My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 101: Old Hell seeking subscription!

In the end, Nagato left Xixing Temple.

Although there are some regrets about not being able to get Youyou completely, Nagato enjoys this ambiguous relationship even more, and will get it sooner or later, and the teenager does not mind brewing more.

Moreover, regarding the old hell, Nagato really needs to solve it as soon as possible.

After all, the existence of the old **** will indeed interfere with the reincarnation of the underworld to some extent, so that the underworld will not fully exert its power in the future, and this is an intolerable situation for Nagato.

You must know that the upcoming catastrophe is definitely the biggest obstacle since the rebirth of Nagato.

For this reason, Nagato will strive for victory at all costs.

Without knowing by any means what the Nagato was going to go to the old hell, the star Xiong Yongyi appeared in front of the Nagato and asked directly to go with him. Naturally, there was no problem with the Nagato.

In other words, when there is beauty accompanied by such things, Nagato will not be stupid enough to refuse!


"Why do you want to go to the old hell?"

In this way, Nagato's right hand directly embraced Yong Yi's shoulder, and his left hand grabbed the wine glass named Star Bear Cup in the girl's hand and took a big sip.

"Really, don't **** it!"

The ghost king girl's face immediately showed a heartache expression, snatched back the Star Bear Cup, and then said quietly, "I am on a whim, I was a regular visitor there, even I once thought that I would move the ghost family To the old hell. "


"Because compared to the ghostly world on earth, the old **** seems to be more suitable for ghost races."

Speaking of which, Yong Yi's face flashed a reminiscent look, and then there was obvious helplessness on his face, "It's just that the plan is not as good as change. I didn't expect you guy to appear and interrupted our plan."

"That's it!"

Hearing the words, Nagato could not help but chuckled or said much, holding Yong Yi's hand, the two began to go to the old hell.

Although the old **** is the crystallization of many fragments of the underworld in the last era, it is not a different space, but is located underground in the main continent. Compared with other names, the underground city is more in line with the situation of the old hell.

With enough information and Yong Yi's lead, the two quickly reached the entrance of an underground city, a run-down shrine.

When stepping into the shrine, Yongyi released the spirit of the ghost king in his body, activating the teleportation array in the shrine.

In an instant, the surrounding world was changing, and the dark breath filled in all directions.

"Is this the old hell?"

At the moment when it just appeared, Nagato looked at everything around him and looked at the earth's fissures from time to time, and the magma spreading out of the fissures. The young man felt that the name of the old **** was extremely appropriate.

And in the middle of this dangerous place, there is a large city that looks quite vast.

"There is an underground city!"

It ’s not the first time Xing Xiong Yongyi came here to point to the central city and introduce to the Nagato, “Where are there many evil spirits, who are totally unwelcome monsters on the ground, no good, my blood is burning Now. "

"That's it. Call me if you have any problems. I will take a step first, Nagato Jun!"

As soon as the words fell, Xing Xiong Yongyi turned into a gust of wind and rushed directly to the central city.


Standing behind Yong Yi, Chang Men suddenly felt helpless.

Any whim is deceiving, and the purpose of feeling brave and coming to the old **** is to find someone to fight!

The thought flashed in my head. The red-haired teenager shrugged helplessly and said, "Forget it, anyway, I can handle it all by myself. Let her have fun. Next, go to the old **** manager. Right "

"I remember, what happened to the manager of the Earth Spirit Temple? There was a strange feeling"

In an instant, the long door stopped the words, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

I don't know why, the young man suddenly became very concerned, as if there was something around him. This kind of feeling was very inexplicable. Looking around, in the slightly dark environment around him, Nagato didn't find anything worth caring about.

Subconsciously opened up his perception, and Nagato did not feel any obvious abnormalities.

"It's weird, what the **** is going on?"

Nagato felt his chin and began to think. He didn't feel the danger. It was just that there was something in the unconscious center that made him care. This feeling originated from Nagato's extraordinary instinct.

Therefore, Nagato is quite sure that there are some people around him that are of concern.

Thinking in this way, Nagato slowly closed his eyes, the perception in his body emerged, meticulous perception and intuition merged, and he inquired about everything around him. Soon, in this state, Nagato finally found himself. Care about existence.

Opening his eyes, the long door found himself inadvertently walking under a huge rock.

Then he saw a petite figure somewhere in the darkness beside the rock.

"Oh, you can find me?"

The voice of the girl in the dark was filled with surprise.

Despite being in darkness, Nagato still sees clearly. This is a slightly petite girl, wearing a beautiful dress, with short white shoulder-length hair and a hat on her head, Qingxiu's small face showed a trace of surprise and curiosity.

The most special thing is that there is an eye hanging on the two tentacles extending from her back to the chest, but the pupil is tightly closed.

"How to say, you are almost even hiding from me."

With such a mouth in his mouth, Nagato ’s brain began to recall whether the first life had the information of the girl in front of him. Soon, the red-haired boy found the information of the girl in front of him in the corner of his first memory-Gu Mingdi love!

Nagato did not expect to meet her in such a place, because she was the sister of the owner of the Earth Spirit Hall she was going to find.

It seems that in the original fate, this girl and her daughter Furan came together as a ghost beast sister.

The girl is a monster, and is a very special conscious monster. The race is "judgment". This kind of monster not only has strong power itself, but also can read the human heart through the third eye on the chest. There are no secrets at all. ..

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