard work for countless years.

"Your Majesty, this is not the time for heartache, the situation is unclear, or should we go to the Celestial Clan!"

Compared with Heavenly Emperor, the gods around him are more geographically wise, and another fan spirit suggested, "Although they have no desire or desire, as long as the method is proper, it is not impossible to use them as shields."

"Good idea, I haven't been used to that group of heaven and earth!"

"Just do it, Your Majesty!"

After the fan **** was finished, the rest of the gods responded accordingly, and finally the Emperor nodded, but just then, a terrifying shock wave descended from the sky!


In the deafening roar, the space within a few hundred meters was broken.

No matter the emperor or the gods, everything is entangled in the turbulent space, and even with their conspiracy and ambitions, all disappeared and turned into dust

"Garbage cleanup, finished!"

The ruins of the Tiangong, the turbulent space, swept slowly, and the long door slowly retracted his left hand.

Before the final test of the Mother of the Avenue is about to come, the teenager has not had much time to waste, so for these old guys who have been lingering from the last era, the long door can't even bother to speak.

Anyway, for the world of four large and small, Nagato only needs the small small world itself.

As for the creatures in the world of Xiao Qian?

Except for those talents who do have extraordinary potentials, the rest of the creatures have no effect at all. At least in this short period of time, Nagato doesn't feel much of an effect.

"Oh, Nagato Jun is worthy of Nagato Jun, this domineering, it seems we are all a little bit emotional!"

At this moment, the leisurely voice echoed in the turbulent space, and then in the field of vision of the red-haired boy, the figure of Bayunzi walked out from the depth of the turbulent space.

From the appearance, Ya Yunzi's face was pale, and the clothes on her body were obviously damaged.

Obviously, under the previous attack by Nagato, the monster sage was hurt.

However, under such circumstances, the entire temperament of Bayunzi seems to have washed away the plumbum. With amazing sublimation, the mysterious temperament that spread from inside to outside makes the girl more moving.

"Now that you are tempted, then become my person, Zi!"

Looking at the slowly approaching Yunyun Zi, a glimmer of light flashed in the eyes of the long door, and he said leisurely, "You are so beautiful that I am so moved, and do not waste my pains."

"Uh, a bit of pain?"

To be honest, after hearing the words of Nagato, Ya Yunzi's face showed a very obvious helplessness, "Yes, you have really received your pains, just what to say."

"Longmen Jun, if you don't have that strength, you definitely can't have a girlfriend!"

"Well, who knows that kind of thing!"

Not paying attention to Yau Yun Zi's ridicule, the red-haired boy's eyes were fixed on Yen Yun Zi, "Don't try to divert the topic, Zi, you know, I won't let you stay away from my influence."


Hearing this, Yayun Zi was slightly silent.

Although under the "sorrow" of Nagato, Yakumo made up for the loopholes in his state of mind, he also clearly understood the path of the future, and beyond the previous life is almost just around the corner.

But when the problem came, power never came out of thin air. Even if she knew the way, she needed time to move forward.

What is more obvious is that the red-haired teenager in front of him will never give himself time.

In other words, he has given himself a lot of time.

There can be no more in front of me!

The most important thing is that this guy is still in control of the contract with him. As long as the contract is used, even if he wants to run, he may not be able to run.

and so--

"We can surrender, who made Naomen Jun so powerful!"

Speaking of which, Ba Yunzi's face could not help but show a touch of indignation. The girl could not imagine it. It was only a hundred years later. This guy was so powerful in front of him.

God knows why there is such a powerful and unreasonable body.

Faced with such a body, Ba Yunzi even wondered if he could use all his strength to break him. This is not a joke, but the intuition of the current realm demon as a former sun star.

"But before that, we had one, no, two requirements!"

Resisting the indignation in his heart, the Yun Yun Zi brain quickly turned around and said, "First, Nagato Jun must release the contract with us, and second, Nagato Jun will help us save someone. "

"Although I value you very much, I never lose money!"

Hearing Yakumo ’s condition, Nagato was not surprised, but the red-haired boy would never be too indulgent. “There can only be one condition. Choose one from the other. You choose!”

"Okay, then help us save someone."

For Yunmen ’s reaction, Ba Yunzi was not surprised, but a grievous expression appeared on his face. “Anyway, after becoming a subordinate of Changmen Jun, it ’s absolutely inevitable to be unruly.”

"At that time, it doesn't make any difference whether or not the contract is there."

"Ah, this is life, so is our life!"


Looking at the monster sage who was performing there, a black line appeared on Nagato's forehead, but Nagato had to sigh with emotion. It is worthy of Yakumo Zi.

The girl proposed the contract, apparently to force Nagato to choose to save her.

From here, Nagato seems to have unknowingly lost the other party's calculations.

Thinking of this, Nagato was not angry, because if he didn't guess wrong, the person who Bayunzi wanted to save himself should be the undead princess in her memory.

If that's the case, even if there is no Yakumo Zi, Nagato will not refuse to shoot if he wants to come!

ps: I'm so depressed. I wrote nearly two thousand words before, but accidentally deleted it, rewritten it, and almost wanted to hit the wall! ..

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