My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 120: Destiny is my first!

Time is extremely slow at this moment.

The chaotic battlefield suddenly showed a tendency to be silent, except for the turbulence in the space that was slowly self-healing and the gradually calming shock waves, there was no other voice.

Looking down at the arm piercing through his heart, the face of the long door suddenly lost its blood.

The red-haired boy's sense of existence that was so powerful that he couldn't look directly weakened, like a candle in the wind, showing signs of going out.

"It seems that my luck is good."

At this time, the King of Termination, who appeared behind the Nagato, spoke slowly, and in his speech, the face of the black-haired boy couldn't help but reveal a trace of undetectable luck.

You must know that the lore that was released by Nagato was not a general move, even if he was unwilling to resist it directly.

If it were not before the lore, the blessing of the three consciousnesses of the plane weakened to a certain extent, so that his reason returned, the final result is still unknown.

"But anyway, the last winner is me!"

The moment the voice of the King of Termination just fell, the Nagato's body burst into immense sword light.

Faced with such an attack, the black-haired boy pulled his arm directly from the person in front of him, and calmly backed away. The golden blood was scattered to the void with the action of the king of the end.

Nagato couldn't help but groaned, and knelt halfway down in the void, lowering his head slightly.

"Brother !!!"


At this moment, the killing pill in the distance and the Saye in the long door simultaneously uttered, and the big silver-haired monster instantly crossed the time and space and launched an attack on the black-haired teenager.


Faced with the close-up of Shishengwan, the black-haired teenager waved directly, directly revealing a transparent enchantment, blocking the attack of Shishengwan and flicking it away.

I already received the killing pill that had been hit hard, and the remaining combat power could not threaten the king of the end.

At the same time, Saya also separated from the long door and directly supported the long door.

"Are you all right, Brother Nagato!"


With the help of Saya, the long door rose slightly and responded softly, but throughout the process, the red bangs always covered the boy's eyes, making it impossible to see his thoughts clearly.

On the other side, the King of Termination was inexplicably happy about the appearance of Saya.

Just thinking that she even merged with Nagato, the dark-haired teenager felt unhappy, especially when she saw her holding the Nagato, with a caring look.

"It's even more unpleasant!"

Involuntarily, the young man voiced his thoughts.

To be honest, this mood is really strange for the black-haired teenager. The King of the End has always been unclear how this mood came from.

According to the breath of Saya, the King of the End has a little thought, but it is completely uncertain.


Without thinking hard, the dark-haired boy couldn't help but sneered, "Forget it, anyway, the result of this battle is already obvious, I will get a new life!"

"As long as you are fresh, you will know what you should know."

Between words, the teenager raised his **** right hand. In his right hand, the scarlet heart was slowly and firmly beating.

Then I saw the teenager opened his mouth and swallowed that heart!

The whole process is abnormally abrupt

Neither Shaye nor Shishengwan was too late to react.


The heart of Nagato is almost like an elixir, and it's gone. The heart swallowed into the body is transformed into an endless source, making the dark-haired teenager feel a real heartfelt truth.

In the dark-haired teenager, the momentum that had originally declined due to the weakening of the support of San Dao suddenly rose hundreds of times. In his perception, his foundation is solid at an alarming rate.

"Ha, haha, hahaha !!!"

Feeling the reality of the body gradually, the King of Termination could not help but laughed almost crazy, "It is this feeling, I finally feel it again, the real feeling !!"

"I want more truth, not enough, I want more !!"

It was only after a moment of laughter that the origin of the King of Termination was transformed. Unwilling emotions filled his soul instantly. Immediately, the eyes of the black-haired boy turned to the long door being supported by Saya.

The madness that made people feel trembling appeared in the eyes of the dark-haired boy.

Immediately, a look of alertness appeared on Saya's face, and Shi Sheng Wan also appeared in front of the Nagato.

But in the face of the guards of the two, the face of the King of End did not care.

Because in his eyes, neither of them is an obstacle.

"Cough !!"

At this moment, a soft cough sounded in the void, which was the voice of a red-haired boy supported by Saya, and golden blood spilled from the boy in the cough.

Upon hearing the coughing sound of Nagato, the King of Termination's intuition appeared a strange uneasiness.

Then he saw Nagato's slightly raised face, and a smile appeared.

Yes, smile!

Obviously it was already at stake, but Nagato actually showed a smile. From the smile, the King of Termination even read out the meaning of 'victory'.

"not good!"

Although I do n’t know where the problem occurred, the King of Instinct felt the problem instinctively. Without further ado, the black-haired boy turned into a streamer and quickly approached the Nagato.

No matter what the problem is, as long as Nagato really dies, then the problem will cease to exist.

At the crucial moment, the king of the end never lacks a courage of a blog!


"Cough, it's too late!"

A seemingly weak voice was spoken from the mouth of the long gate, but it was directly conveyed into the heart of the king of the end, "I got the heart of your previous life, but also gave you a heart."

"The moment I paid off the cause and effect, I already had a chance to win."


Listening to the words that emerged from his heart, the dark-haired teenager's face slightly changed, but in a more determined manner, he rushed directly in the direction of the long door.

Its speed already has a tendency to exceed the speed of light, and it's coming soon!

However, when the black-haired teenager was less than a few meters away from the long gate, it was originally weakened, but it still supported the humanitarian power of the King of the Sudden Sudden Attack.


A sudden explosion erupted both inside and outside the body of the black-haired teenager.

The black-haired teenager who had never thought of this situation could not help but fly backwards in such an explosion, and even because part of the human power was attacked from inside, the teenager was actually hurt.

"How come, cough!"

Stopping the trend of flying backwards, the King of Termination couldn't help but cough up some blood, and just condensed into a real body again appeared a little illusory feeling.

"Oh, I'm lucky to borrow your words."

Seeing the situation of the King of the End, Nagato took a few deep breaths, left Shaye's support, and flew out of the guardianship of Shaye and Shisheng Pill while covering his heart, standing in front of the King of the End.

The mighty humanitarian power condenses into an endless starlight in the void, surrounding the red-haired boy.

Bathed in the starlight, Nagato's pale face gradually turned red.

"Fate is on me, you are defeated, the king of the end!" ..

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