My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 111: Copy me? joke! Second more!

Kill, kill, kill!

The endless killing spread to the whole world in an instant

In the face of their own replicas, whether it is a monster, a god, or other creatures, all endless killing intentions have emerged, and the life is forgotten, and the life is forgotten. .

Under such circumstances, the entire Thousand Worlds are involved in the killing frenzy!

Roaring, biting, fighting, tumbling, engulfing all creatures to fight without any means, or torn up their own replicas, or torn their own replicas, before the time to shoot , Blood spilled all over the world.

There is no fairness, no means, no glory, no power, only pure killing!

"Humph, it's crazy!"

The figure of Ba Yi Yong Lin stood up in the sky, holding a divine bow, carrying the brilliance of endless stars, looking at this huge world swept by the torrent of killing, secretly pouting, in the eyes of the moon sage, this world is simply unreasonable.

Thinking in his mind was running fast, and the Sage of the Moon moved his steps lightly, avoiding the arrows passing by him.

His gaze shifted, and Bayi Yonglin easily captured the source of the arrow, which was another Bayi Yonglin.

The arrogant Ba Yi Yonglin always thinks that she is unique, how can she tolerate another own existence, and her copy is to some extent exactly the same as her thoughts, and also can not tolerate the existence of the ontology.

The two faced each other, the inexpressible cold echoed in the void

"Ah, it seems that Yong Lin is serious!"

"Oh, it seems so!"

And just outside the battlefield of the two Bayi Yonglin, a gap opened and closed, and the Yunyun and his replica swayed the power of the realm, constantly shuttled between the gaps, intertwined from time to time. .

The fighting rhythm between the monsters in the realm is extremely fast, but the two sides of the battle are very leisurely.

So much so that the two of them still have the power to observe others and talk when they are fighting

Of course, in the eyes of the two, this is another type of battle-the battle to obtain information about each other!

Under such circumstances, Yakumo Zi and his replica witnessed the magnificent battle between the gods, saw the **** battle between the monsters, and also saw the battlefield of the Penglai people's strange hunting of meat.

To put it bluntly, the entire fantasy world has been transformed into a huge flesh and blood dish, strangling the lives of all beings

"Damn, obviously this is a world that shelters all beings!"

As a participant in the creation of this world, Bayun Zi couldn't help but rise up a bit of unwillingness in his heart. Under the influence of this unwilling emotion, Bayun Zi subconsciously appeared a trace of flaws.

The replica's Yakumo Violet fully inherited Yakumo Violet's ability, and immediately seized this opportunity.

As the so-called one step wrong, step by step wrong, for a moment, Ba Yun Zi was forced by his copy to nowhere.

And at this moment-


A sudden display of a magic cannon blasted up from the ground below, pushing the copy of Yakumo Zi away. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yakumo Zi decisively opened the gap and pulled away from his own copy for a while. To the land where the magic cannon hit.

Immediately caught in the eyes of the girl was a piece of dry earth, and standing in the middle of the earth, the clothes were broken and the fragrance was fragrant.

And at the foot of Feng Jian Youxiang, he stepped on another dark-looking Youxiang.

"Bayun Zi, what the **** are you doing!"

The appearance looks a bit embarrassing, but the wind sees Youxiang still looks like a noble queen, staring at Ba Yunzi with her head high, "A copy of the fake, don't tell me you can't beat it!" Between words, Youxiang again exerted force on her feet and stepped her replica directly into the ground.

Cobweb-like ground cracks spread in all directions.

"Hehe, too!"

Seeing such a domineering fragrance, Yayun Zi couldn't help but slightly silent. The folding fan opened in his hand, covering his chin. The eyes of the monster sage looked at his replica, and his eyes were filled with amazing danger.

"We are a bit careless, then, the real battle will begin now."


Seeing such a cloud of purple, the replica was slightly stunned, and then suddenly furious-the battle of the realm monsters reopened in an instant!

On the other side, inside the demon star.

Here is a boundless dark void. The concepts of up, down, left, and right can't help but blur here. Time also loses its meaning in the endless darkness. The boundless void is like a terrifying beast, devouring everything.

After the frontal collision with the final Yanxing star, Nagato appeared here alone.

"Aren't you coming out yet?"

After standing in the dark void for a while, the red-haired boy could not help but frown, the strong sense of existence was no longer concealed, completely released, and there was a tendency to fill the entire dark void.

Faced with this situation, the silent dark void finally changed.


The violent roar burst out of the void,

The endless will to kill comes from all sides of the void, gathers in front of the long gate, and condenses into a substantive existence. At the same time, the red-haired boy feels that some kind of wonderful power is acting on himself.

In a trance, countless dark memories rolled deep in the heart of the long door, and the existence of the heart demon was gradually emerging.

Not only that, Nagato can vaguely perceive the heavy karma he has gained in this plane, and even the heavy cause and effect of himself and the three consciousnesses of the plane are slowly out of their control, and they must be integrated with the devil.

"It turns out so!"

At this point, Nagato understands the approach of the three consciousness of the plane.

In fact, the reason is very simple. The killing caused by the three consciousnesses in the plane is the fusion of the soul demon of Ying Shengsheng and the heavy causes of his body into the soul, and the endless killing intention is condensed into a body, and a copy of the soul should be made .

The replica made in this way has everything that should rob the soul, and even has the endless killing intention of the plane as a backup, which is extremely undead!

Nagato can imagine that in the face of such a means, the outside world may have become charred.

However, the red-haired boy didn't care much about it, and even regarded it as a trial. As long as he is a real strong man, he can stand out from this trial if he wants to. As for the weak?

That kind of thing doesn't matter at all!


"Copy me? Jokes !!!"

There was a cold light in his eyes, the control attributes of the long door body were running, the demon in the body was good, and the karma was nothing. All the consciousness of the red-haired boy was used as a food, and it was swallowed up in an instant, leaving no residue.

At the next moment, the red-haired teenager shot out abruptly with a simple punch, which stirred up a terrible storm.

The murderously condensed body was directly crushed by the storm, and then the storm went straight to the end of the void!


A terrible shock erupted at the end of the void, but the shock lasted for less than a moment, and suddenly calmed down, and then a dark figure appeared from the end of the void, seemingly slowly stepping towards the long door Come. ..

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