My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 124: Everything begins to ask for a subscription!

Faced with the rhetoric of the witch, all three of Nagato kept silent.

The long river of history is slowly moving forward in a thick trend, and the endless picture is displayed in the splashing water, which is the information from the past, the present, and the future.

However, everyone on the scene was indifferent to this, and they only saw each other.

In the end, the long door broke the silence

"What is your relationship with me?"

The seemingly random question was asked, but the heart of the red-haired boy was raised subconsciously, facing the witch in front of him, the mood of Nagato was very complicated.

As a hegemon who has reached the ultimate path, Nagato ’s will is absolute-in this way, he cannot tolerate other people ’s discretion.

From this point of view, the positions of Nagato and Witch are obviously relative.

But it is undeniable that Nagato once felt the existence of "mother's love" from the other party. Even in the subconscious, the teenager regarded him as his true mother.

So, in the face of his mother, can Nagato make a shot?

I am not sure if I want to come to Nagato.

So I have this question!

Nagato needs to really determine the other party ’s position and make its own judgment based on this position.

"You really grew up!"

After hearing Nagato's inquiry, the witch was silent for a while, saying so, but I didn't know if it was an illusion, and Nagato felt vaguely inexplicably complicated from the other party.

"However, your idea is right, I am indeed your" mother "!"

A moment later, the witch made such an answer in a bland voice, which seemed to see through the soul's answer, causing the red-haired boy to frown.

Only then did Nagato realize that his heart could not be closed to the woman in front of him.

Immediately, a little murderous opportunity emerged between the red-haired boy's eyebrows

"Ah, don't be so excited!"

Seeing the changes in Nagato, the indifferent breath of the witch dissipated suddenly and said nervously, "Really, how do you develop such a sharp personality!"

"However, this kind of personality is better than your past life to be a good person."

Along with the words, the tension in the witch turned into depression, and there was a sense of relief in the vagueness, as if there was something wrapped down.

"You don't want to live anymore?"

At this time, Saya suddenly intervened in the dialogue between the long gate and the witch, and the abrupt question directly surprised the witch.

Then a smile appeared on the hazy face of the witch, and the free and easy breath became stronger.

"Yes, I really don't want to live anymore."


Hearing this answer, Shaye frowned and asked.

"Why are there so many why!"

Randomly speaking, the witch subconsciously hugged the sphere of light in her arms before speaking, "Of course, if you insist on saying that, I have no reason to survive."

It's just that this answer obviously doesn't satisfy Saya, and the girl stared at the witch so straight.

"Well, answer this!"

Seeing Saya's posture and realizing that he had to give an accurate answer, the witch thought about it and said, "Sister Saya, if Nagato thoroughly died, what would you do?"

"I will die with Brother Nagato!"

Saya's tone is very indifferent, as if answering daily questions such as 'Do you want to eat', but the more so, the more the Saya's determination will show.

"It turns out so!"

At this time, the long door opened leisurely, and saw that the red-haired boy had shifted his head slightly, and his deep purple eyes seemed to penetrate the endless time and space.

At the end of the field of vision, the red-haired boy saw a wonderfully quaint portal.

It was this quaint portal that suppressed the chaotic area where the long gate was located, isolating him from the so-called primitive world and the old guys who survived the last chaotic era.

And through the vision of the Taoist level, Nagato sees that the witch in front of him is the portal spirit.

"you saw it?"

Seeing the performance of Nagato, the witch asked softly.

"Yes, got it!"

The same answer was softly, but the face of Nagato looked a little complicated, "Just unexpectedly, you will be my lost samsara's natal weapon."

"Can see this, it seems that you have really grown up in Nagato."

Hearing the words of Nagato, the witch couldn't help but feel relieved, and then she hesitated before saying, "Since that's the case, then there are so many things I won't hide from you."

Subsequently, the witch told her story quietly on the long river of history.

This is a life-seeking career that grew up together with a fairy boy and a girl with a magical spirit. It is also a magnificent chaotic epic, and it is a big picture designed from beginning to end!

The door that suppressed the chaotic area is the door on the other side, the longevity of the long door.

According to the story of the girl, this is the longevity of Nagato ’s previous life, which was inherited by an ancient instrumental fairy road after being traversed, refined from the rare treasures in the heritage-and the witch was born at that time.

Then one person and one spirit lived together, survived and grew up in the plane after crossing.

In this process, after many coincidences and various struggles, the previous life of Nagato created a star civilization comparable to the eight ancient civilizations of Chaos, and even based on this civilization, it reached the threshold of the Taoist ancestor.

"Just who can think of it is all a scam!"

Shaking his head, the witch said in a soft tone, but the hatred hidden in the soft voice made the three of Nagato couldn't help but feel cold.

"From the beginning of the inheritance of Immortal Dao, to the series of events encountered by the master later, the heads of the eight civilizations were united and carefully designed. The purpose is to allow the master to take a shot at the moment of the most crisis, even at the expense of life. The king of humanity. "


Hearing this, Nagato's face could not help but show a chill, the witch's words had not been finished, but Nagato had already understood all the causes and consequences.

In short, the past life of Nagato was those who were chosen by the heads of civilization!


Nagato sneered involuntarily. Although he didn't want to admit his past life, Nagato could not tolerate others treating his past life in this way.

Immediately, the red-haired boy gave the death penalty for the so-called eight civilizations in his heart!

Seemingly knowing the thoughts in Nagato ’s heart, the witch smiled slightly, and then continued to say: “It ’s just beyond the expectations of those civilization leaders that when the master stopped the chaos at the cost of the fall, he got a new chaotic instinct. Rewards, and these rewards fall on me. "

"Under such circumstances, I was able to promote Taoist ancestors and captured chaos from them."

"Afterwards, I collected almost all the residues left behind by the owner's fall, which cost a huge price, reversed the chaotic time and space, and reshaped the owner's soul."

"It's just that the master has been shaped but there is no memory after the crossing, as if everything has returned to the state before the crossing, and even the essence of the soul has been slightly different."

"I didn't admit that he was the master, but just regarded him as a continuation of the master and invested in the world of Naruto."

"And this is the beginning of everything you have experienced at Nagato!" ..

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