My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 100: Signs of the gradient ask for subscription!

When it comes to feelings, Nagato is never dull.

In other words, the red-haired teenager with almost unreasonable perception has a very amazing talent for understanding the human heart. Therefore, the long door clearly perceives the emotion hidden in the deep eyes of Youyouzi.

It was a spark that was just ignited, and it seemed a little swaying, called ‘love’.

In other words, Youyouzi of Xixing Temple is somewhat fond of Nagato.

At first glance it sounds a little weird.

After all, Nagato and Youyouzi had just met shortly, and Nagato appeared as the fiance of Yakumo Zi.

Under normal circumstances, girls do not like each other so quickly.

But if you think of this time as a feudal society where men are superior to women, and Youyouzi received traditional education from an early age, the situation is normal.

In such an era, girls would not have been too harsh on love. In their eyes, three wives and four concubines may be the norm. The most important thing is that the hero rescues the beauty in this era. Perhaps the biggest girl ’s heart Romantic.

Therefore, it is natural for Youyou to like to go to Nagato, only because of your friends, Youyou is a little hesitant.

And Yunyun Zi, who is familiar with Youyou, naturally understood the girl's thoughts and was at a loss.

If possible, Yakumo Zi would like to oppose Youyou's proposal and drive Nagato out, but the problem is that the monster sage doesn't know what reason to convince Youyou, he can't tell Youyou like the truth about her.

As an orthodox lady, the feelings of Youyou in Xixing Temple are absolutely normal, not lily.

On this issue of feelings, even the monster sage is also somewhat helpless.

As for Nagato, Nagato was really interested in Youyouzi, and wanted to win the love in front of Yakumo Zi. Secondly, most of the red-haired boy ’s goals for this trip have been achieved, and it just takes time to settle. .

In this way, Nagato temporarily lived in the house of Xixing Temple.

In addition to the necessary meditation and thinking every day, Nagato is looking for the opportunity to be alone with Youyouzi, and Yakumo Zi takes his own style of God to break the two people ’s solitude every time, in an atmosphere similar to fighting wisdom and courage. , Time is passing by.

In the process, the relationship between Nagato, Yuyouko and Yakumo Zi gradually appeared some wonderful changes.

By the way, with the passage of time, the Xixingsi family also gradually learned that Youyouzi had subdued the westbound demon, and therefore germinated some unnecessary ambitions.

However, under the suppression of the soul and the bogey, these trivial matters did not disturb the daily routine of the three longmen.

Time rushes like water, and in a flash it is ten years.

Ten years is a relatively long time for human beings, but for monsters, it is only a few months in human consciousness, and perhaps because of this, monsters are aware of the difference between heaven and earth.

The vitality that drifted between heaven and earth decreased at a rate sufficient to perceive, and the physical laws between heaven and earth became deeper and deeper.

Under such circumstances, the destructive power of the monsters' power can become smaller and smaller.

In short, the extraordinary power of the entire plane is suppressed!

When the extraordinary power was suppressed, the technology possessed by the monsters, river boys, and the capital of the moon seemed to have lost their restraint, and they have achieved unprecedented development-it is as if technology has received plane recognition.

The big monsters at the apex of the monsters, as well as the remaining gods and evil immortals, have understood the choice of heaven and earth consciousness from them.

The current situation is nothing more than a symptom change brought about by plane choice.

Soon, the remarks about "the extraordinary power will disappear completely" spread among the planes. The monsters, gods and many extraordinary creatures who heard the news expressed panic and set off a wave of confusion.

In this chaos, the mountain of monsters issued a call to the extraordinary life of the world in the name of the great demon. All four large and small worlds have begun to open to the outside world, ready to receive these extraordinary lives.

In the face of the convening order of the big demon, who is almost the strongest in the plane, most monsters and even a small number of gods have obeyed, but not all extraordinary lives are the same, and some self-proclaimed powerful existences remain Rebellious.

In the face of these unruly existences, the Monster Mountain did not show much, but just forgot it.

However, the ignorance of the Monster Mountain was regarded as a taboo to themselves by these sloppy existences. Immediately, these existences swelled up and rejoiced, and became more raging on their own territory.

It's just that these beings don't know, they are all abandoned sons.

After all, as other extraordinary lives entered the world of Xiaoqian, these guys became the representatives of extraordinary lives on the main plane continent.

Under such circumstances, there is no need for the so-called catastrophe. Before that, these guys may not be able to survive, and the facts later proved this point. These existences did not survive the catastrophe of the era, all later. Killed by humans.

With these beings killed, the race of human race finally dominated the main plane continent and officially became the protagonist of the future of the plane, while the Nagato became the master of all extraordinary life, and then became the master of fantasy, and the consciousness of reality Started the final confrontation.

But these are the future things, and the trouble is also the long door in the future, but the long door now encounters new problems.

"Old Hell ?!"

Seeing the sudden visit of Siji Yingji, Nagato whispered a sentence softly.

"Yes, old hell!"

Slightly nodding, Siji Yingji thought for a moment, and said, "It is the product of the fusion of the small space created by the **** of death and the Ming King in the last era when the underworld was not opened , But a broken world. "

"But because of its characteristics, the old **** often attracts ghosts, which is not good for reincarnation."

"That's it!"

Hearing Siji Yingji's words, Nagato thought a little and said, "If that's the case, why don't you destroy it? Don't tell me that you can't bear it. This is not the selfless King Yanlu."

"of course not!"

Facing the ridicule of Nagato, Siji Yingji's face remained unchanged, but she said indifferently, "It's just that the old **** is too close to the plane because of its own particularity. If it is destroyed, it will shake the plane consciousness. "

"So, you came to me?"


Nodding calmly, Siji Yingji said, "With the power of Lord Nagato, you should be able to solve the old **** without disturbing the consciousness of the plane, so I came here to find your help. "


Hearing this, a hint of hesitation appeared on Nagato's face.

It is not that the red-haired boy is unwilling to help, but that he has recently made a breakthrough in Yuyouzi's **** plan, and it will take a long time before he can successfully win the love in front of Yakumo Zi.

Under such circumstances, of course, Nagato was reluctant to leave.

"Longmen Jun!"

However, when Yunyun Zi encounters such an opportunity, he will naturally fall into the hole. "This is a major event related to the world, so don't refrain from saying it. Are you saying yes, Youyou."

"Yes, it is!"

This is the answer of Miss Xixingsi who is somewhat unknown.


ps: I do n’t drink anymore, I feel dizzy! ..

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