My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 109: The murder begins! Ask for a subscription!

Monster Mountain!

This is a secret space in the plane, a holy place in the hearts of thousands of monsters.

At this time, the entrances and teleportation arrays of the entire secret space are constantly gathering demon clan from all parts of the plane. The vast demon qi condenses together, from the sky to the bottom, and the entire space is bathed in demon qi, gradually happen Change.

It is precisely because of this change that the almost substantive plane consciousness outside the Monster Mountain cannot be eroded here!

Standing at the top of the Monster Mountain, Nagato looked at everything beneath.

"Finally, it's about to start!"

With such words in his mouth, a slightly bloodthirsty smile appeared on Nagato's face.

For hundreds of years, countless assumptions, derivations and heavy calculations, Nagato has roughly calculated the killings he is about to face, and now he can wait for the disasters to really come and be able to verify his calculations.

In the body of the red-haired boy, the fighting intention that has been brewing for hundreds of years is almost difficult to suppress!

"Longmen Jun!"

At this moment, an inexplicable gap appeared behind the red-haired boy, dressed in gorgeous costumes, and it seemed that some lazy monster sage protruded from the gap to the upper body, and his hands embraced the neck of the long door.

A faint scent diffused from the monster sage, making the long door breath a little worse.

Then the red-haired boy couldn't help but smile bitterly-in the past three hundred years, Nagato finally picked the prickly rose of Yakumo Zi, and since then, the enchanting sage has been very fond of teasing such long door.

If at other times, I am afraid that Nagato would say nothing and pull the girl behind him into his arms.

But it is clearly not the time to do that kind of thing

In other words, the monster sage realized this and deliberately made such a temptation to him!

"How's it going?"

Breathing calmly, the long door asked softly.

"Except for a few stubborn guys, almost all the monsters have entered the monster mountain!"

Hearing the inquiry from Nagato, a smile appeared on the corner of Yakumo ’s mouth, and the whole person was almost leaning against the back of the red-haired boy. Sakura lips whispered in the boy ’s ear. I ’ve returned and I ’m in place! "

"Well, then you can start!"

Speaking softly, Nagato lifted his right hand, and at the next moment, a singular egg with a shimmering light appeared in the palm of the teenager. That was no other. After the eggs of the world.

At the moment when the eggs of the world appeared, the secret space of the whole Monster Mountain shook slightly, and a desire filled the air.

Obviously, the secret space desires to devour the eggs of the world, so as to evolve into a truly independent world!


"I know!"

Hearing the call of Nagato, Yakumo whispered softly, "Open it, the realm of reality and fantasy!"

In words, the blonde girl let go of the red-haired boy, and her right hand instantly showed a folding fan, the fan opened, and it was such a fan towards the egg of the world. .

In an instant, the eggs of the world began to be gradually filled with light.

Through the power of Yakumo Zi's realm, the property of this world egg has changed from reality to fantasy. In other words, if the egg of this world grows smoothly, a pure fantasy world will be born in the future.

"The world attributes are determined, now it's time to determine the protagonist!"

With that said, the left hand of Nagato was raised, and a sphere of light appeared on it.

This ball of light is nothing else, it is exactly what the long gate collected before, the demon luck.

Then the red-haired boy turned his left hand, and the light ball of the demon's luck turned into a liquid-like existence, which was directly poured on the egg of the world!


Immediately, the eggs of the world turned into endless streamers, scattered throughout the secret realm.

After absorbing the light transformed by the egg of the world, or the fusion of the egg of the world, the entire secret realm instantly roared continuously. In this roaring sound, the sky gradually became higher, the earth gradually expanded, and the mountains continued to rise

The entire secret realm continues to expand at a speed that is visible to the naked eye, deterring all monsters and some other creatures!

At the same time, the world outside the mysterious realm has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The fantasy elements pervading the plane are constantly being absorbed by the monster mountain. The secret realm originally hidden in the subspace directly swallowed a large part of this continent and began to break away from the planet. At this moment, the planetary consciousness was completely rioted.

Not only that, because of the earthquake, the Yingzhou tribe suffered a heavy blow in an instant, and the spirits were painted

The vast humane consciousness was also activated.

Plus the plane consciousness that was already awakened!

Heaven, Earth, and Man are running simultaneously!

As the so-called celestial killing, the shifting of stars and the suicide, the terrifying killing, the dragon and the snake land, the human killing, the world and the world repeatedly, the three operations in charge of the plane are out of the killing, that is, the whole plane has bred the killing.

The endless murders permeated in the plane, and turned into an invisible force to directly suppress the secret space that was ready to leave the planet and the plane.

Even with the constant support of fantasy elements, the secret space also made an unbearable sound.

At the moment when the entire secret space is about to collapse completely


The red moon in the sky glowed with dazzling light, fighting against the invisible power.


Then, the earth-shaking dragon chant sounded resounding in the universe.

Above the Red Moon, the highest level of the Royal Palace in the capital of the Crescent Moon, the infinite dragon **** Orpheus standing quietly here jumped into the sky. At the next moment, the girl directly turned into a black dragon .

I saw the magic dragon continually shuttle through the universe, and from time to time pulled out a small world from the void.

Soon, the world of four sizes and thousands turned into dragon **** and gathered on their sides.


After doing all this, the Infinite Dragon God roared again, and his voice seemed to spread throughout the universe, and then the dragon turned into a streamer, entered the surface of the earth, and merged with the rising secret space.

Infinite Dragon God's power is transformed into a dragon vein, directly supporting the skeleton of the entire secret space!

With the support of the magic dragon, the entire secret space jumped up instantly, and even directly crossed the threshold of the small thousand world, turned into a big thousand world, and the space turned into a big thousand world disappeared directly from the earth and came to the outer void of the plane. !

Faced with such a situation, the murderous consciousness of the three planes never disappeared.

In an instant, the three consciousnesses rushed out of the inner test of the world!

The three interweaving forces intercepted the space that had been transformed into a large world in the void. At the next moment, the power from the three planes of the plane turned into a huge cage that completely wrapped up the entire world.

The terrifying murderousness turned into an invisible force, and began to penetrate into the world of thousands!

Obviously, after the formation of the fantasy world, the so-called killing did not disperse, but just started ..

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