My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 98: Dance of Kagura first!

The method of saving Youyou in Xixing Temple is actually very simple.

No, it is more correct to say that in the eyes of Nagato, the young girl named Youyouzi of Xixing Temple would not be in any danger at all. Indeed, with the passage of time, the westbound demon will eventually assimilate it.

At that time, the girl's body will step into death, but her soul will be sublimated.

Nagato can almost foresee that the future of the girl will be above countless undead!

"I know!"

Facing the saying of Nagato, the face of the monster sage has emerged unshakably. As a monster of the realm, Yakumo Zi can clearly feel it. .

When the westward demon's assimilation of the girl is completely completed, Youyou will become an existence that crosses the realm of life and death.

If only that was the case, Yakumo Zi would not have insisted on destroying the westbound demon before.

The most unacceptable thing for Yakumo Zi is that the sublimation that Youyou will undergo is too thorough. While crossing the realm of life and death, not only the flesh, but also all memories of the past will be sublimated in sublimation. give up.

Have you lost your memory, and are you still in the past? Youyou is still you in Xixing Temple. The answer may be yes.

However, in the eyes of Yakumo Zi, that is not the Yuko you like at Xixing Temple!

Although in the face of the Yuyou who lost her past, Bayunzi will still treat her as always, maybe they will develop another relationship in the long-term future, but in Bayunzi's idea, she has lost a Youyou child.

and so

"We don't want to accept this ending!"

Looking at the long gate, the monster sage said one word at a time, but there was a little request in his eyes.

"Okay, although it's not bad for me!"

As he said in his mouth, there was a flash of light in the heart of the red-haired boy. In a sense, the original future of Youyouzi was somewhat similar to Nagato. Looking at the eight cloud purple in front of him, Nagato vaguely understood. Some thoughts of the mother of the avenue.

"But since it is your request, then use the second method, Youyou, you can dance!"

"Yes, yes!"

From the beginning just now, Youyou, who has been quietly listening to the conversation between Nagato and Yakumo Zi, was slightly stunned, and then gave a positive answer.

Youyouzi's dead father is a famous singer.

Under the influence of its influence, the girl has mastered all kinds of music, and dance is more familiar.

"So, let's dance!"

"With what kind of kagura dance in Yingzhou Island Country."

After hearing this, a smile appeared on Nagato ’s face, and then his right hand was raised, pointing to the westbound demon like a depleted old tree. “As for the location, it ’s just under the westbound demon. By the way, during the jump, please Treat Westward Demon as a god! "


Although the method described by Nagato was a little weird, Youyou nodded and agreed after a short hesitation.

Because Youyouzi has already seen it, Nagato was specially found by his friend Yayunzi for his own affairs. Even for Yayunzi ’s sake, Youyouzi will agree to give it a try, and Youyouzi also has the heart to break Own fate.

Youyou Zi never thought that she was born for death.

The reason why the girl chose to sacrifice herself to seal the westward demon was because of the irresistible destiny and the goodness of the girl itself, but if she had a way to break away from her destiny, she would not mind fighting.

"Since I want to dance kagura, then I'll go dress up first. The current dress is not suitable!"

After making a decision, Youyouzi's actions were also abnormal and decisive. After finding out that the clothes on her body were not suitable, she immediately entered the room, and Yakumo Zi hesitated again and again, followed with Yakumo blue and went in. .

Although Yakumo Zi was not very clear about what Nagato was going to do, but since she was invited, she had to maintain her trust, so she chose to remain silent.

After the girls had left, the long door walked a few steps in the courtyard, and finally stopped in front of the westbound demon.

"Good, okay!"

Diffusion his own perception and insight into the chaotic consciousness of the westbound demon. Nagato nodded with satisfaction. If the westbound demon had real self-consciousness, perhaps Nagato would have to take action to kill it, but now it seems that it is No need.

At this moment, the sharp sword intention appeared in the back of the long gate, which attracted the attention of the red-haired boy.

Turning around leisurely, Nagato saw an old swordsman with white hair and a double sword.

Beside the swordsman, there is a white spirit suspended.

"Are you half-human half-spirit?"

After gazing at the spirit for a while, Nagato ’s attention was all attracted to the sword intention of the old man. This pure sword-style Nagato has not seen much so far. Usually for such people, Nagato still appreciates it. of.

"Under the soul and the bogey, the guard of Lord Youyou!"

Facing the gaze of Nagato's inspection, the old man remained silent, first introduced himself indifferently, and then solemnly said, "Do you really have a way to save You Youzi?"

"Speaking without proof, just look at it!"


Hearing the Nagato, Soul Bogey glanced deeply at the Nagato, and then disappeared in the courtyard, and at this moment, the Yuyouko, who had changed her outfit, was accompanied by Yakumo Purple and Yakumo Blue. Slowly appear.

I have to say that Youyouzi is indeed beautiful, even if you put on a simple white hakama, she still can't hide her beauty.

The Chihaya decorated with cherry blossoms and long colored ribbons fluttering behind her.

"Youyou, what should I do, I find I like you a little bit!"

Seeing such a Youyou, a surprise appeared on Nagato's face, and said with a laughter, but the red-haired boy's words had just been finished, and the sight of Youyou was directly blocked by Yakumo Zi.

The eyes of the monster sage are filled with danger signals, like a lioness guarding their territory.

Obviously, Yakumo Zi can tolerate the slandering of Longmen to himself, but he will never sit back and watch Longmen stretch his devil's claws towards Youyou.

"Okay, I won't say it!"

Seeing Ya Yunzi's posture, Nagato shrugged, saying so.


Seeing the interaction between Nagato and Yakumo Zi, Youyou Zi couldn't help laughing, "You two have a really good relationship."

"Where is it good, Youyou!"

Some unpleasant rebuttal, and then Bayun Zi immediately looked at the long door, "Next, what should I do?"

"Let's dance, Youyou can just dance!"

Leaving from the westbound demon, the red-haired boy found a place in the courtyard where he could watch the dance. "And let me do the rest, believe me. Soon, Youyou will be completely different."

The words just fell, and the invisible power spread to the entire courtyard, so that everyone could clearly feel it.

"Well, then I will start!"

Wandering to the westbound demon, Youyou took a deep breath.

At this moment, a fresh breeze blew the cherry blossom petals in the courtyard. At the next moment, I saw the girl's slender and thin hands overlap, holding the flower bell in one hand, holding the gold and silver double-sided fan in one hand, and the long five-color ribbon fluttered with the wind, fluttering among the cherry blossom Dance. ..

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