My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 97: Xiyou Temple Youyou Zi is second!

Behind Yakumo Zi, Nagato strolled into the gap.

The gap is still that empty and dark, but what the red-haired boy expected was that he had squeezed the demon of wisdom, but the eyes of Ba Yunzi were still filled with eyes. eye.

A closer look at the long door will make it clear that this eye is no longer the demon of wisdom, but the cloud of purple.

Taking your own eyes and eyes as the positioning point is naturally faster than getting information from the demon of wisdom. From this point of view alone, the progress of Yakumo Zi is obvious.


"Taste, taste!"

In the heart, the red-haired boy did not speak directly. Although he was a little disagreeing with the taste of Yakumo Zi, this kind of thing did not touch the bottom of the long door, and he would not say more.

Although Nagato advocates overbearing control of everything, he also hopes that the girls around him can maintain their own characteristics.

Just like flower viewing, a single flower species, even if it is gorgeous, will have a day of boredom.

Only the blooming flowers can make people never tire of it!

Perhaps it was because Yakuzi was really anxious. The two didn't stay in the gap for long, and they walked out of the gap again, when the long door found that they came to a courtyard in the world.

Just stepping into the courtyard, and in the future, I have to take in the view of the entire courtyard, and the long door smells the fragrance of cherry blossoms.

This fragrance seems to contain some fascinating power, so people can't help but get drunk!

Following the sensation in the midst, the long gate slightly looked up at the courtyard-above the courtyard, a large section of cherry trees was exposed, and the charming fragrance was diffused from this cherry tree.


At this moment, the courtyard door opened quietly.

"Master Zi, you are back!"

The nine-tailed girl Yakumo Lan with her arms in her arms came out of the courtyard gate, first saluted toward Yakumo Zi, and then the eyes of Jiuwei's counselor looked at the long gate and slowly saluted:

"Also, welcome, long time no see, Lord Demon!"

"It's been a long time, blue!"

Facing the salute of Yakumo Blue, Nagato accepted it calmly, and then said, "In the future we will be considered a family, and some will have the opportunity to meet, and, it turns out that you have been arranged here by Zi."

"It seems that there are indeed people who are important to Zi."

Hearing the words of Nagato, Yayun Lan's face flashed with surprise, and then immediately looked at Yayun Zi, but it was obvious that the monster sage did not care about his own **** at this time, but walked in directly. The courtyard.

Seeing this, Nagato immediately followed him, and Nagato was very interested in being able to shoot down the heart of Yakumo Zi.

At the end, the eight cloud blue first sighed softly, and then closed the courtyard gate again.

As soon as he stepped into the courtyard, the long door felt extremely intense and demonish.

The tall cherry tree standing in the middle of the courtyard shook slightly at this moment. A lot of cherry blossoms were scattered from the sky, seemingly welcoming the arrival of Nagato and Yakumo Zi, but the inside contained a strong murderous opportunity.


A look of anger appeared on the face of the monster sage, the power of the realm swept in all directions, and suddenly turned the surrounding death gas into a strong vitality.

Bathed in the living room, the cherry trees tremble directly, and all the cherry blossoms and leaves are withered.

In a blink of an eye, the cherry tree turned into an old tree that seemed exhausted.

"Zi, you are here!"

At this moment, a slightly cheerful voice came from not far away, accompanied by the sound of footsteps, a young girl resembling a cherry blossom came quickly, plunged directly into Yakumo's arms.

"Youyou, I come to see you!"

Embracing the Sakura Maiden as well, the anger on Yakumo Zi's face turned directly into gentleness.

To be honest, for the first time seeing Yayun Zi show a gentle expression, Nagato was a little surprised, and then he looked at the girl in Yayun Zi's arms with a more surprised look.

The red-haired boy wanted to know what kind of girl she could actually walk into the indifferent heart of Yakumo Zi.

It's just that the more you look at it, the more the surprise on Nagato's face increases by one point.

In terms of appearance, the girl named Youyou has hardly any faults.

Pink hair, pink pupils, lighter skin color, blue hat on the head and sky crown, blue and white kimono with a lot of ruffles embedded, it looks dignified and elegant.

Especially the pure beauty of the girl that diffused from the depths of her heart, but the charm of the girl doubled in an instant.

But for Nagato, these are only secondary. What really attracts him is the essence of the girl, the kind of unconsciously emanating, death-causing nature-exactly the same as the cherry tree in the middle of the courtyard !

"Sure enough, it's Youyou in Xixing Temple!"

Such thoughts flashed in his head, and Nagato once again glanced at the cherry tree that turned into a depleted old tree. Reminiscent of what he had read in Shenqi before, about the knowledge of the last chaotic era, the teenager really felt very interesting.

"Well, is there a guest?"

At this moment, Youyou Zi, who was talking with Yakumo Zi, finally saw the Nagato, and got up from Yakumo Zi's arms, and saluted towards Nagato with a gesture of everyone's show:

"I'm so sorry, I didn't notice you just now. You are the concubine of Xixing Temple. You are?"

Hearing the question from Youyou Zi of Xixing Temple, an idea flashed in the mind of Nagato, and the corner of his mouth slightly raised an arc, and when he noticed the appearance of Nagato, Yayun Zi immediately grabbed the opening:

"he is"

Just after saying two words, Yakumo Zi's voice came to a halt, because at this moment, Nagato actually used the contract command obtained from the game between him and Zi.

"My command is to agree with what I say next!"

Secretly such an order was passed to Yakumo Zi, and the red-haired boy said with a slight headache in the monster sage, saying, "I finally met, Miss Xixing Temple, I am Nagato, Zi's fiance!"


The unexpected news suddenly made a confusion appear on the face of Youyou in Xixing Temple, so that youyou then said a sentence that made both Yunyun and Nagato's black line incomparable:

"Zi actually has a fiance ?!"

"of course!"

After a little stunned, Nagato looked at Yakumo Zi funnyly, and then said, "Although Zi's character is indeed very bad, but after all, it is a marriage contract, and Zi is also a great beauty, and I have to make it difficult.

"Uh, that is really fortunate for you, Nagato Jun!"

Hearing Nagato ’s words, Youyouzi obviously believed it, and said with a sigh of relief, “To be honest, I am really worried about the day when I am gone, how will Zi be like that!”

"If you can, I hope you can take good care of Violet."

Speaking of the last, Youyouzi's face was almost solemn-it sounded almost the same as Tuogu.

"You You Zi !!"

Ba Yun Zi, who was originally unable to refute the slanders of Longmen because of the contract, immediately aggravated the tone, "I am not allowed to say this kind of frustration, I will not let you have something to do!"

"And you, come and see the situation of Youyou, this is what you promised me!" ..

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