My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 114: The magic star breaks second!

Although it's a bit frustrating to say so

But Feng Jianyou Xiang understands that the battle within the devil is the real core of the killing.

The battle that is permeating the entire fantasy world at the moment is just to share some pressure for the Nagato who is fighting in the magic star. Even if it is a big victory, if the Nagato loses, this war will also follow the defeat.

Thinking of this, the wind saw Youxiang's silver teeth suddenly biting, showing a very unwilling expression.

The Flower Tyrant hates such a situation, and hates such a powerless self even more!

Immediately, the girl's heart was more profound for her strong obsession.

"Ah, Yuxiang, what expression is this?"

Suddenly, a leisurely voice rang around, a dark space emerged out of thin air, and the figure of Yakuzi wandered out of it. Although the clothes on the monster sage were broken and her face pale, her spirit was more exciting Too.

Obviously, the monster sage has already beheaded his own copy, and has benefited from it.

"Huh, you don't need to control it!"

Hearing Yunyun Zi ’s words, Feng Jian You Xiang withdrew his gaze from the star, and a look of pride appeared on his face. “You still think about your own problems. Even the replicas are so time-consuming and too weak. Now. "


It is said that a bitter smile appeared on the face of the monster sage, if it is other aspects, Yakumo can still refute, but this time she really can't help it-too many ideas. This kind of problem is completely instinct. Can't change it.

"Purple, Youxiang, you are all here, Yong Lin!"

At this moment, an elegant voice rang around, and Penglai Shanhui Ye's figure did not know when it appeared on the top of the mountain. The princess of the princess who always and Xu Yi seems to have never experienced a battle at all, and it is still that elegant and calm.

"Princess, I'm here!"

When Huiye ’s voice fell, the voice of Bayi Yonglin came from above. I saw that the Sage of the Moon also returned with a little embarrassment, “I ’m sorry to be late, because I ’m curious, I will use it on the spot. The replica did some experiments. "

Hearing Yong Lin's words, whether Hui Ye or You Xiang, or Yen Yun Zi couldn't help being speechless.

——Should I mourn for the copy of Ba Yi Yonglin?

Everyone thought so subconsciously.

"When I first came over, I took a look"

Seemingly not seeing the strangeness of other people, or saying that they did n’t care at all, Bayi Yonglin said, "The creatures in the whole world have suffered a great loss, but everyone in Nagato Jun's fancy is in sight. Now. "

"That's fine, if anyone really has an accident"

Hearing Yong Lin ’s words, Hui Ye subconsciously said, but she felt a heart palpitations before her words were finished, not only Hui Ye, Yong Lin, You Xiang and Zi are so, the girls looked up instantly sky.

Then, a shocking scene appeared in the girls' vision

A crack appeared on the dark magic star!


"It's amazing!"

"It's unbelievable."

"Can the apex power do this step!"

In a trance, the girls can't help but say their own ideas, don't look at the magic star in the girl's field of vision is less than the size of a slap, but that is only a distance away, the real magic star is smaller than the ordinary small world It's much bigger.

The current situation clearly shows that the battle within the devil has reached the level of extinction! At the same time, in the Devil Realm and the Four Seasons Yingji, Mebis, and the three daughters who lived in the world, the face of the **** Qi of the four thousand and thousand worlds changed dramatically. Command other girls to transfer the world of Xiaoqian.

Almost at the moment when the new star transformed by Xiaoqian World disappeared behind the ripples in space--


The huge magic star exploded directly on the sky!

Unimaginable horror shock waves raged across the sky. Under such an impact, the vast expanse of sky directly showed a series of sky cracks. The whole sky seemed to collapse at any time.

Not only the sky, but the vast continent below was completely shaken, and many creatures were comatose in a moment, or even died!

The **** battlefield throughout the continent fell into complete silence at this moment!

"Boom! Boom! Boom !!!"

At this moment, the explosion center located on the sky echoed again and again with a wave of earth-shattering roars. Not long after, a stream of red and black streamers rushed out of the explosion center, chasing, intersecting and colliding between the world and the sky.

Every collision between streamers will stir up the aftermath of the super natural disaster level, attracting all the eyes of all beings.

The world has become a stage at this moment, and the two streamers are the only actors on this stage!

This "performance" lasted for three minutes. With the roaring sounds, the sky, which originally showed a lot of cracks, was rapidly destroyed during the process of the "performance". The number of cracks actually doubled ten times. More than.


After the collision again, the two streamers no longer chase, but tacitly separated by a distance.

Then the streamer dissipated, revealing the figure of Nagato and the King of Termination facing each other. At this time, the two were not intact, and their clothes appeared broken, not to mention, both of them were gasping for breath.

Especially the corner of the mouth of the long door, a little red appeared


A long breath exhaled, the long door lifted his right hand, wiped the red blood from the corner of his mouth, and then showed a mad smile. To be honest, the red-haired boy had no idea how long he had not been injured.

Stimulated by the blood in the corner of the mouth, all the fighting intentions of the red-haired boy have reached the extreme point at this moment.

Under this stimulation, the power in his body reached a wonderful threshold.


"Huh, you are really excellent!"

Also exhaling the turbidity in the body, the king of black hair sighed softly, and then said, "I didn't expect you to continue to evolve in battle, but it will be me who wins, because I am this killing. Incarnate. "

"And the so-called killing robbery is not the more powerful the end !!!"

Along with the words of the King of the End, three huge holes appeared in the space behind it. The murderous consciousness of the three consciousnesses of the big plane and the earth and the earth suddenly appeared.

All the surviving replicas have turned into black spirits, rushed to the sky, and merged with three murderous opportunities.

Then all the killings poured in from behind the king of the end!


The silent breath on the King of the End suddenly burst into rage

The coercion of his body keeps rising! rise! Rise again!

In less than a moment, the coercion of the King of Termination filled the entire world, no, it has surpassed the world of the world, pervading the entire big plane, even spreading into the chaos beyond the plane.

The entire Thousand Worlds appeared in an unstable state in an instant-unable to bear the existence of the King of the End!

Seeing this scene, even if the fighting spirit was vigorous, Nagato's face completely solidified! ..

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