My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 110: In the end, the demon star first!

"Finally, did it start?"

At the moment when the killing started, there was a wave of silence and chaos away from the endless world.

A vortex of chaos was formed from a certain point in the chaos. The mighty atmosphere of chaos raged like a wave of waves in this silent void, instantly suppressing and killing a demon lurking in the void of chaos. It became powder.

After doing all of this, a portal slowly appears cold and simple at first glance, but contains endless mysteries!

Above the portal, along with immense coercion, a blurred figure appeared slowly.

From the point of view of the figure, the owner of this figure is a graceful girl, but I don't know what the reason is, but the face of the other party is abnormally vague, and the existence of his body is as if there is no chaos.

After appearing, the girl's vague face radiated two rays of divine light, and instantly penetrated the endless time and chaos, and saw the long door in the killing robbery.

"It's completely different!"

Speaking in a slightly sad tone, the girl sighed softly, then disappeared in place, leaving only a remnant echoing in the chaotic void, "As long as the final test, I can really put down my responsibility What. "


At the top of the Monster Mountain, the long gate subconsciously looked up at the sky.

Just now, the red-haired teenager seemed to feel a familiar and strange look, and the vaguely long door also realized who his gaze was, but he didn't wait for him to really verify it, and the whole fantasy world groaned.

"The fantasy world is fundamentally inferior to the real world!"

Such judgment flashed in his head, and Nagato's gaze swept to the surrounding space that had expanded tens of millions of times.

In a round place, the earth is endless, and four stars resembling the sun and the moon shine on the sky!

This is just now, with the addition of the world of four sizes and thousands of infinite dragons, the secret space transformed by the long gate with the eggs of the world, the luck of the demon race and the fantasy elements has expanded ten million times in an instant, becoming a large level world.

In the process of promotion in the world, all living things gathered in the world have been nourished by a lot of origins, and their strength has surged!

However, this was just the dawn before the storm, and the robbery came immediately!

Nagato could clearly feel that the murderous consciousness of the three consciousnesses of the plane is permeating through the crystal walls of the Daqian World, and gathering above this Daqian World, unimaginable crises are rising in the consciousness of all creatures, even the world itself .

In less than a moment, the entire world of the Thousand Thousand Worlds showed a state of chaos.


Faced with such a situation, Nagato could not help but hum softly!

Subsequently, the red-haired boy closed his eyes, and the vast will burst from his body, resonating with the fantasy elements gathered in the thousands of worlds, thus turning into a stronger stream of will, and instantly smoothing out the fear in the hearts of all beings.

Under the oppression of the torrent of will, the three murderous opportunities merged together and turned into a dark magic star.

Seeing this magic star, the pupil of Nagato subconsciously shrank!

Because at this moment, the red-haired boy clearly felt that there was a breath he was very familiar with inside the magic star-about four hundred years ago and three hundred years ago, this kind of breath was felt before and after Nagato .

That ’s not anything else, it ’s the breath of Nagasumi ’s lost samsara.

"It seems that this is the ultimate source of killing robbery!"

Sensing the lost breath of reincarnation, Nagato truly realized what he had to do to kill himself this time. Immediately, the red-haired boy did n’t say much, and carried the endless stream of will directly into one The sharp blade directed at the magic star.


At the moment when the blade and the demon star touched, a huge roar echoed in the world.

In the roar, the long gate disappeared into the demon star, and the devil star released an endless black light, bathed in black light, all creatures, whether they are monsters, gods, or other creatures, all feel To palpitations.

"Longmen Jun"

Covering his heart, Ba Yun Zi, who was relying on the gap, couldn't help but wrinkle the charming.

The speed of the magic star releasing the black light is too fast, so that the monster sage has no time to react, and just when the girl is ready to use her realm to isolate the black light, an inexplicable arm protrudes from the gap behind her and catches The girl holds the right hand of the fan.


Behind the cold, the monster sage instantly released all his coercion.

The large gap even collapsed instantly because it could not withstand the pressure of the monster sage, and the arm holding the right hand of the monster sage broke from the main body along with the collapsed gap, and black blood emerged from the broken arm.

Looking at the dark blood, Yakumo Zi could not help frowning — from that black blood, the girl felt the endless killing!

"Ah, it is worthy of being the body, and the action is really decisive!"

And at the next moment, in the slightly unbelievable gaze of Yakumo Zi, a gap emerged in front of his eyes, and what made Yakumo Zi unacceptable is that, next, with a voice full of evil intentions, the gap came out Took another one himself.

Yes, myself!

In addition to the faint black air on his body, his right hand broke, showing that in front of Yayun Zi is a complete self!

At the same time, the endless killing opportunities unconsciously emerged in Bayun Zi's heart

"So this is ah!"

After the initial surprise, Yakumo Zi quickly calmed down, and through his own power of the realm, the monster sage quickly took everything in the world of the Thousand Thousand Worlds into sight, not only her, but almost all living creatures appeared another me.

Immediately, Yakuzi understood that this situation was the effect of the black light shining from the magic star.

and so

"Are you a demon, or something else?"

A lot of speculation flashed in his head, Yakumo Zi tried it lightly.

"Well, who knows? Maybe we really are your flayer."

The corner of Yakumo Zi's mouth of the replica appeared a mysterious smile similar to, or exactly the same as Yakumo Zi. His broken right hand stopped bleeding for a moment, and even grew out of it at a rapid speed, returning to its original state.

Seeing this scene, Yakumo Zi narrowed his eyes slightly. Such resilience, even as a monster sage, Yakumo Zi did not have it.

Immediately, the monster sage understood the difficulty of this replica of himself!

"So, hello, sister Demon!"

But even so, Yakumo Zi has never had any timid thoughts. On the contrary, after hundreds of years of leisure, coupled with the inexplicable killing in the body, Yakumo Zi's war intentions have been fully activated at this moment.

"Sister, I don't know who is my sister yet, my stupid body!"

In fact, it ’s not just Yayunzi, but the replica Yayunzi is also a war intention, or the killing intention ca n’t be suppressed.

So far, the two girls have nothing to say.

If the end of the road is the horizon, then the end of the words is

"Fight!" X2

In an instant, the two surging forces of the realm collided instantly! ..

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