My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 102: Gu Mingdi loves the first!

Maybe because of race restrictions

All in all, the number of "judgment" monster species has been declining as the years passed.

In today ’s era, there is almost no “sense” in the surface world. The traces of its ethnicity have only been described in books. In this old hell, apart from the girl in front of her and her sister, I am afraid that there is no other Feel ".

In the memory of the first life, Nagato vaguely remembered that it seemed that almost all monsters and humans were afraid of Gu Ming's love because of their ability to read the mind.

However, after he realized the aversion that other creatures could easily detect their own minds, Gu Minglian, who was still young and thought was not mature enough, closed the third eye that could read the heart.

For monsters like Jue, insight into the heart is also the ability to stabilize the mind.

Gu Ming Di Lian who has lost this ability means that her mind has been completely closed, and even her sister Gu Ming Di Jue can't detect her mind.

Probably blessed by misfortune, in short, after closing his third eye, love got a more powerful force-unconscious manipulation!

Thinking of this, Nagato suddenly realized why he didn't find each other. The reason is very simple, because of the unconscious manipulation ability, the existence of love is like an unconscious thing, like a humble stone on the roadside.

As if no one would bother about the small stones on the side of the road, Nagato would naturally ignore them underground.


The red-haired boy was quite surprised.

But Gu Ming Di Lian is more surprised than him. Since he can manipulate the unconscious, as long as she uses this ability, no matter where she goes, she will not be discovered. Even if it is a **** and a monster, as long as she does not want anything, there is nothing Found her.

But this time, her unconsciousness was actually cracked!

"Why can you find me?"

Gu Ming Lian walked towards the long door, asked cheerfully, his face full of curiosity.

After closing her heart, the girl has become a monster wandering around with no purpose. She acted like an invisible man in unconscious action. No one can feel her, although it is very interesting in her own eyes. thing.

But in the eyes of others, it is very lonely and desolate, at least her sister thinks so.

In fact, this is also the case. No one will find her, which means that she is the only one left in the world. Loneliness and loneliness are self-evident.

However, Gu Ming Di Lian, who has closed his mind, has no feeling, and naturally he will not know that kind of loneliness.

Regardless of any action, as long as she thinks it is interesting, she will do it unconsciously, and for the moment that Nagato can find herself, Gu Mingdi is very interesting.

"You tell me first, why are you here?"

Without answering the girl's question, Nagato asked softly.

"I'm here to play."

Gu Ming Di Lian, who closes the mind, will not have any ambitions.

She will do whatever she wants, and she will say whatever she wants, so she has no secrets about the question of Nagato, "Although no one will find me, no matter where I go, no one can see me, but very Interesting. "

"Then your turn, why can you find me."

The girl said so with a smile, the curiosity on her face was almost breaking through the sky, so that the girl suddenly wanted to read the heart of the person in front of her. This was the first time she regretted closing her heart. Of course, the girl at this time is not even particularly aware of the emotion of regret.

"Because I feel you!"

Faced with the curiosity of the young girl, Nagato did not sell this time, but replied indifferently, "This kind of unconsciousness is just the instinct of life, and my soul is inscribed with the essence of controlling everything."

"Under this nature, even if it is unconscious, as long as I have the heart, I can also manipulate it."

In words, Nagato drives the control of the depths of his soul, slowly and firmly invading his unconscious. With the progress of this action, the breath of Nagato's body gradually disappeared, and soon fell in love with Gu Mingdi, and All things around are assimilated.

After doing all this, Nagato suddenly realized that he had not perfectly developed the control properties in the body.

"Perhaps the Tao of the body should fall on this point!"

Such thoughts flashed in my mind, and the red-haired boy immediately thought of his own ontology. Now that the three systems have become great, and wanting to exert the power of the three routes to the greatest extent, it also requires the ontology to comprehend the core Tao.

It's just that Nagato's eyes are always on the three systems, but he doesn't know how to plan his own ontological path.

But now, the red-haired teenager seems to have gradually seen the shadow of the road

"Wow, that's great! Would you like to play with me?"

At this time, after seeing the changes in Nagato, Gu Mingdi ’s curiosity on his face immediately turned into excitement, and he quickly sent an invitation to Nagato, "There are many interesting things in the Temple of Earth Spirit, and there are many cute ones. Pet, do you want to go there with me? "

"Earth Temple? All right!"

Hearing the invitation of Gu Ming Di Lian, a smile appeared on the corner of Nagato ’s mouth, “or, just right, I just prepared to go to the Earth Spirit Hall to do something, so please take the lead, by the way, my name is Nagato, your name!"

"Love, I love Gu Ming, please advise me a lot, Nagato Jun!"

Accidentally catching the second lady of the Earth Spirit Temple, Nagato's next journey was exceptionally smooth.

The environment of the old **** is very dangerous for other creatures, but for the girl who loves to walk here all the year round, it is just a more interesting place. The girl can always walk out of a safe passage in a dangerous place.

It is just rather speechless that love's heart is too out of touch, often seeing interested people, things or things, and gather together to observe.

This makes the long door behind the girl have to maintain an unconscious state in order to facilitate movement.

Under such circumstances, Nagato quickly learned a lot about this old hell. He saw many monsters that no longer exist on the surface, completely different from the customs of the surface, and various interesting items.

In the process, the red-haired boy had a deeper understanding of the girl named Gu Ming Di Lian.

At the same time, Nagato was thinking about how to open the girl's heart in front of her eyes-in any case, the act of closing her mind is not good after all, even now it seems that the girl is completely carefree.

If you continue to let the girl go like this, who knows what kind of flower will bloom after the endless years?

Nagato probably thought that Gu Ming's loving sister, the owner of the Earth Spirit Temple, would also like to hope that her sister's heart can be reopened.

In this way, the way you think about it is to conquer a big bargain in the Earth Spirit Temple!

But these thoughts are just a few things.

What makes Nagato most interesting is the unconscious state, the wonderful state of being alone in the world.

Even later, red-haired teenagers were somewhat immersed in this journey

ps: The previous chapter was changed in the morning. If it fails to refresh, it is Fei Lu's fault. ..

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