My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 113: The war is in full swing!

So far, the king of the end launched an attack!

The boundless dark void exploded wonderfully, like an angry roar. The long door felt the suppression of the entire void against itself in an instant, and endless pressures came from all directions.

Even with a long hammer, a body with a thousand hammers, facing such a situation is like a deep quagmire.

It's just that this situation not only didn't scare Nagato, but also further urged his fighting spirit. The infinite Taoist system was running crazy, uniting the three forces and constantly inspiring the potential of Nagato's body!

In a flash, the red-haired boy's weak body became stronger.

The infinite sense of power is completely released in him


After a binge, Nagato once again threw his fist!

This time, the red-haired teenager no longer punched a punch, but countless punches. The infinite Dao force system running close to the limit accompanied by this Dao shadow released a near-infinite tri-color shock wave.

The mighty shock wave is like a roaring torrent across the dark void!

Time, space, and distance suddenly lose their meaning in front of this attack. If it does not appear in this dark void, it may be enough to disturb the entire starry sky, annihilate matter and energy, and all this only depends on the energy in the long door body.

"Come well !!"

Facing the attack of Nagato, a heroic laugh flashed on the face of the King of Termination!

Although in essence, the King of Termination is the unwilling resentment of the lost samsara of Nagato, and it has also appeared malicious and full since its appearance, but he is not a real evil after all-there is no self-sacrifice in existence It is absolutely evil.

In a sense, he is also a warrior, facing the fist of another fighter, he will naturally fight back with his fist.

Immediately, in the face of the roaring torrent, the King of Termination opened his arms against the background of the endless dark void, and shouted like a embrace of the torrent: "Respond to my will, go to heaven and earth !!!"

In an instant, the sound of long whizzing shocked the entire universe, and the emptiness of tens of millions of miles collapsed, and the water, fire and wind rushed out together!

The roaring torrent blasted by the Nagato entered the space of heaven and earth like a newborn.

The world is like an oven, melting all foreign objects!


After digesting the power of the roaring torrent, the world collapsed and turned into an endless stream of destruction, gathered around the king of the end, turned into a sword of destruction, all over the void!


Seeing this scene, the whole person of Nagato could not help being dumbfounded.

Of course, the red-haired teenager was not surprised by the power of the King of Ends, but by his means. To be honest, this means that the red-haired teenager felt that he was also quite skilled-from this point of view, the other party was His previous life should be right.

And just when Nagato was surprised, the endless sword of destruction was overwhelmed by bombardment.

Seeing this, the red-haired boy instantly converged his distracted thoughts, and then retreated thousands of miles!

"Humph, in vain!"

Seeing the action of Nagato, the face of the King of Termination remained unchanged.

The dark-haired boy replaced this void heavenly heart with his own heart, completely manipulating the sword of destruction, and even the entire dark void, and the endless sword of destruction converged into a dragon of destruction, chasing toward the long door. .

At the same time, Nagato clearly sensed the oppression of the void around him-hindering the retreat speed of Nagato.

Under such circumstances, the red-haired boy was caught up by the destroyed dragon in an instant


There was a terrible shock in the dark void, and in the continuous roar, the long door was directly bombarded into the depths of the dark void by the sword of endless destruction, and then burst out, radiating enough light to illuminate the void .

Seeing this scene, the face of the King of End is still calm, because he is well aware that his reincarnation cannot be defeated in this way.

as predicted

"Wow, what a dangerous move!"

Suddenly the voice echoed in the void, and from the depths of the void where the explosion wave had not subsided, the red-haired boy strolled out leisurely, just as casually as the black-haired boy appeared, but it could not be ignored.

Less than a moment later, the Nagato appeared in front of the King of the End.

Except for a little damage to the shirt, the red-haired boy obviously did not suffer much.

In other words, so far, although the two have used their full strength, the intensity of the battle is only limited to temptation, but as far as the current result is concerned, the King of the End seems to have a little advantage.

But there is no way, who let the king of the end take the king, and this void is his home.

"Okay, the temptation is over!"


Say a word to each other, the real death battle then erupts

At the time of the death battle between the Nagato and the King of the End, outside the Devil Star, the war in the Thousand Worlds has entered a fierce state.

The tragic catastrophe beyond ordinary people's imagination has affected the endless creatures in the whole world. The breath of smoke and blood pervades every corner of the world. The battles appearing everywhere drag this new world into the abyss of destruction.

"Such a scene is really tiresome. It would be better if I could join."

At the core of the Great Thousand World, at the top of the Monster Mountain, you can see the fragrant fragrance standing here, while watching the war, while releasing the endless power of the body, resonating with the land of the Great Thousand World, weakening the destruction of the war on the earth.

In the battle with his replica, Feng Jian You Xiang is definitely one of the earliest victories.

If it is purely in terms of strength, Feng Jian You Xiang may not be the most powerful and unique, but if it is about will, Feng Jian You Xiang is definitely one of the strongest existences, and if it is not that terrifying will, she is impossible. From ordinary flower demon to this step today.

Therefore, Feng Jian You Xiang's heart demon has no heart demon at all, which also causes her replica body to be nowhere stronger.

So, in the hard-to-fight battle, Yuxiang spent some effort to completely eliminate the replica.

After that, Yuxiang still didn't feel satisfied. She originally wanted to intervene in other people's battles, but she was here by the **** Qi Qi, who also quickly wiped out her own copy, to preside over the maintenance work of this world.

If it were not for these years, the relationship between Youxiang and Shenqi is better, and the girl at this time may have exploded long ago.


"This is really boring!"

So muttering, Youxiang's eyes looked at the magic star shining in the sky, and the four new stars surrounded by the magic star-that is nothing else. world.

As the master of the demon world, Shen Qi is leading four new stars to suppress the black light from the magic star.

If it were not so, even if it was Youxiang, it was easy to defeat the replicas, but if it was bombarded to the point where there was no **** left, it would be a little difficult, and the restorative power given to those replicas by the black light is really a bit abnormal.

But Youxiang is not related to this, but the magic star, or the battle within the magic star! ..

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