My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 115: Battlefield transfer first!

Since rebirth, Nagato has not seen a stronger existence than himself.

Among them, the so-called mother of Dao is a red-haired young boy's unprecedented existence. Nagato cannot even see the level of the other party, and the King of Termination in front of him is not as exaggerated as the mother of Dao It's no different.

If in the previous battle, the opponent was only a bit better than Nagato, he may be killed by Nagato at any time.

So now the King of the End has a clear gap with Nagato!

"Huh, it's really unfavorable!"

Faced with such a situation, Nagato couldn't help but feel a little complicated. Seriously, he really rarely fights against others at a disadvantage, or never at all, and crushing his talents with absolute strength is the normal state of youth fighting.

But the strong man is the strong man, and Nagato quickly cut off the thoughts in his mind, and the surging fighting intentions surged again!

The three-color flame of red, blue and gold emerged through the body at this moment, swaying like an entity.

"Haha, it looks like you are ready!"

At this time, the King of Termination had completed his preparations, seeing the changes in Nagato, the black-haired boy did not talk nonsense, he laughed and rushed directly in the direction of Nagato.

With his movement, there were countless sounds in the space as if the ice burst and the glass cracked!

The sky, or heaven and earth, seemed completely unable to bear his presence, and wailed.


Almost in the blink of an eye, the King of Ends collided head-on with Nagato.

As if to destroy the entire sky in an explosion, Nagato's entire person flew out. Although it was not unresponsive, the power of the King of Termination completely exceeded Nagato's expectations, and his defense was completely ineffective.


In the process of flying backwards, a anger appeared on the face of Nagato.

The ripples of the vast space emerged behind the red-haired boy. Nine terrifying dragon heads emerged from the ripples and walked towards the king of the end. The nine fierce mouths seemed to require time, space, and even chaos. Devour.

"Come well!"

Facing the attack of the nine dragon heads, a ridiculous laugh appeared on the face of the King of the End, and he did not fight back. The dark-haired boy turned into a streamer and rushed into the mouth of the dragon head closest to him.

Regarding the behavior of the black-haired boy, Longshou closed his mouth and tried to devour it.



Almost at the next moment, a fierce explosion exploded on the body of the brave dragon head, the streamer turned into a black-haired boy directly broke out, and then the black light rushed again to the second dragon head, so the technique was reapplied.

Then was the reappearance of the old tricks several times in a row, the terrible nine dragon heads were completely destroyed.

In the process, Nagato, who was connected to the dragon's heart and mind, had nine times of heartache and his face was completely pale. However, under such circumstances, a red smile appeared on the red-haired boy's face.

Because the nine terrible dragon heads have been used by Nagato as a chess piece to delay time

And now, the design of Nagato has been completed!

Immediately, the sky was completely dimmed.

Countless stars emerged on this nearly collapsed sky, and the diffuse flame of the Nagato radiated a dazzling light, which directly transformed into the core of many stars, and there was an amazing resonance with it.

The vast starlight diffused across the sky, instantly smoothing the cracks of the sky and forming a vast field.

The majestic power fell from the sky, and the entire starry sky, or the mobilized power of the heavens and earth, was concentrated on the king of the end. The pressure on his body suddenly became heavier, and the extreme gravity even distorted the space around the black-haired teenager.

Not only gravity, but the howling gust of wind also turned into a real blade, a knife-slashing blow above the arrogance of the king of the end, and even a series of crisp metal collision sounds.

The current situation is just like the situation of fighting within the magic star, except that the position of the long gate and the end king has made a swap.

The King of Termination is under pressure from the whole world, and only frowns slightly, showing nothing strange.

Even the coercion of the dark-haired teenager is still rising, and it is hard to face the fantasy world!


Faced with such a situation, Nagato could not help but snorted, driving the core of Heavenly Dao in his body. Almost instantly, the figure of the red-haired boy disappeared in place, replaced by a heavenly tree.

The birth of Shenmu made this world that had suffered a catastrophe just after its birth shocked.

As if receiving some kind of wonderful blessing, the laws and origins that filled the heavens and earth were qualitatively improved in an instant. The pressure of the King of Termination suddenly turned hundreds of times, and the dark-haired teenager could n’t help but even issue a slight Snorting.

All the souls in heaven and earth seem to have the backbone of the main body. There are almost no exceptions. The surviving souls all worship the gods.

The vast beliefs gathered in Shenmu, and then integrated into this world, let the power of the world continue to rise!

"Damn! Careless!"

Faced with this situation, the face of the King of Termination suddenly changed.

In the battle within the magic star, the dark-haired teenager knew that he was taking the road of reincarnation, which made him subconsciously think that the other party is the kind of existence that does not add foreign objects. He is missing.

Immediately, the black-haired boy no longer hesitated and completely released the huge power in his body that far exceeded the imagination of all beings.


Suddenly rising flames twisted the power of the heavens and earth bound around the King of Termination.

It seems to realize that the situation of the King of the End is not good, and the core of the killing-the three planes of consciousness constantly transmits his power into the body of the King of the End, so that the last idea of ​​the long-term past life of the long-term power continues to rise.

While the power is rising, the dark-haired teenager has constantly retrieved the horror mystery of the realm of the past ancestors!

Under such circumstances, the damage done by the King of Termination to the world is increasing.


Seeing such a situation, the Nagato who incarnate the **** tree also had to sigh. It is worthy of his previous life. If it is not stopped, about three minutes later, the King of Termination may be able to use his own existence to put this piece The world is crowded.

Such a state and level, at least the current Nagato is beyond reach.

"Fortunately, I never intended to deal with you alone!"

Such thoughts flashed in his head, and the long door pressed down his heart, and then the **** tree transformed by the red-haired boy burned completely, not only the **** tree, but even the stars in the sky burned at this moment.

For a moment, the pressure on the King of Termination showed a geometric multiple increase.

The face of the black-haired boy changed in vain, but he did not respond


There was a terrible super shock in the huge starry sky.

The King of the End, located in the center of the Great Shock, was directly excluded from this big world in this shock. When the black-haired boy recovered, he was already in the endless void outside the plane.

At this moment, the endless void showed three explosions, and three huge black holes appeared in the sky! ..

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