My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 94: Root incarnation first!

After all, who might be the one who really loses?

Thinking of this, a strange smile appeared on the face of Nagato, and the face of Yakumo Zi, who was pretending to be pretending, changed slightly, and he felt a little uncomfortable vaguely.

But the asymmetry of information and intelligence prevented the monster and sage from discerning what was wrong.

The thoughts in his brain changed sharply, and after realizing that he had too little information, Yakumo had no entanglement, and immediately said, "So long door gentleman, let's go, you have little time."

"Don't worry, wait a little longer!"

In the face of Yakumo Zi's request, Nagato's eyes first turned to the surrounding heaven and earth, "Since you have come to Heaven Realm, then put Heaven Realm under your control."

"Relax, it will end soon. By the way, it will be a little trouble to stay, help me stop it!"

In the end, after seeing the anxiety deep in the eyes of Yakumo Zi, the red-haired boy said such a word, and then he didn't say much, and he punched directly into the sky.


The mighty energy burst out of the teenager's fist, condensed into a long, screaming dragon, directly penetrated the void, and opened up towards the roots of heaven.

In Sandao Dacheng's present, Nagato's cognition of heaven, earth, human and Sandao has reached an indescribable point.

At this time, if he wants to find the root of a plane, he no longer needs any help from luck.

There is no secret in such a small world in the eyes of Nagato!

"Okay, I'm leaving now!"

Seeing that the channel developed by the Shenlong quickly stabilized, Nagato said, as soon as the horse took the lead, the whole person rose into the sky and disappeared into the channel in an instant.

At the moment when Nagato disappeared, Yakumo Zi reacted.

There was a little complexity in the girl's eyes.

As a monster in the realm, Yakumo Zi was once very close to the root of the plane, plus the knowledge of the previous life, let her clearly understand what amazing things the Nagato has done.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, Yakumo Zi will never believe that someone can use their strength to open up a path to the roots.

This is like opening a small hole to the core in a very delicate and delicate machine without causing the machine to crash. If you don't have a thorough understanding of the machine, you can't do it at all.

In contrast, what destroys the world and the like has no technical content at all.

"Ah, it's worthy of being Nagato!"

With a sigh, Bayun Zi said this in his mouth, and then the eyes of the monster sage looked into the distance, and at the end of the sky, a figure was galloping at an alarming speed.

Bayun Zi knows that that is the most famous existence in the realm of heaven-Heaven and Man!

Heaven and man without any desire are, to some extent, weapons equivalent to the roots of the heavenly realm. When the roots encounter threats, they will naturally appear and be virtuous with the angels in the chamber.

"Exactly, I can't beat that guy. Our heart is not smooth. I hope you will fight hard!"

The so-called roots are not new to Nagato.

Although different worlds have different roots, to a certain extent, they are extremely the same. After entering the passage, the long door came to an infinite void.

Time and space seem to be meaningless here, and the infinite void in front of them makes people completely unable to recognize the direction.

If you listen carefully, you can even draw a lot of knowledge from this void.

This is nowhere else, it is the root cause!

"So, where is the core of the root?"

Such thoughts flashed through his mind, and the eyes of the long door gleamed with divine light, and he penetrated the entire boundless void in an instant, and the huge roots were shaken at this moment.

There was an angry will echoed in the void, and there was a clear rejection around the long gate.

It's just how heavy is the Nagato at this time, and the root exclusion is not at all fearful!

"found it!"

Soon, Nagato found the core of the root cause.

Without saying a word, the figure of the red-haired boy turned into a streamer, tracing a beautiful trace in the void at an extreme speed exceeding the imagination of the world, and soon reached the depth of the void.

Here, Nagato noticed a trembling light ball for the first time.


When the long gate arrived here, a terrible shock burst out, centering on the light ball, a horrible storm was rolled up to protect the light ball.

"It's really boring to struggle in vain!"

Faced with this situation, Nagato's face did not change, and he punched directly at the storm. The wind of the box passed numerous accelerations in an instant, and turned into a tornado.


Two inconsistent storms intertwine and a huge roar occurred.

In this roar, the storm actually canceled each other out very miraculously. Taking this opportunity, the figure of Nagato instantly passed the interception of the storm and reached the front of the light ball.

"So, this heaven is my thing!"

With such words in his mouth, the right hand of the long gate was lifted and he would touch the ball of light.

At this moment, the tremor of the light sphere violently reached the extreme point, the mighty coercion burst out completely, and the shape of the light sphere changed dramatically at this moment.

In an instant, the original sphere of light disappeared, replaced by an angel girl with eyes closed.

The girl has long, shiny white hair and a black top hat with peaches and peach leaves. A huge stone is suspended on the left of the girl, and she holds a sword in her right hand.

The white wings spread behind the girl, and a lot of white night light feathers fluttered out, making the girl more holy and unparalleled.

There is only a small problem here!

That was before the girl appeared, Nagato's hand was close to the ball of light. After the light ball changed into a girl, the volume became larger, and then the long door directly touched the girl.

I do n’t know if it ’s lucky or unfortunate. In short, Nagato ’s right hand just touched the girl ’s chest.

Just when the long door secretly evaluated the girl's chest, the girl slowly opened her eyes.

It was a pair of eyes without any emotion, filled with endless cold and majestic eyes!

"Cut, the interest is gone!"

Seeing this, the red-haired teenager unpleasantly let go of his hand. Although the girl's face value was high in front of her, touching this kind of emotionless existence was no different than playing with an inflatable doll.

To this day, when Nagato wants no woman, she will naturally not demean herself.

"The existence of a sinner has been determined!"

At this time, the angel girl's eyes have directly locked the long door. "Turning out the eviction mode will not turn on the annihilation mode. The earth will be unlocked, the sword of fantasy will be unlocked, and the annihilation will be opened!"

With a series of voices in the mouth of the girl, the girl backed away at a rapid speed, and the huge main stone on its left blasted towards the long door.

Before the attack arrives, the horrible gravity beyond imagination will lock all the surrounding areas! ..

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