My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 122: cut! King of the end! Third more!

The sound is loud, the elephant is invisible!

Although the process and results were not turbulent, Nagato knew that he was completely different

Perhaps the increase in absolute power is not too huge, but Nagato knows that letting the past self work hard, it is absolutely impossible for the current self.

The humane brilliance Zhou Yi comprehended directly promoted the fusion of the strength of the red-haired boy!

The fusion of the new power, while flowing in the body of the red-haired boy, at the same time pushed the boy's vision to the supremacy of the Taoist ancestor.

What is Taoist ancestor, that is the supreme existence at the true apex of this endless chaos!

At that level, chaos will no longer be endless.

Just as Dao Sheng used the whole world as a chess game

Chaos is the game of Dao Zu!

Of course, the long gate at this time is not the Taoist ancestor, unless the red-haired boy pours everything into himself. This vaguely vaguely reveals the power beyond the potential of chaos.

But obviously, that is impossible, and Nagato pursues the perfect realm of Taoism.

The so-called perfect Taoist ancestor means that the four indexes of mind, god, qi, and body all reach the level of Taoist ancestor. As for the level of Taoist ancestor, it is very simple, that is, it has the potential to transcend chaos.

Transcending Chaos is simple to say, but it is very difficult to do, after all, everything comes from chaos!

And now, with the help of Zhou Yi, Nagato has reached this level in the air.

"It's like dreaming!"

Raising his right hand, looking at the strange air bursting out of the palm of his hand, the expression of the long door was a little trance.

Indistinctly, the red-haired boy has an intuition that he can reach this level so quickly, in addition to Zhou Yi's help, or even the secret help of the mother of the Avenue, there should be other reasons.

Only after thinking of nothing, the red-haired boy shook his head and temporarily suppressed the idea.

"In other words, this power should have a brand new name."

When thinking about this problem in his mind, Nagato couldn't help but think of Zhou Yi, who had been fully integrated with himself, and could not help but sigh slightly:

"Since it came out of Zhou Yi, Zhou Yi is the holy man, so let's call it" holy "."

"Together with the infinite system of Daoli, let's call it" Infinite Holy Power "!"

As the words of Nagato just fell, the wonderful power, or holy power, of the red-haired young man's palm and his body became fully active, absorbing all the information around him and constantly increasing.

Almost every minute and second, some subtle sublimation and changes are taking place at Nagato.

The whole process seems to be endless, with no signs of stopping.


At this moment, there was a violent collision in the starlight space of the young man. A dark magic sword appeared out of thin air, and the endless starlight was wiped out.

Under the attack of the King of End, the entire Xinghai that shrouded the long gate was completely destroyed.

The figure of the king of the end appeared again in front of Nagato.

It's just that the dark-haired teenager's face is unusually ugly.


After looking around several times and making sure that Zhou Yi was no longer there, the King of Termination looked at Nagato and wanted to swallow the red-haired boy alive.

The King of the End knows that he is still a little late after all, and the corpse is merged by his reincarnation.

"Damn it, you die for me !!"

The nameless anger was completely ignited in an instant, and the consciousness of the King of the End manipulated the sword array, and the nameless qi and murderousness filled the surrounding void.

At the next moment, the endless magic sword rose into the sky and bombarded towards the location of the long gate.


Faced with the attack of the King of the End, Nagato has not escaped from the wonderful state of the Holy Force's operation, and the thinking that blended Zhou Yi's wisdom has been running at an amazing speed.

Almost instantly, Nagato discovered a large number of weaknesses in this sword array.

"Holy power is dominated by the way of the Protoss, so does it contain the power to escape one?" Such thoughts flashed through his head. The long door raised his right hand unhurriedly. Under the influence of Holy Power, the wonderful fluctuations instantly spread to the entire void.




Three amazing sounds of breaking the sky echoed from outside the sword array, and then saw the red, blue, and gold sword lights appear in the sky, breaking the block of the endless magic sword, and appeared around the long gate.

"Since it is a sword array, then use the sword array to crack it."

Along with this thought, the red-haired boy gently snapped his fingers.

"Keng !!!"

The three supreme swords of the sword resonated extremely well, without the need for a magic circle. The Sword of the Dao, the Sword of the Sword and the Sword of the Dragon had evolved into a supreme killing array.

"Boom! Boom! Boom !!!"

The two sword arrays were running simultaneously in the void, and there was a continuous roar. The endless edge was everywhere, destroying the entire void.

And in the process, Nagato's killing team gradually broke the shackles of the magic sword


After seeing this scene, the face of the King of End changed wildly.

The dark-haired teenager really realized that his reincarnation had really transformed, unless he was restored to the state of the most glorious period of his previous life, otherwise, I am afraid that he would really lose.

And once defeated, wouldn't his own existence disappear completely? ! !

Thinking of this, the King of the End is completely crazy.

"No, I never want to disappear !!"

Calling loudly in the mouth, the King of Termination cut off the support of the tunnel, fully grasped the connection between Tiandao and himself, and reversed and eroded the Tao of Heaven.

Subsequently, the dark-haired boy exhibited a very famous mystery on Fairy Road: Hedao!

The so-called apocalypse is a milestone mystery on Xiandao, the most famous of which is probably the ancestor of Xiandao. The existence of Hong Jun uses this mystery to fit the heaven.

Using this mystery allows the caster to seize one of the three ways of heaven and earth, to be with heaven and earth, and grow together!

To some extent, this is a secret method that makes people step up to the sky.

However, there is a flaw in this mystery, that is, it is difficult to break away. The person who joins the world will be honored and disgraceful with the world, and it is difficult to separate. It seems that Hong Jun spent more than the power of nine cattle and two tigers to separate from the heaven and earth.

And this was only successful when Hongjun had the entire fairy civilization as his backing.

If you can choose, the King of the End will never choose to join together.

But now he has no choice


In an instant, the power of heaven seemed to converge on the body of the black-haired boy, and then the boy blessed it on his sword array in an attempt to suppress the long-door counterattack.


"Useless, for me now, any struggle is futile."

Seeing the approach of the King of the End in his eyes, Nagato sighed softly and directly detonated his killing formation. The three supreme swords shattered directly, and the unimaginable explosion exploded completely at this moment.

The sword array made by the King of the End was instantly affected, then destroyed, and turned into endless fragments of magic sword.

"Get together!"

At this moment, the long door raised his right hand.

In an instant, the entire explosion subsided, and all the debris gathered in the hands of the long door, gathered, merged, and transformed into a white jade-like crystal sword.

Above the hilt, Kowloon circled, and in the center of the Kowloon was a bright jade with the word "cut" inscribed on the jade!

"This sword is a collection of three magic swords brought together by endless magic swords. It is called chopping, please taste it!"

In this way, Nagato disappeared instantly, and then appeared in front of the King of the End, completely ignoring the inaccessible power of the sky and cutting it out.

The whole process seemed to flow through the clouds, and even the King of End failed to react.

Then, the head of the black-haired boy separated from his body ..

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