My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 121: Stubborn return to the second more!

"Come on, what a joke!"

Hearing the words, the face of the King of Termination changed abruptly, and immediately refuted the voice loudly, "Isn't it just taking away the humane consciousness, what's so proud of?"

"Tian Di Er Dao is still here with me, the outcome is yet to be determined !!"

It's just that, but the dark-haired teenager instinctively realized the bad.

The instinct of being a strong man is madly alerting him, especially when he sees the long gate constantly recovering in the starlight transformed by the humane power, and the black-haired teenager's eyelids are constantly beating.

After the ups and downs of the previous war, the King of the End can understand the difficulty of his reincarnation.

It was finally difficult to cause fatal damage to the opponent, and in the blink of an eye the opponent was restored to Thai half-in such a situation, it really made the King of the End unacceptable.

But compared to being unable to accept such a thing, the dark-haired boy knew better that he couldn't let the other person continue to recover.

and so


Suppressed the chaotic thoughts in the heart, forcibly integrated the chaos caused by the human anti-Gogo in his body, the king of the end no longer hesitated, launched an attack towards the long gate.

The power of the two worlds of heaven and earth is transformed into a two-handed knife, embedded in the hands of the King of the End.

Waving his hands into two cross-dark knives slashed out.

"Boom !!!"

Facing the attack from the King of the End, the radiance of stars swaying around the long gate swayed, the vast starlight expanded, and turned into a vast sea of ​​stars.

The incoming crossed swords slashed into the Xinghai, and then were submerged by the endless starlight and disappeared without a trace.


Seeing this scene, the King of Ends was a little dazed.

The dark-haired teenager really can't understand, obviously belongs to the three planes, why the weakest humane can show more powerful strength than the two worlds.

But soon, the King of the End knew the reason.



In the sky above the sea, endless waves of stars converged and merged into a young man full of endless wisdom, like a humane incarnation and silver hair flying.

In terms of appearance, this is an existence that the King of End doesn't recognize at all.

It was just that there was a breath that made him feel unbelievable, or that the King of Termination had no idea that the other party would appear opposite him.

"Uh, what about the first meeting?"

Zhou Yi, who finally woke up from a deep sleep, looked at the dark-haired boy in front of him, and hesitated for a while before speaking in an extremely subtle tone:

"Still say, long time no see, once deity"

"Once a deity?"

Hearing Zhou Yi's words, the face of the King of Termination suddenly turned black, "I didn't expect that you would betray me like the girl, my corpse!"

Yes, corpse!

The essence of Zhou Yi is actually one of the three corpses that were cut off by the mysterious method of immortal Tao before the King of the End died.

In order to cope with the final chaos, the King of the End merged the strength of the three corpses to achieve the realm of Taoist ancestor, and in this process, he left the seeds of the three corpses for a while.

"It's just that I didn't expect my original behavior to leave such a scourge."

"This is just your opinion!"

Facing the saying of the King of the End, Zhou Yi's face is still very indifferent, "From my standpoint, you are just a grudge wandering in the past, the real deity is only a long door."

"The deity's move at the beginning did not leave a scourge, but left a hole for its own future!"


Hearing this, the face of the King of Termination couldn't help but look angry. The black-haired boy really didn't expect that his existence was denied by the obstinate corpse that he once cut off.

"Unforgivable, you die for me !!!"

In the anger, the king of the end no longer speaks, and directly shoots.

The power of the two worlds of heaven and earth was directly absorbed by the black-haired boy, and merged with his own power, transformed into endless qi, and gathered into an endless magic sword.

The endless magic swords converge into a formation, directly surrounding the entire sea of ​​stars.

Endless sword-inspired resonance spreads between the magic swords, and the entire sword formation is completely activated.

The power of terror burst out and began to refine the entire sea of ​​stars.

Faced with the attack of the King of the End, Zhou Yi's face has not changed at all, and he has done nothing to resist. He just turned and walked into the Xinghai and disappeared in front of the King of the End.

"Damn it is not allowed to go !!"

Seeing that Zhou Yi disappeared, the face of the King of End changed in vain.

The dark-haired boy knew exactly what Zhou Yi would be like, but the sea of ​​stars is too big. Even if he does not resist, it will not be instantly refined by the sword array.

Under such circumstances, the face of the King of Termination is already too dark

"You are here!"

Entering Xinghai, Zhou Yi immediately appeared in the center of Xinghai, and at this time, Nagato had been waiting here for a long time, and said indifferently to Zhou Yi.

"Well, I'm here"

Answering at random, Zhou Yi walked to the front door.

The red-haired young man and the silver-haired young man looked at each other in this way, and they were speechless for a while.

In the end, Nagato broke the silence: "You, what is your wish?"

After Zhou Yi woke up, the red-haired boy already knew the reason for everything. To be honest, after knowing that his sibling brother was the corpse of his previous life, Nagato was really surprised.

But this also solves the doubt of Nagato-why Liudao is so incredible.

Now it seems that the identities of Shisheng Maru and Huangen Emperor are almost ready. As for Saya, Broly and Misaka Mitsuki, it should be related to the mother of the Avenue.

"It seems to be gone!"

After a little silence, Zhou Yicai seemed to remember something, and said, "In short, take care of those who follow me."

"Relax, you are me, I never treat myself badly."

"Also, I am you!"

A flash of free and easy flashed across his face, Zhou Yi walked towards the long door, and with Zhou Yi's progress, the surrounding space was distorted, and endless stars gathered.

In the process, Nagato stood quietly, watching Zhou Yi approaching himself constantly.



When Zhou Yi was less than one finger away from Nagato, an amazing resonance burst out between Nagato and Zhouyi. With the convergence of endless stars, Zhou Yi merged into Nagato's body.

At this moment, the red-haired boy clearly felt that he could not be transformed into an image.

Zhou Yi's power, Zhou Yi's wisdom, Zhou Yi's experience, and even Zhou Yi's feelings, everything, all became the growth nutrients of Nagato.

The existence named Nagato is leaping towards a higher level with an unimaginable trajectory.

The chaotic power system has been reorganized at this moment. Whether it is Dao power, Dragon power, Protoss magic power or Chaos divine power, it has completely merged into a brand-new power.

This power is intangible and intangible, and it is indescribable. There is a faint wave of transcendental chaos.

At this moment, the lost heart was reshaped and turned into the core of new power.




With the beating of the new heart, the endless power began to circulate, and the body of Nagato seemed to be nourished by the drizzle of the long dry land, exuding a little vitality. ..

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